20 Jun 5 Teams, 4 Countries
Several short-term mission teams are currently overseas or traveling.
Honduras Medical Team. A group of 22 people arrived in Honduras on June 17, ready to conduct a series of clinics at UB churches. They are staying in Olanchito. They conducted clinics on Saturday (June 18) and Monday (June 20). So far they have seen 700 medical patients and 300 patients for eyeglasses. The team is led by Fonda and Robert Cassidy of Mt. Olivet UB church (Mt. Solon, Va.). All of the team members are having a great time and settling in very well. The team will be in Honduras doing clinics each day this week and will return to the U.S. on Saturday, June 25.
They have asked for prayer for a specific situation. They saw a woman, age 40+, who is pregnant with twins and was just diagnosed with lung cancer. The team is attempting to get the woman to a hospital for an early delivery of the babies so that some kind of cancer treatment can begin.
Sierra Leone. Two groups will soon be ministering in Sierra Leone.
Gail Welch, a former UB missionaries at Mattru Hospital, is leading a group of 7 persons who will spend a month installing water filtration systems in villages throughout the country.
On June 20, a group of five persons from Criders UB (Chambersburg, Pa.) began their journey to Sierra Leone. They will work at Jonathan’s House, an orphanage in Bo, and stay with Randy and Toni Fennig.
Nicaragua. A group of 25 youth and adult sponsors from College Park UB (Huntington, Ind.) left today (June 20) for Nicaragua. They will be there for 10 days, working with UB staffperson Jeff Dice and conducting a VBS in the evenings.
Poland. Roger and Sharon McDonald are leading a group of 15 persons to Poland, where they will conduct an English camp alongside UB endorsed staff Arek and Donna Delik. They leave Friday morning, June 24.