Update from the Reecks in Honduras

Roger Reeck, a UB endorsed missionary serving in Honduras with Wycliffe, gives an update on their ministry.

“We have been very busy traveling around to villahes setting up our ‘Garifuna Bible Reading in the Schools’ program. We have visited communities and churches seeking volunteers who will go in to each classroom, grades 4-9. We are thrilled with the response of the Garifuna Christian community.

“We have now produced 6000 study booklets for the children. These, along with boxes of Bibles, have now been distributed to 25 Garifuna towns. Some have started the program, but others will begin after Easter. Continue to pray that the doors will remain open and that the volunteers will remain enthusiastic. Most of all, our prayer is that God’s Word will touch the hearts of the Garifuna children.”

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