Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries, leaves for Sierra Leone tomorrow, March 27. He’ll be joined by two members of the Global Ministries Leadership Team, Wil Kline and Jeff Sherlock, both from College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind. They’ll return the following Saturday, April 3.

The trip will focus on three areas:

  • Meet with Global Ministries missionaries Randy and Toni Fennig to see the progress of the agricultural development projects, and visit the farm at Bo.
  • Visit Mattru Hospital to see the progress of various projects there.
  • Talk to Sierra Leone leaders about a possible water filtration project.

At the time of this writing, I have now finished the first day of my second week at Pui Va school. Things have been great so far. In week one, I got to meet the 200 students, spread across four classes, that I will work with for the final 10 weeks of the semester.

I shared a bit of my story and experiences with the class to give them a chance to get used to the way I speak English. After a few questions to confirm comprehension, I conducted a survey so that I could get a sense of their English level along with some suggestions for what they might be interested to study. The school has given me freedom to teach however I choose, as long as the students are learning conversational English. I wanted some feedback so that I could create engaging and valuable lessons.

On each of my last two trips to Macau, I have had the chance to spend a day walking around the old parts of town with Living Stone members Jeffrey, Carolina, and Tyrone. All three of these friends have spent parts of their lives living in more Western cultures. Jeffrey attended high school and university in Canada, Carolina lived in England for a number of years, and Tyrone is from the Philippines and has traveled a lot of places for work.

This past Saturday, the four of us decided to head out on the town again, talking in our usual jumble of Cantonese and English. We ate at a Mexican restaurant (surprisingly good) and then walked around Taipa for several hours. Finally, we stopped to get something to drink and ended up sitting and talking about culture and language (including a small competition on who knew the most world capitals) until after 2 am!

Even though it took me a few days to catch up on my rest, it was a wonderful opportunity to build friendships with people at Living Stone Church. While I am attending Living Water Church on Sunday mornings, I am happy to be able to connect with the people of Living Stone during the week.

On March 16, Roger Reeck had arthroscopic surgery on his knee in Mobile, Alabama. Marilyn reports that it was successful.

The orthopedic surgeon feels that there is only a 40% probability that he will need the second surgery. He will remain in the US for a month doing heavy exercises to strengthen the muscles, and after that a decision will be made. In the meantime Marilyn will remain in Honduras working on projects involving the Garifuna language.

On this date in 1812–which was 198 years ago–Bishop Martin Boehm died. He was 87 years old. Boehm was one of our denomination’s founders. He was the man who preached that fiery message at Long’s Barn in 1767 which caught the attention of our other founder, William Otterbein.

A group get-acquainted activity at the Mission Team Training.

The "Helium Hula Hoop" exercise.

Global Ministries will sponsor another workshop for persons interested in leading short-term mission trips. We did four such events in 2008, and one in February 2010.

Date: August 27-28, 2010
Location: Devonshire Church, Harrisburg, Pa.
Cost: $60

This workshop is open for all persons who either will lead short-term trips in 2010 or who may be considering leading trips in the future.

Participants will receive a lot of material helpful in putting together the trip, team development, dealing with cultural differences, and much more. If your church is considering short-term mission ministry, this is a “must” event.

Jeff Bleijerveld and Donna Hollopeter will be team teaching. The UBGlobal website has more information, including the schedule, a list of nearby hotels, and a brochure you can download. You can also register and pay online.

Seven incoming freshmen to Huntington University have been named recipients of the Horizon Leadership Scholarship for the 2010/11 academic year. This is the third year that the scholarship has been awarded.

Launched in the fall of 2008, the Horizon Leadership Program is a collaborative effort between Huntington University and Youth for Christ designed to attract and retain students of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds by providing educational, leadership, and creative outlets.

The Horizon Leader Scholarship covers fees associated with tuition and housing costs for up to 10 semesters through a combination of federal, state, and institutional aid.

The recipients of the award are:

  • Rosa Cruz (San Antonio, Texas).
  • Brianna Lapetina (Racine, Wisc.)
  • Karina Palma (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  • James Pope (San Diego, Calif.)
  • Guiliana Ruiz-Moreno (Chesterton, Ind.)
  • Isaiah Stephenson (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
  • Jonathan Zamora (Chicago, Ill.)

Front (l-r): Kathy Bruce, Molly Shull. Back (l-r): Jeanie Helman, Penny Cole, Annette Sites, Stacy Gentry.

This weekend members of the UB Women’s Ministry Team met at Willow Valley Resort in Lancaster, Pa., to prepare for the upcoming Women’s Conference this September. The ladies basked in the sun by a lovely pond (while accomplishing a lot, of course), met with the hotel representative to go over logistics, and sampled a complimentary smorgasbord dinner. Registration for the conference is open and many woman have already registered. Check out to view a short commercial and register your group today!

Juanita Chavez and pastors during a prayer time.

Juanita Chavez climbing the hill to the church.

A small group session on the mountain.

Juanita Chavez, Superintendent of Honduras Conference

Our trip to the remote region of CaƱada Galana was extremely interesting. It was very healthy to conduct a training session with the 13 pastors of District No. 1, experience meeting new brothers, and be together praising the Lord in an open-air service. The service began at 6 pm and concluded at 10 pm. It was held against a background of beautiful mountains, sky, and moon.

The beauty of this is that the places where the Lord is allowing us to visit are enthusiastically embracing the agenda of the “Vision of the Church” (church planting). God willing, on April 23-24 we’ll conduct another training workshop with all of the pastors and two leaders from each congregation.

We are always reviewing and enjoying UBCentral. It’s great to see all photos from General Conference, and we pray that we remain a blessing around the world. May God bless all those who have contributed support for Haiti.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. L-r: Chuck Wheatley, Robert Bruce, Craig Burkholder, Lee Rhodes (chairman), Chris Little (red shirt, back to the camera), Bishop Phil Whipple, Cathy Reich (secretary, hidden), Terry Smith, Dennis Sites.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team (PMLT) met Monday night and Tuesday, March 15-16. The main agenda item involved pastoral training. The Huntington University Graduate School will discontinue the Pastoral Leadership track in June. That has always been our primary vehicle for training ministers. The PMLT needed to figure out how to replace it.

They settled on a list of 11 core courses for the National Conference license, and 24 core courses for ordination. If no college can be found that offers a particular course, the PMLT may cover the subject through a workshop of some kind. A Masters degree is no longer required for ordination.

Here are the course subjects. If you have questions, ask them in the “Comments,” and Bishop Whipple will respond.

National Conference License
Spiritual Formation Bible Study
Old Testament Survey Mentoring and Time Management
New Testament Survey Christian World View
Systematic Theology Christian Ethics
UB History Church History Survey
Pastoral Care and Counseling Missions
Preaching Worship
Ministry Internship Relationship Building
Evangelism Equipping the Church for Service
Bible Elective Conflict Management
Bible Elective Leadership of a Governing Body
Leadership of a Congregation
Staff (Lay or Paid) Management

L-r: Scott Hughes (from Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio, Dr. Owen Gordon (Western District superintendent), Rev. Isaac Nuggent (Central Distrist superintendent), Rev. Lebert Thompson (Eastern District superintendent), Bishop Winston Smith, Rev. Jeff Bleijerveld (Director of Global Ministries).

UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp to fellowship in the Lord

The message on "Godly Leadership" by Bishop Winston Smith.

The prayer for the pastors and their families.

Written by Deon McLennon

Jamaica National Conference concluded its 59th annual conference on Sunday, March 14. UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp for the event.

The worship service began with praise and worship being led by the Burnt Savannah praise team, after which Rev. Courtney Morgan opened in prayer. This was followed by the welcome by welcome by Dr. Owen Gordon the western district superintendent. The scripture reading was taken from Ezekiel 34:1-16.

The songs “We will Remember” and “A New Hallelujah” were sung by the combined senior choir and combined junior choir respectively. Jeff Bleijerveld brought greetings from Global Ministries.

Bishop Winston Smith delivered a sterling sermon on godly Leadership which inspired us all to aspire to be godly leaders. After the sermon, the congregation sang “Sound the Battle Cry.” We then had a communion service.

The evening session included the best of youth rally 2010 and was highlighted by the charge from Rev. Dr. Lloyd Spencer and the ordination of Pastor Baldwin Peterkin. The resolution was read by Sister Carolyn Johnson, which was followed by a prayer for the pastors and their families, followed by the close of the conference.