June 12, 2008

The planning committee (l-r): Nate Perry, Steve Dennie, Josh Greenfield, Heather Umbaugh, Chris Kuntz, Amy Pennington, Ron Ramsey, E. J. Ramsey, Donna Hollopeter, Opal Sherman, Marci Hammel, Cathy Reich.
The 2009 National Conference will return to Saw Mill Creek Resort (Huron, Ohio), scene of the 2007 US National Conference. Last weekend, an extended version of the planning team (above) met at Saw Mill Creek to continue the planning they’ve been doing for the past nine months.
The date: June 4-7, 2009. That’s Thursday through Sunday morning. We’ll follow pretty much the same schedule we did in 2007.
The location: People liked the general location, northern Ohio, according to the evaluations. It made a good mid-point for the bulk of our people (Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the Virginias). We looked at various venues large enough to accommodate 900-plus people, and Saw Mill Creek floated to the top of the list.
Two things to know:
- Saturday will feature a “missionary homecoming.” Many currently-serving UB missionaries will be brought back for what promises to be an amazing day.
- We intentionally minimized conference business in 2007. But next year, we’ll need to spend more time in this way, and will devote all of Friday to conference business. It will include election of a new bishop.
We’ll get you more information as plans come together. But for now, get June 4-7 on your calendar and begin talking to people in your church about attending. By year’s end, you’ll need to identify persons to represent your church as lay delegate(s).