13 Nov Colwood UB Looking for Fulltime Youth Pastor
Colwood UB church in Caro, Mich., is looking for a fulltime youth pastor, with a preferred starting date of January 1, 2008. Colwood Student Ministry (Fusion Student Ministry), a ministry of Colwood UB church, is a multi-faceted ministry that seeks a balance of worship, training, outreach, leader development, and community involvement. Currently the Sunday student average is 50-60 students. A Friday night outreach has been developed over the past three years.
The purpose of Fusion is to give students a safe place to go, where they know they can trust the adults and have fun with their friends. Anywhere from 150-300 students attend this event that is held three out of four weeks every month during the school year. Colwood is looking for the person God would have to help them lead the student ministries forward.
If interested, contact:
Phil Whipple, Senior Pastor
1106 Collingwood Drive
Caro, Mich. 48723
Phone: 989.673.3636
Email: [email protected]
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