Beryl Fix, wife of former United Brethren minister Jack Fix, passed away Sunday, November 1, after suffering a heart attack. She was 94. Jack and Beryl’s ministry included pastoring College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.) and the former Olive View UB church (Sylmar, Calif.). Sons Gerald and Burney also served in the UB ministry. A memorial service will be held November 5 at 11 a.m. at Christ Community Church in Modesto, Calif.

Dick RaaabDick Raab, a retired United Brethren minister in Michigan, has been diagnosed with cancer and given 3-6 months to live. He learned that October 19 following a visit to the oncologist. Dick began radiation treatments on August 24 (which left him very sick), but a CT scan showed that the sarcoma tumors were growing despite the radiation.

Dick’s wife, Donelle, sent this note:

“The oncologist’s office is contacting hospice. This is tough news for the rest of us, but Dick will be enjoying great things beyond our imagination. Dick’s request for prayer is that he would be able to be a witness for his Lord, that he would maintain his sense of humor, and that he wouldn’t suffer too much pain. Hospice should help with the pain issue, but the rest is more up to him and God. Also, he’d love visits or phone calls.”

You can contact Dick by email at: [email protected].

Sandy and I spent the morning with Shoreline Church in Oak Harbor, Ohio. We enjoyed worshiping with them and sharing a testimony of God’s leading in our lives. Steve Fish is doing a good job of leading this congregation. He spoke out of John 13-14 about the 4 questions that were asked of Jesus by Peter, Thomas, Philip, and Judas.

It is wonderful to see God at work in the life of Shoreline. They are growing and have a vision to impact the shoreline of Lake Erie with the message of hope that comes from Christ.

TobyMac - Stephanie Smith - B.Reith - Attaboy

Christian musician tobyMac will perform at Huntington University on December 3 as part of his Winter Wonder Slam tour. The concert will also include Stephanie Smith, B. Reith, and Attaboy. It’ll be held in the athletic fieldhouse.

As in past years, Winter Wonder Slam will benefit the work of the U.S. Marine Corps in its annual Toys for Tots campaign. Concert goers are encouraged to bring an unwrapped gift to the event.

Sys tobyMac, “I wanted to put together a diverse tour that rocks in many musical directions but always points to Christ. The Winter Wonder Slam Tour does have a Christmas theme, but every band will be playing their hits and doing it the way they do.”

Doors open at 6:45 p.m., and the concert begins at 7:30 p.m.


  • $23 in advance
  • $25 at the door
  • $18 per person for groups of 10 or more.

To purchase tickets by phone or mail, contact:
Trinity Communications at (260) 484-1029.
Huntington University’s Box Office at (260) 359-4261.

Follow the link to read about the performers.

Flu Shots by Huntington University nursing students

Junior nursing student Megan Durham gives HU employee Grace McBrayer her flu shot while Professor Diana Shenefield looks on.

Huntington University’s Department of Nursing, in collaboration with the Huntington County Department of Health, offered flu shots on October 22. After learning fundamental skills this semester, the first class of nursing students from participated in giving seasonal flu vaccines at the flu shot clinic. The clinic took place in the university’s Science Hall.

Andy Sikora

Andy Sikora

Last night (Thursday), Sandy and I had supper with Andy and Merri Sikora, both Huntington University graduates who live in Berea, Ohio. Tom Blaylock was also there.

Andy is currently the Lead Teaching Pastor for the 707 Sunday night young adult ministry at Cuyahoga Valley Church in Broadview Heights, Ohio. Andy and Merri are going to plant a United Brethren church in Berea starting next fall. We had a great supper and conversation.

This morning Tom, Andy, and I met with:

  • Rick Duncan, who pastors Cuyahoga Valley Church.
  • Guy Stevens, who heads a church planting organization called NEO360, based in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Matt Jones, an intern with NEO360.

We had a great meeting as they shared their vision for impacting northeast Ohio with planting churches which not only see lost people come to Christ, but also impact their communities with their presence in every area. Exciting stuff. They want to partner with us to see a UB church planted.

We all want to work across denominational lines to accomplish the mission of impacting the kingdom of God.

Bishop Phil Whipple, Cathy Reich, and the staff of The Well

L-r: Bishop Phil Whipple, Cathy Reich (administrative assistant to the bishop and a member of The Well), Kim Chapman (office manager), Josh Kesler (senior pastor), Kevin Whitacre (Pastor of Youth and Pastoral Visitation), and Drew Wutke (Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts).

Good Shepherd UB Church

The Good Shepherd building.

Office building of The Well

The office of The Well.

Good Shepherd UB church of Huntington, Ind., has been undergoing major, major changes.

Last spring, they decided to sell their large property–a former monastery on a large tract of land–and meet in temporary facilities. August 16 was their final service in the building they had occupied for nearly 30 years.

They met for a few weeks in temporary facilities. Then, on September 13, they began meeting at Flint Springs Elementary School in Huntington. They plan to remain there for at least a year.

On that day, The Well was officially established. That’s the name of the church now. Good Shepherd UB church has effectively closed, and The Well has begun.

The office staff moved into quarters on Old US 24 on the east side of Huntington. A large open area can be used for youth meetings, music practice, and other things (since they have access to the school only on Sunday).

They have a buyer for the property, but the sale isn’t finalized. Nothing’s final until it’s final.

Josh Kesler has been the senior pastor since July 2008.

This congregation started in the 1950s under the name Grayston Avenue UB church, which reflected its location. When they bought the monastery, they changed the name to Good Shepherd.

Bishop Phil and Sandy Whipple left today on a 12-day trip that will take them to churches in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. The trip includes a consultation weekend at Bethel Temple of Praise in Yonkers, N.Y. It culminates with the Mid-Atlantic Pastoral Resource Day November 8-9 at Rhodes Grove Camp (Chambersburg, Pa.). Bishop Whipple will speak during the opening service on Sunday night, November 8, and lead devotions the next day.

The annual Mid-Atlantic Pastoral Resource Day will be held November 8-9 at Rhodes Grove Camp and Conference Center near Chambersburg, Pa.

The event begins 7 pm Sunday night, November 8, with message from Bishop Phil Whipple.

On Monday morning, Bishop Whipple will give devotions. The rest of the day, 9 am – 4 pm, will focus on the topic “Addiction in the Pews: Understanding the secret struggles of addiction and how to bring ‘hope to the hopeless.” The presenter will be Carol Reinertson, formerly director of the Addiction Studies Program in the Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies of Eastern University.

A .5 CEU credit is available. The cost is $40 per person. Lodging is also available at Rhodes Grove Camp.