Mt. Hermon United Brethren Church is a rural congregation located on the Ohio River, approximately 20 miles southeast of Athens, Ohio. We are looking for a pastor who will help us strengthen relationships, be a positive influence in our community, and enable us to G.R.O.W. (Gospel Centered Daily Living; Reaching Out to Others; Obediently Following Christ; Worship God Together).

Our next pastor will possess a shepherd’s heart and be an effective communicator. The ability to work well with a team, build a sense of fellowship in the congregation, and help people develop their spiritual lives are essential. Skill and experience in ministering with youth will be a benefit. It is also expected that this individual will maintain professional ministerial credentials with the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

Mt. Hermon is a congregation of approximately 100 people. We are financially stable and have modern facilities which will enable growth.

If this sounds like something for which God has been preparing you, please send a copy of your resume, a cover letter, and a current photo to [email protected].

Salem Church, located in Chambersburg, PA, is currently looking for a part-time Student Ministries Director to lead the rebuilding of our ministry to middle and high school students and work with the lead pastor to coordinate our children’s ministry. Though not definitive, the ideal candidate will likely be someone currently pursuing a degree or training in vocational Student Ministry who will benefit from a part-time opportunity which coincides with their calling to church leadership and enhances their current educational pursuits. It is our prayer is to find someone who would desire to see this mature into a full-time position following their matriculation.

Personal Responsibilities:

  • Be diligent and disciplined to maintain a life of devotion to the study of God’s Word, fellowship, worship, outreach and prayer.
  • Maintain relationships both inside and outside of Salem which display integrity, grace and proper, Biblical conflict management.
  • Be as intentional as possible to avoid situations which could appear to be lacking in sexual or relational fidelity.
  • Be fully in agreement with our congregational/denominational beliefs as expressed on our website,

Ministry Responsibilities:

  • Be responsible for leading a discipling ministry among Salem’s High School and Junior High students which focuses on helping students to mature into faithful followers of Jesus, striving to grow in character and devotion to God as image-bearers of Christ.
  • Work with lead pastor to help create a holistic, Biblically-based discipling curriculum designed to help guide children and students through a lifelong commitment to God.
  • Work with current volunteer staff and develop new volunteers to participate in children’s and student ministries.

For more information about this role, contact Chris Moore, lead pastor at Salem Church.

Morocco Church is a country congregation located in southeastern Michigan, approximately 10 miles west of Lake Erie and 20 miles north of Toledo, Ohio. We are looking for a pastor who will work with the church and board to help us grow into our next season of ministry.

Our next pastor will possess a shepherd’s heart and be an effective communicator. The ability to work well with a team, build a sense of fellowship in the congregation, and help bring new members into the church are essential. Skill and experience in connecting with young people will be a benefit. It is also expected that this individual will maintain professional ministerial credentials with the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

Morocco Church is a small church. We are financially stable and have a location and facilities which will enable growth.

If this sounds like something for which God has been preparing you, please send a copy of your resume, a cover letter, and a current photo to [email protected].

Prince Street UB church in Shippensburg, Pa., is looking to hire a part-time (24 hours) Ministry Assistant. This person will provide administrative support for the ministry staff and church leadership of Prince Street Church.

Click here for the full job description.

If interested in applying, please send a resume and cover letter via email to Jim Staver, [email protected] or mail/drop off to the church office (17 N. Penn St. Shippensburg, PA, 17257).

Application deadline is May 15, 2023.

The Well, a United Brethren church in Huntington, Ind., is seeking a person to serve as Children’s and Ministry Coordinator. This position consists of roughly 25-30 hours weekly of Children’s Ministry and 10-15 hours weekly as Ministry Coordinator.

You can download the full job description here.

If interested, feel free to contact Senior Pastor Josh Kesler directly:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 260-355-9608