03 Dec A Vision Worth Keeping
Sometimes visions die with the visionary. But then there are visions worth hanging onto and passing on to future generations. Such is the vision of Dr. Ralph Winter, founder of the US Center for World Mission in Pasadena, Calif.
While visiting with Dave Datema, the newly named General Director of Frontier Mission Fellowship, of with the US Center for World Mission is a part, he showed me a “stone of remembrance” that the staff erected soon after Dr. Winter’s passing last May. The stone reads:
This stone is a witness that on July 14, 2009, after the death of our founder, Dr. Ralph D. Winter on May 20 that same year, the members of the Frontier Mission Fellowship reconsecrated themselves to the vision of the gospel of the Kingdom being proclaimed by word and deed among all peoples to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples. Joshua 24:26-27
I count it a privilege to have United Brethren people like Dave and Cathie Datema and family serving with an organization that continues to do so much to serve Christ’s Church in the work of sharing the gospel among all nations. The US Center for World Mission continues to have a vital role in mobilizing, educating, and training churches and missionaries from around the world to accomplish the mission of God. Continue to remember them in prayer.