We lifetime churchgoers have our own lingo, with inside-the-Bible-Beltway terminology seldom used beyond the church walls. And some words, though they get used in the secular world, adopt a slightly different connotation when used in a church context. We all know that, but ingrained speech habits are hard to break.

Last Friday I attended a Communications workshop at Granger Community Church. Since they focus laser-like on unchurched people, they force themselves to use language which the world understands. Now, I don’t think it’s worthwhile to get too uptight about this stuff, but it is worthwhile to be sensitive to it. So, here are some terms they avoid at Granger, and how they replace them.

Churchy Word Replace With…
Fellowship Community
Intimacy Connection
Ministry Group
Target Guest or visitor
Go deeper Next step
Need Opportunity
Program Experience
Maturity Growth
Recruit Invite
Pulpit Platform
Sanctuary Auditorium
Foyer or vestibule Lobby

I was reminded of this a few months ago when I attended a funeral at a Lutheran church. They used terms like “chancel” that weren’t part of my church experience, and I felt like an outsider. Yes, I was an outsider. But a church shouldn’t remind someone of that. We need to help people feel comfortable, find ways to put them in their comfort zone. As Kem Meyer said in the workshop, a person’s comfort zone may be behind a cup of coffee or sitting in front of multimedia. But much of what we do in churches does not make an outsider feel comfortable. We don’t inflict this discomfort intentionally; we’re not thoughtless or cruel. We just keep stumbling into our familiar ruts, and kinda forget where other people are.

Thinking about the words we use is a nice start in helping visitors feel comfortable in our midst.

saints never surrender

Saints Never Surrender. Tony Biard is on the far left.

The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel newpaper published an online article about the concerts held at Anchor Community Church once or twice a month, with a couple hundred kids usually showing up. It includes a bunch of photos.

Tony Biard, a member of Anchor, heads up the concerts. He is also lead singer for the Christian hardcore band “Saints Never Surrender.” The band was recently signed by Blood & Ink Records.

HealingtheHeart.jpgIn the last post I mentioned the idea of a corporate time of prayer and confession for sins of the past in our church. Well, I was directed to a great resource, a book by Dr. Kenneth Quick titled, Healing the Heart of Your Church. Some of you might be interested in reading it for the insights it could provide for your local church situation. The publisher is Church Smart. You could order it direct from them or you could order it from our bookstore here. It is worth the read and will give you some insights as to why I possibly began to think about such a time at the National Conference 2007.

Been gone a lot during the last of October and so far in November…but I did want to let you know about the book and in case I don’t “see” you before, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. One of the things I will miss this year is the annual Thanksgiving Eve Communion and Baptism service we had each year at Main Street. Those were some of my favorite services of the year. EJ and I will most likely travel to Wheaton to visit our daughter and her family. Looking forward to that.

Bethel Band in Honduras

The Bethel Band performing in the Central America Marching Band competition.

The Bethel School Marching Band took first place as Overall Best Band in the recent Central America Marching Band Competition. Bands from seven countries participated. David Raudales and his father, Honduran Superintendent Francisco Raudales, are the band directors.

The Bethel School is an educational extension of Honduras Conference, with several thousand students in La Ceiba, Honduras. Maira Raudales, Francisco’s wife, is principal of the high school.

In preparing for the 2007 National Conference, it has been impressed on my mind that I need a core of people who would be willing to join me in prayer that God would meet with us in a mighty way during this conference. We can do good planning, but in the end we get just what man’s planning can do. But if we seriously seek the face of God, we will get what God can do.

I don’t know about you, but I’d like God to show up and put his fingerprints all over the planning and the conference itself. If you would be willing to join me in seriously praying for the conference, email me at [email protected] and let me know how and when you will be joining me in prayer.

By the way, I have been thinking about sins of the past and how they affect the future. The thought has crossed my mind that some corporate sins, maybe from a long time ago, are affecting our ability to move forward as a church. In reading the General Conference minutes for the three or four quadrennial meetings after the 1889 division, there is evidence of great sin. Maybe that has happened in other times as well, where corporately by sinning we grieved God and some of what we face today is a consequence of unconfessed sins in the past. This is certainly true in an individual if they carry unconfessed sins. Has anyone else been thinking or ever thought about this? I would like to have some dialogue about the subject.

The National Conference 2007 dates are May 31 – June 3. The location, the Sawmill Creek Resort, is situated on beautiful Lake Erie near Huron, Ohio (one hour west of Cleveland). The conference will open with a Thursday evening session with Brad Powell, pastor of Northridge Church of Plymouth, Mich. He will be the speaker for both the Thursday and Friday evening sessions. The concluding session will be a worship and communion service on Sunday morning, June 3.

The primary focus of this conference, as I see it, will be to refocus our denomination and local churches on the main task. Somewhere, somehow, it seems to me that we got way off the path. Some churches are struggling to survive, some are fighting inconsequential battles within the body, and many have just lost focus of the primary mission. In my opinion, we desperately need this time of coming together as a denomination to refocus and recommit ourselves to the mission. Thus, business will be at a minimum. Revising the Discipline over and over hasn’t helped us in the past to stay focused, and it won’t now. Structure and rules are not our problem. Being dead-set focused on the mission is!

We will need every church to be represented by its delegates and pastors for this very important conference, which could be a “defining moment” for our church. Every UB church can send at least two delegates: the senior pastor, plus one layperson.

The cost is reasonable. Rooms are just $90 a night (plus tax). There will be slight a registration fee of $25 per person or $45 for a family. You can go online and view the Sawmill Creek web site. I’d encourage you to do it.

This will be a very different National Conference…you won’t want to miss it!

Challenging speakers. Inspiring worship. Seminars covering topics you can use by seminar leaders who are getting the job done. Times of relaxation and fun (including the UB Open held on the beautiful golf course, so get your teams lined up). All rolled into one three-and-a-half day period.
Looking forward to meeting you there!

Erinn Caley came to the United Brethren Headquarters in March 2006, serving as Administrative Assistant. In that role she carried out a variety of duties for Bishop Ron Ramsey, Healthy Church Director Pat Jones, and Communications Director Steve Dennie. Erinn is the daughter of Mike and Lynne Caley, who serve the Banner of Christ UB church in Byron Center, Mich.

On October 31, Erinn began a new job: as an English teacher at Whitko High School in South Whitley, Ind. Her high competence, graphic design expertise, and good humor will be missed at the Headquarters. Bishop Ramsey is interviewing applicants for the position. In the meantime, your calls to Bishop Ramsey or Pat Jones will be channeled to other staff members.

Church Planting Meeting

L-r: Bishop Ron Ramsey, Gary Dilley, and Howard Matthews.

Six UB ministers involved in church planting situations met near Blissfield, Mich., on October 28-29 for two days of learning, encouragement, and fellowship. The event, sponsored by the Church Multiplication Leadership Team and UB Church Multiplication Director Tom Blaylock, was held at two cabins next to The Legacy golf course.

The church planters included:

  • Thurm Payton (Lighthouse Community Church, Williamston, Mich.).
  • Cal Hodgson (Heritage UB, Dansville, Mich.).
  • Dalton Jenkins (Bethel Temple of Praise, Yonkers, N.Y.).
  • Howard Matthews (Homefront UB, Grandville, Mich.).
  • Bryan Converse (Family Life Church, Maineville, Ohio).
  • Gordon Kettle (soon to be planting a church in Grand Ledge, Mich.).

Three other church planters were unable to attend. Also attending were Bishop Ron Ramsey, Healthy Church Director Pat Jones, Global Ministries Director Gary Dilley, Communications Director Steve Dennie, and Bob Ransom of the Missionary Church.

Tim Roehl, who serves in a church planting role with the Evangelical Church, was the resource person. He led everyone through a notebook and presentations which hit various aspects of church planting. Click on the thumbnails below for a larger view of photos from the event.

Tim Roehl talking to the group. Cal Hodgson (left) and Tom Blaylock.
Bishop Ron Ramsey talking to the group. Gordon Kettle (left) and Dalton Jenkins.
L-r: Tom Blaylock, Thurm Payton, and Cal Hodgson. The group having prayer for Bryan Converse.

Findlay UB's HalloweenThe city of Findlay, Ohio, recognized Halloween on Thursday, October 26. The First UB church of Findlay organized an outreach during that time. They provided games, face painting, cookies, and treats for the neighborhood children and called it the Pumpkin Patch Party. Each child received a bag containing a king-size candy bar, an evangelistic tract, and a church brochure. The children then proceeded to six more stations where they received even more treats. Over 200 neighborhood youth visited the church.

To attract more children, the youth group set up a station at a key intersection, where they gave out small candy and said, “Hey, there are huge candy bars down at that church.” Once they set up station, neighborhood people flocked to flock to the church. If the community didn’t know there was a church at the end of the street, they do now.

It was a success, because the church people got excited and got involved. The organizer, Jane Mathers, stated, “I heard so many good comments from the neighborhood people.” Darwin Dunten is the pastor of First UB.