February 24, 2011

Mark and Angela Vincenti and family
Mark Vincenti is the new youth pastor at College Park Church in Huntington, Ind. He joined the staff February 1. Mark has spent the past ten years serving as youth pastor at King Street United Brethren Church (Chambersburg, Pa.).
Mark served as a youth ministry intern at College Park while attending Huntington University over 10 years ago. While at HU, Mark met Angela McNew and soon realized that he had met his future wife. He and Angela have three girls: Kiana (7) Naomi (4), and Asha (2).
The announcement from College Park says, “Mark is a very gifted youth leader but also comes with a passion for the local church. Mark has often said that College Park holds a special place in his heart because of his ministry experience here, meeting Angela, and the fact that this is where God called him into ministry. We are excited to have Mark and Angela come and look forward to the church getting to know them more.”
Roger Vezeau (right), the current Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults, and Mark will work together in the leadership of the youth ministry through the end of May. At that time, Roger will hand off the leadership reigns of the youth ministry and Mark will considered the lead youth pastor.
“Roger will be stepping into leadership of several other areas of ministry that will help College Park grow. Some of the new areas of responsibility will include developing our men’s ministry more thoroughly, and helping the men’s ministry work more closely with the women’s ministry to develop a marriage enrichment ministry. Roger will also be asked to continue in his role in the collaborative work for youth ministry and the church overall. And finally, Roger will give a portion of his time to assisting Mark in the ministry to parents of youth, large group events, mission trips, and contributing as a teacher/speaker when needed.”