08 May The May 6 Day of Missions
The first of two “Day of Missions” events was held May 6 at the Salem UB church just outside of Chambersburg, Pa.
Several missionaries spoke during the day. Alan MacDonald (right, with Global Ministries Director Gary Dilley) gave some insights regarding the changing world missions scene and the roles people play in world evangelization. In the afternoon, the participants heard from the five newest UB endorsed missionaries:
- Mike and Jenny Burtnett (right), who are joining Wycliffe/Jaars. They are from the Hillsdale UB church in Hillsdale, Mich.
- Anna Geivett, who will serve with Food for the Hungry in Lima, Peru. Anna is from Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Jamie Fiedler, who will serve with Food for the Hungry initially at the US Headquarters in Phoenix, Ariz. Jamie is from College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind.
The day concluded with a brief memorial service for Dr. Richard Prabhakar, who passed away last fall. Everyone had the privilege of watching a video from the funeral service, which was very moving and showed the tremendous influence of Dr. Prabhakar and the high respect he held from the Indian people.
Gary Dilley, director of Global Ministries, and Donna Hollopeter, associate director of Global Ministries, also spoke. The Salem church provided lunch for everyone.
The morning and afternoon sessions began with music by The Braeded Chord, a two-some consisting of Sharon Dennis and Doris Au MacDonald. Doris is the wife of Alan MacDonald, and a granddaughter of Y. T. Chiu, who was a leader in establishing our mission work in China. Doris and Sharon have a music ministry which has now resulted in three albums of original work.
A second “Day of Missions” will be held May 20 at the PraisePoint UB church in Willshire, Ohio. People can register online.