On October 12, Sunfield UB (Sunfield, Mich.) will dedicates it new fellowship/Christian education building to the Lord. Former pastor Kevin Cherry will be speaking.

October 12 will also be the annual “Miracle Sunday.” Every year on the second Sunday of October, they take a special offering for the construction fund. Last year they raised close to $40,000. The building, which cost $500,000, has a remaining indebtedness of about $100,000.

Sunfield will participate in a spiritual journey called “40 Days of Purpose” between October 12 and November 23. It is based on Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life.”

Our director of the Macau ELP work sent these notes about the summer in Macau.

During the summer at the Taipa Center, we held six weeks of English classes for children and teens. We helped them with their English conversation skills and also shared Bible Stories with them. Then we had VBS for a week, with the theme “Surfin’ God’s Word.” We were happy to build our relationships with more of the families we’re working with on Taipa.

Linda Neely returned to the States in August after a year of service as a volunteer missionary in Macau. Lamar and Karen Crumbley arrived at the end of August to serve with us until Christmas.

Living Water Church held a water-gun fight and BBQ at the beach in July. It was a great time of fellowship with the church members and some of their friends. We even BBQ’d some eggplant! The after-dinner activities were cut short, though, when a typhoon started blowing in. Everyone made a dash for their cars as the rain and wind started.

Living Word Church held a calmer BBQ in August. Several teenagers who have been attending worship services came to the event. Everyone ate and talked and BBQ’d a variety of meats for several hours.

Park UB (Bluffton, Ind.) participated with 17 other churches in a Prayer Tent at the Bluffton Street Fair, held September 16-20. Each church was responsible for two time segments during the week. They wore t-shirts that said “Thirsty? Whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst again.” The back of the shirts read, ” Churches cooperating for a changed community.”

Each team greeted the people as they passed by, offered them a cup of water, and received any prayer requests that were given. They gave away 50-70 gallons of water each day. And each day, they emailed a list of prayer requests to the participating churches.

During August, 12 people from Park traveled to Vermont to work at a local church. While there, they built a handicapped ramp, replanted new landscaping, and led the children in VBS. The team members raised their own money throughout the summer in order to make this event possible.

  • Darren Duncan, formerly a pastor in Central Conference, holds the rank of Captain in the US Air Force. He began his active duty chaplaincy at McChord Air Force Base in Washington on May 30. He says he will be deploying to a classified location from November 4 to March 4.
  • Tanya Hardaway is the new Director of Children√ïs Ministries at Hillsdale UB (Hillsdale, Mich.), effective June 15. She is part-time and not licensed.
  • George Rhodifer has been named Interim Pastor of Hillsdale UB of St. Mary’s, Ohio, effective September 14. He was formerly the associate pastor at Park Layne UB in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Eric Ross is supply pastor of Eden UB (Reedsville, Ohio). Gary Reed, the lay leader at Eden, had been serving as supply pastor.
  • Angela Burnside is the new Director of Children’s Ministries at Gaines UB (Caledonia, Mich.), effective September 3. She replaces Kelly Dutcher, who resigned from that position as of August 15.
  • Doug Wendt, who had been music minister at Gaines UB (Caledonia, Mich.), resigned from that position in June.

Pleasant Hill (Greencastle, Pa.) UB’s student ministry is called WHAT–Weary Hearts Acquiring Truth (based on Matthew 11:28). This summer, they participated in the “Ultimate Van Tour.” The participants included 20 students, 6 adults, and 2 children.

They left after church on July 27, traveled to the UB church in Oak Harbor, Ohio, and stayed there Monday and Tuesday nights. The youth were challenged to show Christ in a practical way while at the Cedar Point amusement park. Youth came back with many stories of how they showed Christ to others–from holding doors for people, to asking strangers about Christ.

Oak Harbor’s youth pastor, Don Gentry, led the group with devotions Monday night after the Cedar Point experience. Then on Tuesday, they traveled to Adrian, Mich., where they spent time using the pool, gym, and bowling alley at the Christian Family Center.

Then it was on to Mason, Mich., where they spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Eden UB church. They had a bonfire on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, it was on to the UB church in Fowlerville, where the youth were involved in a prayer walk with Youth Pastor Bill Blue.

Say Ray Dutcher, youth pastor at Pleasant Hill, “A trip like this allows students to experience other UB churches and other states”

Rhodes Grove Camp (Chambersburg, Pa.) had 613 campers this summer, 23 of whom made first-time salvation decisions. Campers gave $3,000 to help with world hunger.

Fort Wayne, Ind. Here are several items from Anchor UB (Fort Wayne, Ind.), which on October 19 celebrates its fifth anniversary.

  • About a dozen youth from Anchor UB, along with several adult sponsors, attended the DC/LA youth conference in Cincinnati. Some of the neighborhood youth made decisions for Christ during the event.
  • Soon after returning, the youth headed off again, this time for the Cornerstone music festival in Bushnell, Ill.
  • Jamie Knuth, a member of the youth group, led this year’s VBS program during June. She incorporated high-school, college, and adult volunteers. A great example of youth ministry leadership. Jamie, who has also been a youth leader with Campus Life, is now a freshman at Taylor University’s Fort Wayne campus.
  • Every year, Anchor holds a baptismal service/picnic/worship service at the Stillwater retreat just south of Fort Wayne. This year, five people were baptized. They included a mother and adult daughter; the daughter had led her mom to the Lord during the previous month.
  • Over fifty kids showed up for our fifth annual Neighborhood Carnival. Many of them came for the first time.

The youth of College Park UB (Huntington, Ind.) embarked on a missions effort to help Honduras Conference get its church camp ready for ministry. Twenty-two people, including 16 youth and 6 adult staff, went on one of several short-term mission trips, working in partnership with Honduras Conference.

College Park is starting its second year with the Upward basketball and cheerleading program. Thus far, 27 kids have accepted Christ as a result of the ministry. They anticipate well over 200 students being involved during the second year.

Here are several items about summer events at Otterbein UB in Waynesboro, Pa.

On July 8-10, over 20 players and coaches met for 3 days of High Flyer basketball camp. The camp offered players a chance to develop physically, socially, and spiritually. Players learned both basketball and life skills in a fun and competitive environment. Each player left the camp with a t-shirt, a ball, a pizza, and a great learning experience.

On July 11, 34 men and women participated in the Annual Otterbein Golf Scramble. The winning team shot a 65. Gift certificates were awarded to the top teams of each flight as well as the longest drive and closest to the hole. One person commented, “It was a great opportunity for me to spend some time with my son and get to know the others on my team in a fun environment.”

Twelve men from Otterbein attended the Promise Keeper event held in Pittsburgh July 11-12. The men had a great time together and were challenged spiritually to be men of God. They arrived Friday and attended the opening session, then stayed overnight and attended the sessions on Saturday with 11,000 other men.

Over 40 players and coaches met for this year’s Golden Goal soccer camp, held July 21-25. Players learned several soccer skills and a life skill on each of the five nights of camp. They also played games against other teams in the camp. Each player received a t-shirt, soccer ball, pizza, and a week of camp experience.

Otterbein held a “Group Connect” night on September 7, from 6:30-8:00. It was designed as a non-threatening environment where people could connect with others who share common interests, life stages, or geographic location. These starter small groups will meet for a total of four weeks at the church’s ministry center before going out on there own. This will provide the groups with a safe and comfortable environment to see if their starter group wants to continue beyond these four weeks. Fifty people showed up for the Group Connect night–potentially, another 3-5 small groups. The church already has 22 LIFE small group.

Vicky Lorencen, Director of Discipleship and Assimilation at Gethsemane UB (Jackson, Mich.), reports, “Nearly 100 children participated in this summer’s Building Champions Soccer Camp July 21-25). Our theme was ‘Soul Survivor–Only the Strong Survive.’

“It included a drama and reality show format based on an unlikely combination of the NBC show Survivor and the verse Joshua 1:9, ‘Be strong and courageous.’ Kids learned soccer skills, made crafts, and enjoyed a lively teaching time each night. Sixteen children responded to the gospel message at the end of the week.”