12 Mar The Reecks: Live in Honduras, Work in Africa
Roger and Marilyn Reeck, UB endorsed missionaries serving with Wycliffe
We base out of Honduras and travel from there to other places. It is amazing that we can be in Honduras, and workers in a remote area of Africa can send us a newly crafted story, and we can revise and correct it and send it back the same day.
The project facilitators in Africa submit the information using a specific online computer program. Roger checks it, suggests changes, and the corrections are made back in Africa.
And now travel time! We are now packed and on our way back to Guinea Bissau.
As soon as we arrive in Guinea Bissau, Roger will begin consultant checking the book of Mark for the Sarakule language group. He will then present a teaching on the book of Genesis for three language groups. He will lead a one-week One Story workshop and then a one-week seminar on the book of Genesis for the Kriol group.
Marilyn plans to help Roger with the Genesis and One Story workshops and will produce videos for the Guinea Bissau deaf project.
We will return to Honduras in May with just enough time to repack for a trip to Venezuela. We will help teach at a One Story workshop for three unreached language groups who will begin projects.
There are two exciting activities coming up among the Garifuna people in Honduras during March. The first one is the Garifuna Pastor’s retreat, where they will be discussing issues relating to ancestor worship and the stand of the Christian church.
The second is the beginning of a new training program for Garifuna church leaders with the emphasis on preparing church planters.
The Lord has been wonderful to us! In Honduras we live close to Christy and Rigo and their three children. They just started a new school year and the youngest is now going to kindergarten. On our way back to Honduras we will stop off in Texas and visit our three other daughters there.
It is harder to spend time with the three grandkids in Mexico. Our Mexican son Meinardo called yesterday and brought joy as we heard his three children playing in the background and we laughed together. Praise the Lord for the technology that allows us to keep in touch with our family wherever we are living.