We recently posted the nominees for Bishop and Executive Leadership Team, along with an explanation from the Nominating Committee That ballot is only tentative and not considered complete until the current Executive Leadership Team approves it. My bad. The ballot will be reviewed and approved by the ELT when it meets next Tuesday, and then we will publish the official one prior to National Conference.

I also want to comment on having just one nominee for Bishop. In case anyone questions whether that is procedurally allowable, the answer is “yes.”  There is no Constitutional or Discipline requirement to have more than one candidate for a position. That concept is found in our Standing Resolutions.  Current Resolution 23 states:

23. The Nominating Committee will nominate at least twice the number of persons required for all positions.

But Rule 24 states:

24. The Nominating Committee may move to suspend the preceding rule as it sees fit.

The Nominating Committee did due diligence in seeking qualified candidates for the position of Bishop, and after asking a number of individuals to consider the nomination, found one qualified candidate who was willing to serve. By consensus, they submitted one name and will take action at National Conference to move that Rule 23 be suspended for the ballot for Bishop.

I applaud their efforts. In their search, they had in mind a list of qualifications for the position. It was desired to see someone who has a proven track record of leadership.  Who knows what it was to lead a church to grow. Who is committed to Great Commission ministry. Who knows what it is to work with a team. Who has the gift of administration. Someone who has a heart for the church, and believes in the ministry of the local church.

It is imperative that we don’t compromise qualifications for the sake of a perceived procedural need. Our procedures allow for a single name to be placed in nomination.

My desire is that we all pray fervently for the work of our upcoming National Conference and for those who will lead us in the future. The task before them is great, but our God is greater.

Tom Datema alerted me to a seminar–in just two weeks–by the guys at Midnight Oil Productions. Tom and I heard these guys at a ChurchMedia.net conference. They’re tremendous. Both were once on staff with Ginghamsburg Church in the Dayton, Ohio, area, as part of the group that designed worship experiences. They are especially good when it comes to using imagery and metaphor. Their seminar was perhaps the best one on this subject I’ve ever attended.

The cost is $99 per day, and they’re taking walk-ins, so you don’t even need to register in advance. And if Dayton is too early, they’re doing this seminar in other locations.They are doing two one-day seminars back to back:

  • Monday, April 27: Creative Worship. Philosophy and tips putting together engaging digital-age worship experiences.
  • Tuesday, April 28: Design Matters. About creating media for use in worship services.

The Easter season is always exciting for churches. That’s when we see some of our biggest attendances, and it’s when a lot of ministry occurs.

So tell me what happened during the Easter season at your church, so I can share it here with others. Or, just leave a comment.

Mark Ralph, pastor of Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.), has faced very serious vertigo for the past three weeks. He has fallen down a number of times. Tomorrow, Wednesday, he undergoes a four-hour series of tests to try to determine what is happening. Please keep Mark in your prayers.

J. Michael Caley, senior pastor, Banner of Christ (Byron Center, Mich.)

We broke the 300 barrier for the first time in three years, with 304 combined in our two services. Best yet, after a meaningful Good Friday and powerful Easter morning, we saw one first-time commitment and three rededications to Christ.

The Kid City staff and Josh Good, the youth pastor, ministered to 80 kids on Saturday, then they all bagged over 4000 ‘eggs’ hidden in our back field!

Our budget is $6500 a week, but our average giving since February 1 is running over $7500.

God is movin’ and shakin’ in some cool ways.

Marvin Schwartz, pastor, New Horizons UB (Rockford, Ohio)

Easter was a great time for New Horizons. We had 284 in attendance with 60 below fifth grade. Our average attendance has increased to 196. As I stepped back and watched the people come in, I realized quickly that many were individuals who had not been here in a long time.

One person (a regular attendee) came up to me before the service and, in a calm voice with his arm around my shoulders, said, “It better be good today, Pastor.” No pressure there. I believe he had family members coming who hadn’t been in church for a long time; having them be there, by itself, was a major breakthrough for him.

We did our best not to make our service any different than other services. I didn’t want people’s first impression of us being something we weren’t. Therefore, everything we did on Easter Sunday we strive to do every Sunday (except for the 8:30 breakfast, where all were invited). I use Easter as a way to reach people who normally wouldn’t be in church.

Addition from Ken Meyer of New Horizons: “We did a mass mailing of 9000 invite cards and advertisements, and were able to share with people that had never attended a worship service before! These are exciting times in our ministry.”


My wife and I were both 23 years old when we had our first child. Some today believe that was pretty young, and no doubt it was. However, my kids are now having grandkids, and I’m glad I’ve got the strength and energy to enjoy them.

It seems the trend today is toward having children later in life. I suppose that helps explain why fertility clinics are doing so well. Some just seem to wait far too long. For some it may be a matter of completing their education, others a question of maturity, some just never think they can afford a child.

Planting churches is similar to having babies. Some wonder if it’s the right time, if they have enough resources, or if they should have a baby at all.

Our United Brethren churches in Latin America can’t follow that logic. They daughter churches at a pace that would frighten most people. The term “Octochurch” might even apply in some cases. Seemingly unconcerned about resources, timing or preparation, they simply gather believers in a new area and begin outreach. Once they begin having an impact, they build a simple shelter and before you know it, a new church has been organized. Within ten years or so, that church will probably give birth to a new church itself.

I admit, not all new churches succeed; up to one-half of all new church plants in Latin America fail. But they seem willing to tolerate a lot of failures on the road to success.

In the photograph is a group of believers who have assembled to plant one of two new churches in Managua, Nicaragua. During recent visits to Central America, I must have visited no less then 30 churches just like this one in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Honduras.

Everyone in church planting and missions is agreed that the most effective way to saturate a region for Christ is through the multiplication of growing churches. So why doesn’t it happen more often.

What about you? Have you had a baby yet? What are you waiting for?

Tony Morgan, the “Chief Strategic Officer” at a booming megachurch in South Carolina, is one of the premier bloggers in the evangelical world. He’s especially popular among the cutting-edge crowd. Really an interesting guy.

He just posted “25 Free Web Apps That Make Life Easier.” Increasingly, things are moving to the web. Instead of using a program you install on your computer, you go to a website and accomplish the same thing, whether it’s managing a calendar, writing Word documents, or managing your finances.

I was aware of, and use some of, the web apps that Tony mentions. But others were new to me. Depending on your level of geekiness, you may be interested in checking out his list.

What web apps would you add to the list? Mention them in the comments.

Registrations for XLR8, the US National Conference, are pushing toward 700. Here are the current figures (which we also update fairly regularly on the conference homepage):

  • Total registrations: 661
  • Ministerial delegates registered: 167
  • Lay delegates registered: 167 (interesting that they’re the same)
  • Attending the UB Historical Society Banquet: 111
  • Golf outing: 24 on Thursday, 24 on Saturday
  • Teens and children registered: 96

Atlantic Avenue UB (Franklin, Pa.) broke ground Monday morning, April 6, for an expension project to the church. A new sanctuary and classroom space will be added, along with a complete make-over of the entire building.

The project has a prictag of $1.96 million. The project should be completed by December of this year.

The Atlantic Avenue pastor is Gary Small. Since he arrived 17 years ago, the church has grown from 150 to about 500.