30 Jul Golf Tourney for Camp Cotubic
Many people have fond memories of attending summer camp while they were growing up. Friendships were formed, knees were skinned, challenges were conquered, and most of all, life long lessons were learned. Now that we are older, we are glad places like that still exist for our own kids and grandkids.
Camp Cotubic is one such place. It held a special place in the heart of Mr. Tom Ponsot, who passed away in the Spring of 2005. Tom saw the great potential of Camp Cotubic and volunteered his time and financial resources to preserve it as a place where his own grandkids and many other children could experience summer camp. Tom served as the chairman of the camp board for several years and was passionate about the camp’s ministry.
One of the challenges summer camps face is raising the financial resources to maintain high quality programs. To this end we are announcing the 4th Annual Tom Ponsot Memorial Golf Tournament:
Date: September 6, 2008
Registration: 7:30
Tee Time: 8 a.m.
Location: Clear Creek Golf Course, Huntington, Ind.
Cost: $50 per person (includes green fees, cart, snacks, and lunch).
The tournament will use a four-person/team Florida scramble format. Prizes will also be awarded in a variety of categories. All proceeds to go to support the ministries of Camp Cotubic.
To register, please contact Zanesville United Brethren church by email or phone (260-638-4220). For more information about Camp Cotubic, please visit the Camp Cotubic website.