Judy Fortner, Pastor Greg Voight, and all the shoeboxes

Judy Fortner, Pastor Greg Voight, and all the shoeboxes.


L-r: Pastor Greg Voight with Joe Crawford and John Fortner and the loaded SUV.

Lancaster UB pastor Greg Voight will be wearing his Sunday best, at least during December.

In October, the local WMF president, Judy Fortner, decided to make Operation Christmas Child a high priority. She challenged the congregation to donate 75 shoeboxes for the Franklin Graham organization, Samaritan’s Purse.

Not to be outdone, Pastor Greg Voight opened up his rather considerable mouth and challenged the congregation to double it…150 boxes. In fact, he made a friendly bet with the congregation that if they could do 150 boxes, he would wear a suit and tie every Sunday in December.  If the congregation fell short, they would have to sit up front for the whole month.

Shoeboxes began to pour in. The eventual Grand Total: 185 boxes for kids around the world (including enough postage in a special offering to cover all the shipping). As a result, Pastor Greg got his best duds ready and God is reaching around the world through one local church.

“Our people really rallied around the challenge of putting their faith into action in a real and tangible way,” says Pastor Voight. “As so often happens with God, we have been blessed far more than the blessing we’re sending. It started a renewal and a sense of joy and purpose that is amazing. Praise God!”


UB people file to the front to contribute their money.


L-r: Dr. Coril Warmington and Marian Stewart, representing missionary work in Liberia, with host pastor Rev. Dr. Lloyd Spencer.


The congregation watches a video presentation about the flooding in the Philippines

United Brethren churches in Jamaica Conference, from the Eastern District, held a combined missionary service on Sunday, November 29, to raise funds for two concerns:

  • To help UB churches in the Philippines affected by recent floods.
  • To help support missionaries in Liberia.

People from the 12 churches of the eastern district held this service at the Washington Gardens church in Kingston, the capital city. The theme this year was, “Reaching the Lost and Needy, with Open Hearts and Hands.” The service included:

  • A video presentation by Mr. Andre Saunderson about the devastation in the Philippines.
  • Presentations about missionary work in Liberia by missionaries Dr. Coril Warmington and Ms. Marian Stewart .

The service was coordinated by Pastor Barrington Johnson, moderated by Rev. Courtney Morgan, and hosted by Rev. Dr Lloyd Spencer.

Jacob_Hatfield150A teen from Mainstreet Church (Walbridge, Ohio) has been missing since last night.

Jacob Hatfield, 15, was last seen at the church on Sunday night, December 6, around 8:30 p.m. He is the nephew of Tim Sherman, the church’s NextGen pastor. Jacob was wearing a black Coca-Cola stocking cap, a black pullover sweatshirt, a black winter coat, and bluejeans. And he had an iPod.

Anyone with information should call the Lake Township police at 419-666-5500, or the Wood County Sheriff at 419-354-9001.

We are mentioning it here so that UB people across the denomination can be praying for Jacob’s safe return.

UPDATE (9:30 pm Dec. 7): We just received word that Jacob has been found, safe and well. He was found by city police at 7:30 Monday night in Walbridge after a community-wide search by 30-40 volunteers. No other details.

The Hatfield family would like to express their extreme gratitude for your prayers, kindness, and help during the past 24 hours. An additional thanks to the mass of volunteers who were able to gather in support of the family and conduct a foot search for Jacob, to the many police and fire personnel who helped find Jacob, and to the media and other local churches who helped get the word out.


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Phl Whipple speaking to UB students visiting Huntington University

This morning (Friday, Dec. 4), Bishop Phil Whipple spoke briefly to a group of youth from United Brethren churches who were visiting Huntington University. They met in the Longaker Recital Hall in the Merillat Centre for the Arts. The students had come for the Toby Mac Winter Wonder Slam concert, held the night before at Huntington University. They represented these churches:

  • Cochranton Community (Cochranton, Pa.)
  • Pathway Community (Jackson, Mich.)
  • Jerusalem Chapel (Churchville, Va.)
  • Fowlerville UB (Fowlervile, Mich.)
  • Banner of Christ (Byron Center, Mich.)
  • Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio)


Mrs. Walter Recinos at the site of the mudslide.

Torrential rains hit large areas of Central America this fall. In El Salvador, Pastor Walter Recinos and his wife lost their home in a mudslide. Nearly everything was lost as a result. We’re gathering funds to take with us to General Conference in January to present to Pastor and Mrs. Recinos, who will be attending as guests. El Salvador is a mission district, with oversight by Honduras Conference.

Sometimes visions die with the visionary. But then there are visions worth hanging onto and passing on to future generations. Such is the vision of Dr. Ralph Winter, founder of the US Center for World Mission in Pasadena, Calif.

While visiting with Dave Datema, the newly named General Director of Frontier Mission Fellowship, of with the US Center for World Mission is a part, he showed me a “stone of remembrance” that the staff erected soon after Dr. Winter’s passing last May. The stone reads:

This stone is a witness that on July 14, 2009, after the death of our founder, Dr. Ralph D. Winter on May 20 that same year, the members of the Frontier Mission Fellowship reconsecrated themselves to the vision of the gospel of the Kingdom being proclaimed by word and deed among all peoples to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples. Joshua 24:26-27

I count it a privilege to have United Brethren people like Dave and Cathie Datema and family serving with an organization that continues to do so much to serve Christ’s Church in the work of sharing the gospel among all nations. The US Center for World Mission continues to have a vital role in mobilizing, educating, and training churches and missionaries from around the world to accomplish the mission of God. Continue to remember them in prayer.

Construction on the Delmas Church and Conference Center in Haiti

United Brethren people in Haiti have been working hard on a new church in Delmas. This facility will also serve as a national conference center. The property, located on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince, was purchased by the Haitian church. The building is being constructed through the efforts of church members and local contractors using gifts from Canada and the United States. A team from the UB churches in Canada will travel to Haiti to help with the construction.

On December 13, the Delmas church will celebrate its third anniversary. While the project continues, the local church is increasing in attendance and has been baptizing people.

Last spring, we contributed $8000 through our Self-Denial Offerings. However, an additional push is needed to complete the building before the rainy season comes. Pastor Oliam Richard has been under pressure by the municipality to complete the project. Any assistance toward the total amount needed would be appreciated.

On Thursday, December 3, Bishop Phil Whipple will take part in a panel discussion on the Mid-Morning program on WBCL, a Christian radio station in Fort Wayne, Ind. He will be joined by Jerry Davis and Mike Cook, from the Huntington University graduate school, and Monte Sheets, a pastor in Fort Wayne.

The panel will talk about healthy pastors and healthy churches.  They will particularly tackle the questions, “How can pastors care for their inner life, and how can their congregations help?”

The program airs 9-10 am. You can listen over the internet.


L-r: Bishop Phil Whipple, Joe Leighton (current pastor of Salen Chapel), Chuck Wheatley (former pastor), Billy Snider (special speaker)

Annette Self, Mt. Zion UB (Junction City, Ohio)
Mt. Zion UB (Junction City, Ohio) had a homecoming on October 4 with special speaker, Rev. Billy Snider. He grew up at Mt. Zion and entered the ministry in the 1950s. The day included special music in the morning and afternoon services, a dinner, several guest singers, and guests from other churches and the community. Ninety people attended in the afternoon.

The church also contributed to Franklin Graham’s Operation Christmas Child. We did 36 shoeboxes this year–an average of over one per person in Sunday attendance.

We are also once again adopting a family for Christmas and contributing to the local food pantry with 70 boxes of crackers. Each of the churches contributes something like that, and the community ministry compiles food baskets for needy people for Christmas. Salem Chapel UB usually participates in this too.