Ron Ramsey, Bishop
pouring.jpgLast Sunday at our Imagine This church in Grand Ledge, Mich., I was privileged to watch as 12 people were baptized.

Pastor Gordon Kettel baptized three people in the morning service, all from one family (a couple and a child). They were reached through a VBS which Imagine This took to a mobile home park. They set up grills, grilled hotdogs, and fed kids every night for five nights. During the evening service (the larger of the two services), they baptized another nine people.

They used a blow-up pool with maybe 18 inches of water. The water wasn’t heated. The persons being baptized sat down in the pool, and he bent them back. Gordon baptized two persons by pouring water from a pitcher over their heads.

A lot of the people who have become Christians through Imagine This had no church background. For them, tithing is a foreign concept. But in both services, Gordon explained what tithing means. That impressed me. Many times, that’s the last thing you want to talk about in a church plant, but he’s bold about it.

Ron Ramsey, Bishop
kettel.jpgI spent last Sunday with the Imagine This LLC congregation in Grand Ledge, Mich. Over the next few days, I want to share some of my thoughts and observations about this new United Brethren church.

Grand Ledge is a small bedroom community just east of Lansing. The church started a little over a year ago, on October 21, 2007. The pastor is Gordon Kettel (right, with his wife Lori).

They hold two services–at 10:00 Sunday morning and at 6 p.m. When they started a year ago, sharing a building with three other church groups, the only time available was Sunday night. The evening service attracted a number of people, so when they moved into their own building a few months ago, they decided to keep the evening service.

Marilyn Reeck, UB endorsed missionary serving in Honduras, sent this report about the recent flooding:

“Ten days ago, extremely heavy rains began ravaging the Honduran coastline. One area heavily hit was the area around Balfate where our daughter Chrysti (right, with her husband and children) lives. Their house is above town and was not damaged. As the Balfate river became swollen, the waters flooded sections of the town and people had to be rescued from their houses.

“There are two rivers, which must be crossed, to get to Balfate. Sections of the two bridges gave way. At least five people from that area drowned.

“One of the ladies was in a canoe as her family tried to get to safety and fell overboard. Her body was found three days later. Our son-in-law, Rigo, was part of a group of men who walked through the two rivers and many miles down to the beach and then carried the body back the same way.

“The raging rivers swept away many houses near the river’s edge and these families lost everything.

“Chrysti and Rigo have been and still are involved in the relief efforts. Up until now that has meant carrying supplies across the rivers. The bridges are now being worked on and hopefully will be ready to use soon. The rains still continue but not with the same intensity.”

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

We have some exciting news for Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone!

We’ve been studying how to make Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone stable, healthy, and financially viable. One great need is equipment.

We put together a list of 150 items for the hospital to accommodate medical teams and do surgery, plus some real basic hospital supplies. One item was more beds. Ron Baker told that the beds at Mattru have never had mattresses. Part of it was more of a wish list.  We began circulating this list to various organizations, including International Aid, Medical World Mission (the medical side of Samaritan’s Purse), and Brother’s Brother.

The first to respond was Brother’s Brother. A hospital had just given them 400 crank-type beds which were only three years old. They said we could have 53 of them, which would fill one shipping container. We would get the beds nicely packed in a shipping container, ready to go. We just had to get the container to Sierra Leone. That’s expensive–up to $13,000 for one container.

Huntington University is hosting a one-day workshop on “Strategic Planning for the Local Church.” It’s limited to 30 persons–the first 30 to register.

Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Time: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Location: Habecker Dining Commons at Huntington University.
Cost: $89 (or $69 each if 3 or more persons come from the same church). Includes lunch.
CEU Credit: .5 CEU

The class will focus on:

  • Change and change strategies
  • Kick-start strategies
  • Strategic initiatives
  • Vision and values

As part of the workshop, you’ll work on ideas for your own congregation.

To register, contact Rick Upchurch at:

Phone: 740-412-3808
Email: [email protected]

You can download a PDF flyer with all the information you need.

Gary Brooks, a former UB missionary in Honduras who now lives in Ruskin, Fla., has done a lot of work with our churches in Mexico. He sent this report on October 29.

On October 22, I flew to Mexico and was met at the airport by Rev. Denis Casco, bishop of the Mexico National Conference. The next day we took a bus to Zacapu, Michoacan, where we taught a three-day pastors’ seminar

  • The seminar emphasized doctrinal lessons on morality in church leadership.
  • Sessions were held Thursday evening, Friday morning, afternoon, and evening, as well as Saturday morning.
  • The average attendance at these sessions varied from 22-25 persons.
  • One new congregation was accepted into the fellowship of the Mexican Conference during the seminar.

Saturday afternoon, Denis and I travelled to Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, and our Centro Familiar Cristiano Church (Christian Family Center Church), pastored by Ramiro Negrete. Denis spoke Sunday morning, and I was the guest speaker for the 11th anniversary celebration of the church that afternoon. Some 250 people attended that afternoon service.

On Monday, we returned to Mexico City by bus. While there, Denis met with leaders of an emerging independent congregation regarding the possibility of that group joining the fellowship of other United Brethren in the Mexican Conference.  Hopefully, we will soon have our first United Brethren congregation in what is said to be the second largest city in the world. Mexico City has a population of over 22 million people, the majority of whom have little or no knowledge of the Gospel.

Rev. Casco continues to labor on for the glory of the Lord in spite of needed funding. God has provided for the continuation of this ministry, but as the work expands, more support funds are needed. Keep praying for the work being done in the Mexican Conference.


About 40 people came to New Hope Church in Bryan, Ohio, on October 23 for the second of six regional meetings with Bishop Ron Ramsey. The first was held three days before in Huntington, Ind. This one included a surprise announcement.

As in Huntington, Bishop Ramsey and Pat Jones, Director of Healthy Church Ministries, explained the two referenda and various Discipline revision proposals which will come before the US National Conference next June.

Bishop Ramsey has previously made known his intention to serve only until 2009. What wasn’t known was that Pat Jones plans to leave the national office at the same time, neither staying in his current position nor allowing his name to run on the ballot for bishop. Pat made that announcement publicly at the regional meeting in Bryan.

Bishop Ramsey then led the group in a discussion about the upcoming leadership transition. He asked, “What do we need in terms of leadership?” The assembled pastors and laypersons addressed that question from various angles.

The next four regional meetings will be held:

  • Thursday, November 6: Cochranton UB, Cochranton, Pa. (1-3 p.m.).
  • Monday, November 10: Rhodes Grove Camp, Chambersburg, Pa.
  • Wednesday, November 12: Lancaster UB, Lancaster, Ohio (1-3 p.m.).
  • Tuesday, November 18: East Washington UB, Ashley, Mich. (10-noon).

The meetings are open to any UB ministers and laypersons. Please register in advance.

Ron Ramsey, Bishop
The Michindoh Camp and Conference Center (Hillsdale, Mich.) is now a ministry of Lenawee Christian Ministries, an organization founded by Orville and Ruth Merillat, who basically donated the camp to us in the first place. In April, I signed various papers on behalf of the denomination to transfer title of all camp assets to Lenawee for one dollar. I believe it was the right decision.

After the 2005 US National Conference, Michindoh Conference took action to dissolve (like other conferences), but entrusted the conference council with determining the fate of the camp.

Various possibilities were considered. In the spring of 2007, Gull Lake Ministries, a highly-respected camping ministry in Michigan, agreed to assume ownership of Michindoh. But they backed out, sending the conference council back to square one.

We expected that all annual conferences would have dissolved by the 2007 US National Conference. However, Michindoh Conference couldn’t dissolve until they settled the fate of the camp. With no resolution in sight, the following happened:

  • The Executive Leadership Team asked Michindoh Conference to deed the camp to the denomination.
  • The ELT became, in effect, the camp board in October 2007.
  • A  temporary management agreement was signed with Lenawee Ministries to provide immediate oversight of the camp.
  • This spring, the ELT, confident of the camp’s future in the hands of Lenawee Ministries, decided to deed the camp to them.

Camp Michindoh was not an asset that the denomination could maintain long-term. We’re not in the camping business, and don’t have the deep pockets to finance some of the needs currently confronting the camp. So I’m happy that we could turn everything over to Lenawee. Jim McClellen, from Lenawee, is serving as the camp CEO.

The revised Pastoral Ministry Handbook (revised in early October by the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team) is now available. You can view it online or download as a PDF file.

The nature of the local church license was changed:

  • Before: It was the first of three steps toward ordination, which was the expected goal.
  • Now: It’s still the first step in our licensing process, but there are two tracks: one leading toward ordination, one leading to a Specialized Ministry license.

The Pastoral Ministry Handbook explains our ministerial categories and requirements. It was part of the Discipline until 2005. Then it was removed and placed under the PMLT, which can revise it whenever they wish.