These two pastoral appointments were recently made in Pennsylvania:

  • Buck Summers was named senior pastor of the Criders UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) effective January 2, 2007. David Newell was the previous pastor. He is taking other employment.
  • Paul Dunbar has been named senior pastor of Bethany Evangelical UB church in Carlisle, Pa., effective January 31, 2007. The previous pastor was Larry Reinertson.

I always know that shortly after the first of the year I received that intimating piece of mail from the IRS…my tax forms. Then the ones from the state arrive. I have even received them a time or two before the first of the year. Some things I look forward to, like the first seed catalog of the year. I don’t do much gardening, but I sign up for free catalogs from the seed “places” because it makes me feel so good when I get that first one in the mail…a reminder that spring is just around the corner.

Well, some of you will soon receive mailings from this office. Some might have already received one. Actually, there will be three mailings coming:

1. The report packet for 2006. This includes the pastor’s report, church report, plus a variety of other reports that provide valuable information. Oh yes, there is just one Pastor Report in the packet. For those churches which have staff who are licensed in the United Brethren church, you can just make a copy for them. Also, I remind all of you that the report is on the UB website and can be filled out and sent via email. I received the first report today from Kent Haines, on staff at the UB church in Cochranton, Pa. He will receive a new book for his promptness. Thanks, Kent.

The Cellular Church, a UB hispanic church, has withdrawn from the denomination and joined the Missionary Church. The church, located in Canyon Country, California (the Los Angeles area), was perhaps our most successful church plant in the last 20 years. The church started in 1994 under the leadership of Pastor Edwin Recinos and, in 2005, reported an average attendance of 505 people.

The Pixley UB church in Pixley, Calif., is now the only United Brethren church in California.

Rocky Spear has been named senior pastor of Mongul UB church in Shippensburg, Pa., effective January 21. He previously served on staff at Colwood UB in Caro, Mich. has an article about Rick and Jan Talbert of Heart of the Lakes UB church in Brooklyn, Mich. After Rick spent 11 days repairing roofs and damaged walls in Biloxi, Miss., following Hurricane Katrina, he came back to Jackson, Mich., and began helping local people with various needs. And the church got involved, too. For instance, a group from the church spent the summer painting the home of a disabled woman and paying for new windows. Click the link above to read the article.

A notice to those of you from the UB Church…if you sent me an e-mail during the last week and have not received an answer, you might want to resend it. We installed a new email server, and in switching over some of the messages may have been lost in “tech-no-space.”

Just finished the book, Healing The Heart of Your Church. I recommended it earlier and I would echo that earlier recommendation. Much in this book relates to our churches. I hope to place some emphasis on corporate repentance at the National Conference. You might like to get a copy and read it before then. If you have trouble finding it, let me know. You can order it from our bookstore by calling 1-888-622-3019.

One of the books that I started this week is Christian Coaching, by Gary Collins. So far it is a good book on the topic. I am reading it because, for some time since being in this office, I have felt the need for a coach to help me keep and stay focused, among other things. I recently entered into a coaching arrangement with a gentleman whom I respect greatly. I was a basketball player in my younger years and have dealt with coaches in that area of my life. I was blessed to have several men mentor me in my early Christian walk. I have been encouraged by many people in my life, but I’ve never really had anyone to coach me since I left sports. So, we’ll see if you can teach and old dog new tricks.

Have a great Christmas and New Year. I hope your team wins its bowl game! Go Buckeyes!

I have been struggling since Monday evening with Vertigo and all that is associated with it. If you don’t know what that is I’ll spare you but is has something to do with meeting up close and personal a porcelain object kept in a small room in the house. Anyway, I did it to myself. I had purchased a new de-humidifier for the basement and of course that was some assembly required as I wanted it to drain to the sump. Hooking up the drain hose I had to bend over and look in an opening to attach the hose. Bending over and looking up at the drain attachment “thing-a-ma-jiggly” I gave myself a good case of vertigo. I’ve had this ability (I’m not so sure it is an ability as it is a curse) to make myself sick by bending over and looking up at something. Sometimes just laying on my back and looking up will do it. But it is an experience I can definitely live without.

As soon as I bend over and cocked my head to look under the de-humidifier I realized I had made a serious mistake. The room began to spin and I immediately got sick and it is hard to run to the bathroom when the whole place is spinning like a top. Anyway, to make a long story shorter, after a trip to the doctor and getting 3 prescriptions I am doing better today. I can walk reasonably straight and the world is staying in place instead of spinning.

As I have had the privilege of sharing the Strategic Plan for the future of the UB Church, I have heard a call from key leaders: make accountability real. We have spoken about setting goals for reaching the lost so that we are working strategically. It makes sense that if you don’t intentionally seek to reach five people for Christ, you won’t reach one. Setting goals in no way removes the Lord from the work. Nothing can happen apart from Him. The goals are simply our faith in action in an intentional, strategic manner.

The question is this: Am I willing to be held accountable? Or would true accountability bring to light my failure to work in a systematic way that frees the church to reach lost people? Would it show that I am simply taking care of keeping already saved people happy while not making them or others true disciples of Jesus Christ?

Many want to settle for fellowship as a standard of good meetings. We support each other and pray for each other. But fellowship without accountability will not help us mature and grow in ministry.

This question must be answered by us all. It is key to the future of our ministries.

CharlesDorisMalson_200.jpgCharles and Doris Malson celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on November 19. They were married on November 19, 1941, at the home of Doris’ parents near Camden, Mich.

The Malsons served in the pastorate for many years in Michigan. After five years at the Brown Corners UB church in Clare, they founded the Richfield Road UB church in Flint, Mich., where they remained for over 24 years. Before retiring, Rev. Malson served as fulltime conference superintendent of Michigan Conference for ten years.

Charles and Doris remain active at the Mount Hope UB church in Carson City, Mich. They have a home on the Carson City campground.