Faith Community Church in Findlay, Ohio, has a new name: The ROCK (Reaching Others for Christ’s Kingdom).

The ROCK is a combination of two congregations: the former Faith Community UB church, and a church of the Evangelical Congregational denomination. They formally combined forces on October 3, and about 50 people joined the church.

The senior pastor is Brad Kittle, who was pastor of the EC church. The two congregations had been holding joint services for most of 2008.


The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. L-r: Craig Burkholder (mostly hidden), Lester Smith, Robert Bruce, Lee Rhodes (chair), Bishop Ron Ramsey, Charles Wheatley. Not pictured: Dennis Sites and Chris Little.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team met today. They actually started last night. Some of the issue they discussed:

  • Licensing status of various ministers. How to nudge forward (or get tough with) ministers who seem to be stuck in the process.
  • Various changes to the Pastoral Ministry Handbook (coming soon to the UB website).
  • Sabbatical policies for UB ministers.
  • Dealing with ministers in crisis.

Dirk Small resigned as pastor of Idaville UB (Idaville, Pa.) to take a staff position at Otterbein Church in Waynesboro. Otterbein is a former UB church that withdrew from the denomination in 2005.

Dirk has been a cluster leader and a member of the Higher Education Leadership Team (and thus a member of the Huntington University Board of Trustees), two positions which will now need to be filled. We’re also, of course, looking for a new senior pastor at Idaville.

Canadaboy_100.jpgThe Roseville UB church (Roseville, Ontario) suffered a great tragedy on Saturday, October 4. David Perrin, a 14-year-old from Roseville, who also attended the United Brethren summer camp in Ontario, was killed in a farm accident.

David climbed a silo to check the silage. He was overcome by notrogen dioxide fumes, fell into the silo, and died.
Randy Magnus is pastor of the Roseville church.

During the month of October, Robert and Virginia Blaine will celebrate these dates:

  • Their 65th wedding anniversary on October 9.
  • Virginia turns 91 on October 9.
  • Robert turns 89 on October 20.

To celebrate these great milestones, Good Shepherd UB church in Greenfield, Ohio, will hold an open house:

Date: Saturday, October 11th
Time: 2-4 p.m.
Location: Good Shepherd Church, 12920 State Route 28 West, Greenfield, Ohio.

Robert and Virginia began pastoring churches the years they were married. Robert was pastor of Greenfield UB church for many years. Currently, his son, Jim, is the pastor.

Ron Ramsey, Bishop

I had a great day yesterday in Findlay, Ohio, at The ROCK, formerly known as Faith Community Church. Faith began in 1995 under the leadership of Dan Young, who now pastors Crestview UB church in Lafayette, Ind.

brad_jamie_kittle200.jpgA couple years ago, I appointed a young man as pastor of Faith Community Church. He had attended seminary with Brad Kittle (right, with wife Jamie), who was then pasturing a church in Findlay with the Evangelical Congregational denomination. They began talking about merging the two congregations. At the 2005 US National Conference, I met with Brad and a delegation from his church, and they attended part of the conference.

Early this year, they decided to begin holding services as one congregation. A few months later, they invited me and the Evangelical Congregational bishop to meet with them on a Sunday morning. Neither of us had any idea which way they would go, EC or UB. In this case, they voted to become United Brethren.

This past Sunday, October 5, was the grand finale. The EC congregation, plus a number of Faith people who had never joined the church, became members of the United Brethren church en masse. I was privileged to lead about 45 people in taking their UB membership vows.

They also baptized two women. One had been a Christian for a while, but had never been baptized. The other, however, was a brand new convert who was excited to be a Christian. We require people to be baptized before joining the church. These women joined the church the same day they were baptized, which was kind of neat.

I would guess they had 120 people there. They have a lot of kids for that size of church! They also ordained three men as a board of elders, and anointed them with oil. They held a hog roast after the service.

The church recently adopted the name The ROCK (Reaching Others for Christ’s Kingdom). Pastor Brad Kittle took the UB church history course this summer. He’s a fine young man doing a good job for us.

Sam Quinn, superintendent of the United Believers in Christ (the former United Brethren churches in California that withdrew in 2005), will undergo brain surgery on Monday, October 6.

An MRI showed a small tumor, and which contains an aggressive cancer. It is operable and accessible.

Burney Fix, a minister in California who works alongside Sam, says, “It appears that the tumor has caused some interference in Sam’s short-term memory functions. Otherwise, he feels perfectly healthy and physically normal. He is expected to be in the hospital 3-4 days.”

Please remember Sam in your prayers.

Steve Dennie, Communications Director
I bought one of the early Palm Pilots, back around 1997. I envisioned it being a good tool. But it didn’t fit the way I work. It became something cool that I showed people. Not something that made me more effective. For many people, a Palm Pilot is a great tool. For me, it became a toy.

A tool, on the other hand:

  • Will enhance your ministry.
  • Will solve a problem.
  • Can be cool and fun to show people, but that’s a bonus.

Steve Dennie, Communications Director
Every time your mouth waters over some new gadget or software or social media site, ask yourself, “Is it a tool or a toy?” That’s the question posed in the excellent book The Blogging Church, by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch.

Tech-savvy people (like me) love new technology and usually believe more technology can only bring good things. But toys can merely waste church money and consume the pastor’s (and volunteers’) time.

How can you tell if it’s a toy?

  • You use the word “cool” to describe it.
  • You spend more time playing with it than using it.
  • You want it because other people have it.
  • You love to show it to other people.
  • You hear, “We should get a….” You’d like to have it, but can’t articulate a compelling ministry need for it.

On September 28, Bob Staup celebrated 50 years in the pastorate. He started pastoring in 1958. He is currently pastor of Mt. Pleasant UB church in Angola, Ind. He previously served these churches:

  • Indiana: Union Chapel (Fort Wayne), South Scipio (Harlan), Hudson (Hudson), Corunna (Corunna).
  • Ohio: Nettle Lake and Mt. Pleasant.

The congregation held a surprise celebration for Bob and his wife, Joann. Writes Devon Strine, “The church was full with family and friends from the various churches he has served. Testimonies were shared from Bobs ministry and lives that were touched for God. There were specials, and cards in honor of his 50 yrs. It was a complete surprise to both Bob and his wife Joan seeing old friends from years past.”