21 Jul Arek and Donna Delik: Poland Update
Arek and Donna Delik are UB endorsed missionaries serving with Operation Mobilization in Kutno, Poland. Here are excerpts from a recent newsletter.
When you are in the mission field, sometimes you are forced into a position which you may feel inadequate and not comfortable with. This is how we feel this year. We are so thankful that the team has expanded from two of us to six adults altogether in the last eight months. And we realize that instead of being leaders with no members to lead, we now have four co-workers with us. We had been working alone for the last five years, and so used to do everything by ourselves and sometimes even wearing ourselves out. Then we had to learn to work differently when there are others in the team. We don’t feel very comfortable with this shift in responsibility and we know that our inadequacy may disqualify us as leaders.
Our team members recently made us aware of our own shortcomings. We thought that we had given our best as the team leaders, yet we realized that doing our best is different from doing it excellently. It isn’t always easy to take criticism but we are so thankful to our friends who rebuked us graciously.
In April, we organized several anti-drug concerts in Kutno. Gus Eyre, our dear brother from Britain, has been working with us for the last three years in these anti-drug concerts. Despite a serious health problem that stopped him from coming last year, he returned to us again this time–with a weaker body yet strong in spirit. As an evangelist and singer, he led the concerts with the theme, “Choose Life.” In addition to addressing the issues of drugs and teenage drug use, Gus delivered a clear Gospel message that only God could fill the emptiness that young people experience. After one concert, the school’s director thanked Gus and OM for sponsoring the concert and pleaded with the young people not to ruin their lives with drugs or alcohol but to seek the help of God or others.
Gus also participate in our weekend evangelistic outreach to the alcoholics. There were around 120 people turn up each day, some brothers and sisters shared how God had delivered them from the bondage of alcohol and the new lives they were having. We praise God for this opportunity to reach out to so many, and we rejoiced with those new brothers and sisters in Christ.
Praise and Prayer
- We are very thankful for our team this year, and everyone has given of their best to serve. However, by the end of August, the size of our team will be reduced back to just the two of us. We can’t imagine how we will be able cope now with the increased workload as well as ministry opportunities. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send workers to join OM Poland.
- This is our fifth year running the English language school, which has opened many doors for us to share and witness to God’s grace. This ministry has been blessed by our Lord very much. With the increase in the number of students, we need more teachers. Please pray that God will send us people who love teaching and sharing their faith with students.
- OM Poland is looking at the possibility of registration officially in Poland as a mission organization under the umbrella of Polish Mission Alliance. We have already contacted the Alliance and the initial response is very encouraging. This registration is very important for OM to function normally in Poland. Pray that God will grant us favour in this whole application process.
- At the beginning of August we will take 40 Polish teens from different denominations to Germany for TeenStreet, a congress for 4000 teenagers in Europe. Pray for joy and strength for the team.
Linda Carter
Posted at 17:23h, 16 MarchArek and Donna,
We would like you to visit our church in Ohio, when you are on furlough this summer in 2007?
Thank you,
Linda Carter