25 Oct 2005-2007 Discipline Ready
The United Brethren Discipline for 2005-2007 has now been posted online. You can view the individual chapters, or download a PDF of the whole document.
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The United Brethren Discipline for 2005-2007 has now been posted online. You can view the individual chapters, or download a PDF of the whole document.
Pastor Tim Hallman of Anchor Community Church (front, right) prays for Tabatha Lamb as she prepares to head for Vietnam.
On June 26, Anchor Community Church commissioned Tabatha Lamb as a missionary to serve in Vietnam with the English Language Institute/China. She arrived there in August, and is now involved in teaching English as a second language. Tabatha is a 2005 graduate of Taylor University-Fort Wayne.
Anchor has a strong relationship with Taylor University’s Fort Wayne campus. A number of students attend Anchor, and some have served in the tutoring, mentoring, and concert ministries, as well as in VBS and other church ministries.
Amanda Heinsch, a current student, received support from Anchor to spend two months this summer in Turkey with the Caleb Project. On September 25, she gave a presentation about her work in Turkey.
Another former Taylor student who attended Anchor has been serving since around 1999 in Azerbaijian. She is involved in Christian literature work. She has received annual support from Anchor’s missions fund.
On September 18, Anchor started a second Sunday morning worship service. The two services now meet at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with Sunday school during the second hour.
During this year’s Homecoming activities, Huntington University gave out its annual outstanding alumnus awards.
Doris MacDonald, a UB endorsed missionary, has recorded a second album with her musical partner, Sharon Dennis. You can obtain a copy through their website, The Braeded Chord.
A reviewer wrote:
This talented duo defies classification. Sprinkle some acoustic flavor, add a dash of southern gospel, mix well with folk and you get the multi-layer confection of The Braeded Chord. Sharon Dennis and Doris Au MacDonald have created a delicacy for the listener that is extremely well crafted, emotes strong emotions and is a pure pleasure to contently sit back and musically digest. It is amazing to comprehend that so much talent exudes from these two ladies. Dennis plays guitar, banjo and mandolin. On keys and orchestration duties is MacDonald. The two moms share songwriting and singing responsibilities. Tight harmonization comes naturally to this group, with MacDonald’s alto frequently dovetailing Dennis’ vocals in perfect synchronization. Each song is beautifully woven together exquisitely combining a simple melody with complex lyrics. Dare to Dream starts off with the fun, honky-tonk, feel-good tune, “The Ride,” that details the trials and tribulations of riding a roller coaster and the similes that can be pulled from the experience and applied to life’s daily grind, cleverly using Old Testament Bible references for extra emphasis. The hauntingly lovely ballad “I Will Wait” received an honor award at the 2005 Great American Songwriting Contest, and it is not difficult to hear why. Another gorgeous ballad, “Holy Passion,” has a Celtic-esque intro with pipes and drums that segue into the most CCM radio friendly tune. Yet another standout is “Rain Upon the Suff’ring” that could pass, along with the latter, as a contemporary hymn. “O Tiny Child” is reminiscent of the seasonal favorite “Mary, Did You Know?” The album ends on the upbeat note it began on, with the uplifting sing-along “Fly Away Home.” Highly recommended with high hopes that The Braeded Chord continues to concoct more delightful music for many years to come.”