First UB Church (Van Wert, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 18

Sue Miller of Van Wert UB writes, “The Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry is a group effort at our church. Our children from the AWANA program collected items for eight boxes. Our youth group brought in supplies to pack four more. Several families in our church filled the other 6, and many people helped to sponsor them. We brought all the boxes to the altar and asked a child or youth to stand next to each box as we prayed for the children and families that would receive these gifts. We have participated in Operation Christmas Child as a church for about ten years.”

Criders UB Church (Chambersburg, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 71

Chip Stottlemyer of Criders UB writes, “We had a shoebox packing party and the Kids Club, Youth Group, and many adults joined in wrapping and packing for our shoeboxes. A team of youth and some adult leaders delivered them and some extra items to the regional collection point and assisted there along with about 100 other people sorting and packing more boxes. What a blessing to be part of this ministry.”

Participants in the Leadership Challenge Conference (click to enlarge)

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

  Rev. Bob Bruce ( far right) and I had the privilege of sharing three days with 30 pastors and church planters in South Central Asia. The participants ranged in experience and education, but most were from among tribal groups that work primarily in agriculture.

During our time, we walked through 1 John and an adapted version of the five practices of the “Leadership Challenge.”

  1. Model the Way
  2. Inspire a Shared Vision
  3. Challenge the Process
  4. Enable Others to Act
  5. Encourage the Heart

Using biblical models of leaders, we found that sharing stories, humor, and abundant opportunities for them to interact with one another resulted in some great applications they felt were worth taking home and using. We were also able to send each participant home with an Old and New Testament Bible Commentary in their regional language thanks to your gifts toward our Thanksgiving Offering.

Praying the Hours” tells the story of a man in the midst of his death who is reflecting on eternity. The film is told in eight segments, and is based on the ancient practice of fixed-hour prayer observed by the Abrahamic faith traditions.

The final segment of this independent film will be shot at various locations on the Huntington University campus during January Term. Assisting will be 10 hand-selected digital media arts students, who will be used during preparation and production of the film including camera operation, location scouting, and problem solving such as the development of “trick shots.” This segment, about a college professor, is set at a liberal arts college in the Midwest.

“Praying the Hours” will continue shooting the other seven segments at various locations in the country through 2012 with a hopeful release date in 2013.

Read more about the project.

  • George Eagle has been assigned as senior pastor of Harrison UB church (Harrison, Mich.).
  • Keith Elliott has been assigned as senior pastor of Criders UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) effective December 1, 2011.
  • Jeff Reser (right) has been hired as associate pastor of East Washington UB (Ashley, Mich.) effective December 1, 2011. He was previously associate pastor of Fowlerville UB (Fowlerville, Mich.).

Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 110

Ben Gladhill (right), associate pastor of Lake View, writes: “This is Lake View Church’s 9th year doing Operation Christmas Child. Each year we do a pretty good job at collecting items for our shoeboxes and filled shoeboxes. This year we collected 110 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. However this year we threw in a twist.

“As Associate Pastor at Lake View and AWANA commander, I challenged our Awana Clubbers to get in on the action. So I told them for every 20 shoeboxes they filled by November 2, I would take a pie to the face. Our Awana clubbers and leaders jumped on board and filled 40 shoeboxes from Awana alone this year. So I kept good on my end of the deal and took 2 whipped cream pies in the face. It was a lot of fun, as you can see from the video above.”

Sunfield UB Church (Sunfield, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 65+

Annie Emmons (right) of Sunfield writes: “I provide the people with the ready-made shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Last year I challenged each adult class to make a box. Our Sunday school class, JOY (Just Older Youth), couldn’t decide if they wanted to do one for a boy or girl, so they did one for each this year. So many articles were brought in that we ended up with 4 from our elderly class! And all the money for the boxes was provided too! I was so proud of them all!

“We all enjoy doing the boxes, and can only imagine the happiness of the boys and girls that receive them. We look forward to doing this each year! Some grandparents have their grandchildren go shopping for items to put into the boxes, and then fill the boxes. Everyone enjoys this project! Last year our church did 62 or 63, and I was afraid with the economy as it is, it would be less this year. But God provided and we topped that number! Praise His name!

Atlantic Avenue UB Church (Franklin, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 150

East Washington UB Church (Ashley, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 10,000

You read that right: 10,000 shoeboxes!!!

Kathy Stahl of East Washington writes, “We were really blessed by being able to send off over 10,000 shoeboxes. Ted and Michelle Beck were the people with the dream and led us to the goal. Last year we sent over 5000 shoeboxes, so Ted’s dream doubled and our community was blessed by his vision.”

Little Jacob Sheets helped pack these shoeboxes at Shepherd of the Valley UB.

Shepherd of the Valley UB Church (Logan, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 187

Veronica Sheets of Shepherd of the Valley writes, “As a church family we collected different items throughout the year. Then we as a whole church held a shoebox-packing day. We ate lunch, and then we got to work. In a matter of just a couple of hours, we packed 187 shoeboxes. Then they were loaded up on our pastor’s truck and taken to our drop-off location. In the photo is a little guy who helped pack the boxes, His name is Jacob Sheets.

Claudia Blanche Myers-Glover, 88, passed away Sunday, November 27, 2011, in Carlisle, Pa., surrounded by her loved ones.

A greatly beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great-great-grandmother, she cherished the 50 years she served as a Sunday school teacher and 40 years as a United Brethren minister’s wife at various UB churches in the former Mid-Atlantic Conference. She and her husband, the late Rev. H. Dorsey Glover, served the Bowleys Lane UB church in Baltimore, Md., along with these churches in Pennsylvania: Trinity, Heidlersburg, Idaville, Strinestown, Cold Springs, Fayetteville, and Macedonia.

Visitation Date: 9:30 am Wednesday, November 30, 2011.
Funeral: 10:30 am Wednesday, November 30. Burial will follow at Druid Ridge Cemetery in Pikesville, Md.
Location: Vaughn C. Greene Funeral Services, 8728 Liberty Road, Randallstown, Md.

A memorial service will be held at 10 am on December 10 at Idaville United Brethren Church, 3590 Carlisle Road, Gardners, Pa.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent in support of Sarah Glover (missionary to Papua New Guinea) to Sturgis Baptist Church, P.O. Box 844, Sturgis, MI; or to Idaville United Brethren Church, 3590 Carlisle Road, Gardners, Pa. 17324.

Hoffman-Roth Funeral Home & Crematory of Carlisle, Pa., is in charge of the funeral arrangements and has information about Claudia and a guestbook.

Here are a few more churches that participated in Operation Christmas Child. This adds to the previous listings herehere, here, and here. We still invite you to tell us how many boxes your church filled.

Barton Road UB Church (Meadville, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 15

Mt. Zion UB Church (Wayne, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 108

Gayle Thorn of Mt. Zion writes: “Our collection included shoeboxes made up by a local college softball team, shoeboxes made up by each of our Jungle Zone classes (kids age 3-5th grade), and shoeboxes made up by our congregation at large. Our total number of shoeboxes is nearly double what we collected last year.” Cindy Bonham adds, “We put up a Christmas tree up and put the labels on as tags. Also purchased the shoeboxes and had them put under the tree for everyone to take. We were very pleased with the outcome. Went from 60 boxes from last year to 108 boxes this year. So glad we could help out.”

Living Water UB Church (Winchester, Va.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 17

Ebenezer UB Church (Greencastle, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 352

Pastor David Grove writes, “Our church family once again showed their great love and compassion for those in need by exceeding the goal of 350 shoeboxes. The 2010 goal was set at 250, and God blessed with 265 shoeboxes. We feel very strongly that every box that is filled is not only a gift for Christmas but represents a soul for the Kingdom of Heaven. We praise God that we have an opportunity to take part in this wonderful ministry, and we look forward to what 2012 brings.”

Park UB church (Bluffton, Ind.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 51

Rev. Billy Simbo sent the following information on November 29 regarding the funeral for his wife, Mamei.

“Mamei R. Simbo was laid to rest on Friday, November 25, 2011, after a wonderful service of celebration and thanksgiving at Eglise De Dieu Par La Foi in Philadelphia, Pa. Burial was at Ivy Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia.

“The Simbo family wants to thank all our brothers and sisters who have prayed for us since the beginning of Mamei’s sickness until her home-going. Thank you for your gifts, contributions, cards, and flowers. We rejoice in the life she was able to live and all the people she influenced. She was a great ministry partner, a devoted mother and grandmother who reached many people with her smile and hospitality.

“She will be greatly missed but will be remembered until we meet again at Jesus’ feet.”

Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. Several thousand shoeboxes are sent by UB churches to children around the world. We invited churches to tell us how many shoeboxes they collected. We have posted results herehere, and here. We still invite you to tell us how many boxes your church filled.

Daytona UB Church (Holly Hill, Fla.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 1376

Pastor Chuck McKeown (right) writes, “We collected boxes from several other churches as well as our own. The total was about 100 more than last year.” Several youth helped package the boxes for shipment.

Kunkle UB Church (Kunkle, Ohio)
Number of shoeboxes: 18

Stryker UB Church (Stryker, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 60

Pastor Nick Woodwall (right) says, “The Stryker church has collected shoeboxes for several years. The people were particularily enthused about it after viewing the DVD about Operation Christmas Child.”

Bethel UB Church (Elmore, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 86

Fran Overmyer of Bethel writes, “The younger children went shopping for things to put in the boxes. In past years we had someone who packed shoeboxes all year round. However, she is not able to do that anymore due to health reasons. The other boxes filled were brought in individually and also one person had a shoebox-filling with her granddaughters, daughter, and a couple of friends. They did 70+ boxes. We have participated in this for about 15 years.”

Avlon UB Church (Bremen, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 50

Pastor Chuck Wheatley (right) reports, “We have enjoyed participating in this program since it first began. One lady picked up 6 boxes at her hair salon. For the last few years she had told her hair dresser that we did this program, and they have donated boxes for the past 2 years.”

Shiloh Community Church (Tiverton, Ontario)
Number of Shoeboxes: 412

Shiloh UB’s involvement in Operation Christmas Child was mentioned previously. Donna Doern, who heads up the program for the church, added the following:

“We do our shoe boxes as a joint effort from our small rural church. About 25 people attend per Sunday. Everyone brings/buys different items needed for the boxes and we complile them into sections–school supplies, personal care items, clothing for different sizes, fun stuff like stuffed animals, toys, etc., hard candy, and balloons.

“This year we did our project over the summer months and set up the basement of the church to accomodate the items coming in. We made up the boxes and in each box put a sticker inside that read ‘cheque in other box’ so the head office would not waste time looking for payment in that box as we write one cheque to cover the entire amount of boxes. We also put the boy/girl stickers on the boxes ahead of time as well to save time at the end.

“All you had to do was indicate the age category on the front of the box on the sticker. Then the fun began. A few of us went up several times during the hot summer days to work on the preparation for packing the boxes. One of our 87-year-old ladies came faithfully to unpackage crayons, toothbrushes, pencil crayons, etc. She even put together some of the boxes and labelled them. She was a wonderful help in all avenues of the adventure. She took great delight in seeing the finished product, as at the top of each box was a stuffed animal or doll which completed the smile both for her and for the child receiving the box.

“We all had great fun seeing the new items coming in weekly to add to our collection for the shoeboxes and to see the number of shoeboxes growing.

“To help fund the shipment cost of $7 per box, we have a ladies Friendship luncheon in May. The ladies are most generous in their giving, knowing the cause and the number of smiles that will be created by the gift of the boxes. We usually raise enough money to send at least 200-300 boxes. Further funding comes from either yard sales or from the men of our church who contribute in many ways as well.

We always stress that this not any sort of a competition, but rather a blessing the Lord is using us in helping others in countries and places unknown to us. He is channelling donated items and funds for the project simply through us and we are more than willing to work alongside Him. We count it a blessing and privelege to be a part of so many smiles on so many childrens faces worldwide.”

How About Your Church?
How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches. We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.

Gene and Lana Wolfe head up Operation Christmas Child for Praise Point. Here they are with the 2011 shoeboxes.

Every year, dozens of UB churches participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. Several thousand shoeboxes are sent by UB churches to children around the world. We invited churches to tell us how many shoeboxes they collected. We have posted results here and here. We still invite you to tell us how many boxes your church filled.

Praise Point Church (Willshire, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 261

Melina Agler (right), church secretary, writes: “Praise Point has been preparing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child since the church opened its doors in 2006. Each year the boxes are placed at the front of the church on the last Sunday they are received, and a time is set aside to have special prayer for those that will receive these gifts. This year the children of the church gathered with the pastor at the front of the sanctuary for prayer, each child taking a box to hold during the prayer. The junior church children (ages 3-5th grade) also prepared 20 boxes to add to the boxes received from the congergation.

“Gene and Lana Wolfe have been chairing this project for several years. They begin collecting shoeboxes and small items as soon as the last year’s boxes have shipped. Several of our church family have also gone to North Carolina to help pack boxes for shipping, and will be going again this year.”

Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 73

Pastor Marshall Woods (right) writes, “We simply put out the challenge to be involved in outreach. We also are working to provide for some families that are going through difficult times.”

Blue Rock UB Church (Waynesboro, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 77

Rosie Baer of Blue Rock says the number was down from last year, “but we still praise the Lord for the response.”

Hillsdale UB (Hillsdale, Mich.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 115

Quiggle Rick of Hillsdale UB writes, “We’ve been giving out shoeboxes and information since the beginning of October at a table at the back of the Worship Center. We use the videos Samaritan’s Purse provides to show during offering, in addition to doing announcements & slides. We also have several teachers who will take the party packs and do boxes with their children. This year we will also have two people making the trip to North Carolina to help get the boxes ready to ship. We’re so excited!”

Mt. Olivet UB (Mt. Solon, Va.)
Number of Shoeboxes: 15

Fonda Cassidy (right), a layperson from Mt. Olivet, writes: “Our WMF ladies collect for Samaritan’s Purse. Some pack them together with family and or friends. It is so exciting to take them to the place where they are being packed into tractor trailers and readied to go to the distribution center in North Carolina. Thousands of shoeboxes, knowing that you had helped, even in a small way is just so wonderful!”

Salem UB (Chambersburg, Pa.)
Number of Shoeboxes: About 85

Arthur Page (right), pastor of Salem UB, writes: “We encouraged one shoebox per church family. Our youth guy, Slugg, aka Daryl, did a children’s moment during Sunday morning service with the kids to show them how to pack a box and to encourage them to coerce their parents into letting them do one as a family project. Also our youth group went to the local Samaritan’s Purse packing center where they had a great time volunteering with people from other local churches!”

Salem Chapel (Junction City, Ohio)
Number of Shoeboxes: 168

Pastor Joe Leighton writes: “In addition, we are sending a team of 6 adults to Boone, NC, to help pack and ship Christmas boxes. We have been sending a team of adults to Boone for the past 7 years. Two of the past 4 years we have sent a second team of teenagers from the youth group. One of our adult team members, Bill Morgan, was selected to go to Honduras this past February to help distribute the shoebox gifts to some of the rural villages.”

How About Your Church?
How many Christmas Child shoeboxes did your church collect this year? We’d like to share that on UBCentral for other churches. We even have a form you can use to report what your church did with Operation Christmas Child.