
In buying a vehicle for Sierra Leone, Randy Fennig (above) looked for something that ran on diesel fuel. He finally found a 1982 Toyota Land Cruiser in great shape. All part of a plan.

“One long-term development project I’d like to work on is encouraging farmers to grow jatropha, a tropical oil seed related to the castor plant. There are huge jatropha projects in India and Africa.” 

Jatropha seeds contains up to to 40% oil which, when crushed and processed, can be used in a standard diesel engine. 

“You can run the oil straight and make high quality diesel. A diesel vehicle means I would have access to cheap fuel, rather than pay $7 a gallon, which is what fuel costs right now in Sierra Leone. If you’re spending so much money on fuel, it can limit what kind of ministry you can do.”

This weekend, 22 people will attend the Mission Team Training at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. That’s twice the number who attended the August event in Chambersburg, Pa. Of which enthusiastic attendees said:

  • “Everyone, whether a team leader or not, needs to attend one of these training events. Anyone can benefit from the information and can use a lot of it in their home lives and on the mission field.”
  • “The team building activities were fantastic and relevant to team preparation.”
  • “The Seven-Step Process will help us bring the church along for the trip–something we have not been able to do.”
  • “I understand Global Ministries better and see how helpful they’re willing to be in the process of planning, preparation, and supporting throughout.”

That leaves two Mission Team Training weekends to go:

  • October 3-4: Crossroads UB Church (Charlotte, Mich.)
  • November 14-15: Lancaster UB Church (Lancaster, Ohio)

The cost for the two-day event is $60. You can register online.

When I talk to churches about the governance model, several questions typically come up. One involves voting. 

In many of our churches, 10-25% of the people are on the board, and you vote for people on those boards. The issue of American democracy and having a vote is vital to people– they want to have a say in who sits on the board. But as I talk to people, I look at them straight, and say, “Would you agree that your voting doesn’t necessarily put the best people in the best spots?” Their answer is generally “yes.”

Voting is not a biblical model for putting leaders into place. It’s an empowerment issue. Under the governance system, we encourage letting people nominate persons for various positions. But your leadership team makes appointments to put gifted people in proper places. This follows the Acts 6 model. Deacons were “nominated” by the people but appointed by the Apostles.

forbeslogo.gifForbes.com placed Huntington University on its Top 100 list of America’s Best Colleges. HU was ranked No. 65. For perspective, other schools in the top 75 were:

  • University of North Carolina (66).
  • Wake Forest (69).
  • Cornell (71).

This is impressive, too: only five Indiana colleges made the top 100. They are:

  • Wabash College (12th).
  • DePauw University (47th).
  • Huntington University (65th).
  • Notre Dame (77th).
  • Earlham (94th).

Here’s the Forbes.com listing for Huntington University. Or, check out the state-by-state list.

Wardena Waldfogel, the wife of Bishop Emeritus Raymond Waldfogel, just came out of surgery on her carotid arteries. The doctor was optimistic about how things went. She’ll be going home within a day or two. Please pray for her continued healing.

The Waldfogels live at 2002 North Avenue, Huntington, IN 46750.


Dalton Jenkins, pastor of Bethel Temple of Praise, a UB church in Yonkers, N.Y.
It all began in the fall of 2007 with a call from then director of Global Ministries Gary Dilley. He asked if I was interesting in having a Youth Pastor, who was looking to do some missions work that summer, come and help us out with Vacation Bible School. I was glad for the opportunity and was later introduce to Pastors Dennis A. Sites, Todd Yoder, and Jerusalem Chapel.

This was around the time of the 2007 UB National Conference. Providence would have it that of all the places Todd and I could find in the hall to sit, we ended up next to each other. What made it more interesting is that we did not recognize each other until Bishop Ron Ramsey introduced me to the convention.

There we were, two guys from two different worlds, with the same passion, serving under the same banner. Little did we know that this was the start of a friendship built on the desire to mobilize the church to a missional cause, ministering to the total man.

Pastor Todd led a group from Jerusalem Chapel that summer to conduct a VBS for us at Bethel Temple of Praise. It was Virginia meets Yonkers. The spirit of the “We are brethren!” declaration of Otterbein and Boehm lived on. We put aside our differences and stood together as disciples commissioned to proclaim the Gospel.

This summer we decided to give back-to-school supplies to the kids in Yonkers. Qe were in the process of fundraising for the event when Pastor Todd called. He said they would love to buy supplies for our VBS this year. Since we were not planning a VBS, because we did not have the personnel, I told him of our efforts to give out supplies. He committed to contributing to our efforts.

With the contribution from Jerusalem Chapel and our own fundraising efforts, two groups of volunteers distributed over 70 bags of supplies at two locations–one group at a park near our church, the other in the middle of town. Two nurses did about 50 blood-pressure tests and provided other medical advice to persons who stopped by. This was done during two hours on Saturday afternoon, August 24. Thanks, Pastor Sites amd Todd and Jerusalem Chapel. This partnership is invaluable to the proclamation of the Gospel.

Reactions to our efforts were refreshing. Many were surprised that the church was giving away free supplies. Some people promised to visit our church.

In a presentation Sept. 2, Parkview Huntington Hospital awarded a $75,000 grant to Huntington University’s nursing program.

This gift is in addition to a $100,000 grant the hospital gave the university in February 2006 and a $75,000 grant presented in May 2007.
“Huntington University’s new Bachelor of Science Nursing program will help to address the ever-growing national need for more healthcare workers,” said Darlene Garrett, chief operating officer of Parkview Huntington Hospital. “We are proud to be able to contribute to this important educational opportunity.”

The grant funds were used for the construction and equipping of the main lab/classroom in the Nursing Department located in the lower level of the university’s Science Hall. The room is named in the hospital’s honor as the Parkview Huntington Hospital Lab/Classroom.

Dr. Margaret Winter, director of the nursing program, said, “An essential part of nursing education for the students is to practice the necessary skills and procedures in a state-of-the art skills facility and then to transfer this knowledge into the clinical setting. Parkview Huntington Hospital is providing both of these opportunities with their financial support and in offering the hospital environment for student clinicals.”

Huntington University has 38 students enrolled in the pre-nursing program with the first class of nursing majors set to graduate in May 2011.

It’s another record enrollment for Huntington University: 1209 students for the fall 2008 semester.

  • 978 traditional undergraduates (a new record).
  • 130 students in the EXCEL adult degree programs.
  • 101 students in the Graduate School (the first year the grad programs exceeded 100).

The 327 new fulltime traditional undergraduate students is a new record.

The new student residence, Livingston Hall, opened in time for the fall semester. It’s already 97% full. Overall student housing is at 90% capacity.

“The long-range plan,” said HU President G. Blair Dowden, “calls for increasing enrollment to 2000 students by 2016.”

Other tidbits about the HU student body:

  • 7% of incoming freshmen represent US ethnic minorities.
  • Students come from 36 different states and Puerto Rico (with 56% from Indiana).
  • 31 international students represent 17 countries.

Bishop Ron Ramsey just called from St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind. He went there to visit Wardena Waldfogel, wife of Bishop Emeritus Raymond Waldfogel. Wardena had just come out of surgery on her carotid arteries. 

Bishop Ramsey says they were optimistic about how things went. She’ll be going home within a day or two. He asks that you pray for Wardena’s continued healing.

Bishop Ramsey once had Bishop and Mrs. Waldfogel as parishioners. During the 1970s, he pastored the United Brethren church in Sacramento, Calif. Back then, bishops lived on their districts. Bishop Waldfogel was bishop of the West District, and lived in Sacramento, where he attended Ron Ramsey’s church.

The Waldfogels live at 2002 North Avenue, Huntington, IN 46750.

You always need to organize yourself beyond what you are. If you’re a church of 200 and want to be a church of 500, you need to organize like a church of 500. Otherwise, you won’t get there. 

When I became pastor of Mainstreet Church in Walbridge, Ohio, we started at about 220, grew, and began adding staff. I took the staff to larger churches on little field trips. How does it look and feel? How do they structure themselves? We began to tinker. God blessed us and the church grew. 

Over half of our growth was new converts. You get people who don’t know anything, and it’s fun. You get a chance to infect them with the real disease. 

I covet that for you. Not that you get big; that doesn’t make any difference to me. What makes a difference is that you become effective in what God has called you to do.