19 Oct Missionary Updates
Gary Dilley, Director of Global Ministries, provided these updates on various UB missionaries.
- David and Melissa Kline will return to the States on furlough at the end of October, with their new daughter, Mia. They will live in the mission house in Huntington, Ind. The Klines will spend a good chunk of time in Canada, which is a major supporting partner, and then will return to Macau next summer (perhaps August).
Carlson Becker (right, with his wife Naomi) is giving good leadership to Living Stone, the new church plant in Macau, and is working diligently to help Michael Chan, the Chinese coworker, succeed. He is preparing members of the Chinese congregation and Michael Chan to lead and continue the work, rather than to depend on him and other missionaries.
- Anna Geivett, one of our newest endorsed missionaries, is getting close to finishing her fundraising and plans to leave for Peru in November. She will serve as Short-term Teams Coordinator for Food for the Hungry. Anna is from the Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Marshalee (Brown) Loerch (right) has been given endorsed status with Global Ministries. She served fulltime in Ethiopia, and was fully funded by people and churches in Jamaica. She has now married, and will be serving out of Germany with NEST. NEST is a Caribbean sending agency which sends missionaries from the Caribbean islands. Marshalee comes from the Washington Gardens UB church in Jamaica.
- Jami Fiedler has been endorsed by Global Ministries. She has raised her support, and is now interning in Phoenix, Ariz., with Food for the Hungry. Jami is from College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind., and is a graduate of Houghton College.
- Mike and Jenny Burtnett have located to Orlando, Florida. Mike is a short-term coordinator for Wycliffe exposure teams. These teams take high schoolers and college students to areas where Bible translation is occurring to expose them to the huge need for additional Bible translation.