The new dormitory under construction in Masaya, Nicaragua.

The new dormitory under construction in Masaya, Nicaragua.

The new dormitory under construction in Masaya, Nicaragua.

Here are a couple of photos of the dormitory project in Masaya, Nicaragua. While there are no teams there at this time, the conference continues construction on it own. More work teams will travel later this year.

The dormitory will eventually serve as housing for short-term teams visiting the country and as a training center for the conference’s more than 35 pastors and churches planters. The dormitory will house multiple classrooms and space to house 45 guests quite comfortably.


The congregation of Olive Branch UB church in Lakeville, Ind., is quite proud of their new church sign. Very nice.

Note the use of the brand new logo for the US National Conference (in the upper left of the sign). Olive Branch may be the first church to incorporate the new logo. All UB logos can be downloaded from the UB website.

A team consisting of UBs from Canada and from King Street UB church in Chambersburg, Pa., worked in Haiti January 25-February 3. Joan Sider, a member of the team from the UB church in Toronto, Ontario, sent back daily reports. Those reports were compiled in one lengthy feature which you can read here on

A medical team went to Haiti February 5-12, so they are finishing up their work. Joan has also sent reports on their work, which will also be compiled soon.

Bishop Phil Whipple brings greetings to the Sierra Leone National Conference during the concluding service of their annual meeting in Freetown on Sunday morning, February 10, 2013.

Bishop Phil Whipple brings greetings to the Sierra Leone National Conference during the concluding service of their annual meeting in Freetown on Sunday morning, February 10, 2013.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Just a few hours after our three-day journey to Sierra Leone, we had the opportunity to bring greetings to the national conference of Sierra Leone at their closing service being held at the Kissy UB church in Sierra Leone.

We look forward to meeting with the Mattru Hospital board, conference leaders, and regional health officials to continue work on a strategic plan to carry the hospital forward with the assistance of outside medical, administrative, and community health workers.

However we’ll also visit a number of UB churches and the region where the Vai People–124,000 Sunnis Muslims–live on the border between Sierra Leone and Liberia.

But first we might get a little sleep.

NOTE: This message was sent about 7am Central Time, which would be noon in Freetown. There are four travelers: Bishop Phil Whipple, Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld, associate director Donna Hollopeter, and a physician from Auburn, Ind. Read more about the purpose of their trip.

The United Brethren Facebook page reached a new milestone: 700 likes. In fact, we’re at 701. The Facebook page is especially handy for urgent prayer needs.

Here are subscription numbers for our various email newsletters.

  • 985 people subscribe to the Connect newsletter. This is the official denominational newsletter.
  • 99 people subscribe to the UB Daily News (daily posts on delivered to your inbox). So we’re on the edge of a milestone there.
  • 221 people subscribe to the UBCentral posts using Feedburner. It does the same thing as the newer and better-looking UB Daily News.
  • 105 people receive the monthly Global Ministries Prayer Guide.

Subscribing to the UB Daily News is the best way to keep up on what’s happening in the United Brethren world–missions, urgent prayer needs, pastoral changes, UB events, local church news, mission trips, etc.

You can subscribe to any of these e-letters here.

L-r: Bishop Phil Whipple, Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld, associate director Donna Hollopeter, and Dr. Richard Toupin.

L-r: Bishop Phil Whipple, Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld, associate director Donna Hollopeter, and a physician from Auburn, Ind.

As mentioned yesterday, four Indiana travelers–Bishop Phil Whipple, Jeff Bleijerveld, Donna Hollopeter, and a physician from Indiana–were to leave for Sierra Leone on Thursday, February 7. Unfortunately, because of snow in Chicago, they weren’t able to leave Fort Wayne, Ind., and had to change all of their travel plans.

Originally, they were to fly from Chicago to Brussels, Belgium, and then on to Freetown. Now, they will leave Fort Wayne around 4:30 pm today (Friday, Feb. 8), fly from Chicago to London, and then on to Freetown.

They are scheduled to arrive in Freetown at 5:20 am on Sunday. Ferries from the airport to the city don’t start running until 8 am. The meeting of Sierra Leone Conference ends at noon, in Freetown, so they probably won’t make it for much (if any) of the conference.

This is Bishop Whipple’s first visit to Sierra Leone, though he previously traveled to Africa when he was a local church pastor.

Beth Palmer sent the following on Friday morning, Feb. 8, concerning her dad, Charles F. Malson, Sr. Rev. Malson, a retired UB minister, is at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich.

“Grandpa is more alert today. Spent a fairly good night and needed some pain meds. Trach area and legs still an issue when it comes to pain. His digestive system is processing nutritional liquids, so they intend to add more again today.

“He is breathing longer periods with no assistance from the vent; however, it is available as a backup. This helps to strengthen the diaphragm that took a break from its task. The other muscles associated with breathing are also adjusting to working again.

“The abdominal mass is smaller, so the doctor said today that it is most likely as they suspecteed, fluids and blood that went to the wound area and still need to go away on its own.

“Daddy sat up longer yesterday in a chair. He was taken there by the assistance of a sling and relocated in his bed again by this amazing motorized device. Technology is wonderful when used for good.

“He is consciously lifting his own legs and working on lifting his arms a bit when requested. He looks more like himself with fewer bruises and less swelling.”

Charles F. Malson, Sr.
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811
Email: [email protected]

Three regional meetings are planned during these opening months of 2013, the first just a few weeks away on February 25. These events will acquaint people with the proposals coming before the National Conference in June 2013. These meetings are open to anyone. Ministers and lay delegates are especially encouraged to attend.

Monday, February 25: Praise Point Church (Willshire, Ohio)
Location address: 555 Decatur Rd North, Willshire, OH 45898

Monday, March 18: Pleasant Heights Church (East Liverpool, Ohio)
Location address: 848 Northside, East Liverpool, OH 43920

Monday, April 8: East Washington Church (Ashley, Mich.)
Location address: 8051 S Crapo Rd, Ashley, MI 48806

Over 20 proposals for revising the UB Discipline will come before the delegates in June 2013. Most are minor changes, but some will no doubt generate a good deal of discussion. These regional meetings will acquaint people with the proposals and the rationale for them. Hopefully, this introduction will help cut down the amount of time taken in floor discussion at national conference.

Each meeting will go from 9:30 am through lunch. The host churches will provide lunch.

These events are free. But please let us know now many people from your church will attend, so we can give the host church a headcount for lunch.

On Thursday, February 7, four persons from Indiana left for Sierra Leone:

  • Bishop Phil Whipple, who has not yet visited Sierra Leone.
  • Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries.
  • Donna Hollopeter, associate director of Global Ministries.
  • A former doctor at Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone.

They will attend the annual meeting of Sierra Leone Conference and tour United Brethren churches and ministries in the country. They will also devote considerable time to the work at Mattru Hospital.

A few months ago, the doctor traveled to Sierra Leone, at his own expense, and initiated an extensive assessment with hospital staff and some national church leaders. This laid a foundation for the meetings that will be held during this February 2013 trip.

They will meet with various groups involved with Mattru Hospital—administrators, the medical board, Sierra Leone Conference leaders, representatives from the Wesleyan Church (which has a good hospital), and officials from the country’s health services.

“We hope to come up with a strategic plan, with action steps, that will take us into the next ten years,” says Bleijerveld.

“The hospital probably won’t be able to function properly in the next 10 years without outside staffing,” he says.

When we pulled out our missionaries in the 1990s during the civil war, it happened so quickly that there was no time to mentor Sierra Leoneans. After the war, the hospital was severely crippled. The buildings were looted and damaged, the hospital staff scattered.

“It’s been difficult to create a sustainable model,” said Bleijerveld. “So what we’re trying to do in bringing in these groups together is to determine, What is a reasonable model for Mattru Hospital? What do we need to do in the next decade?”

They will also visit the Vai people, a largely unreached group of 124,000 Sunni Muslims who live on the border with Liberia. Sierra Leone Conference has been sending teams to do evangelism and other work among the Vai. One Global Ministries project involves providing funds to cover travel costs for these teams.

They will also visit the Bible college outside of Freetown, some of the high schools and primary schools sponsored by Sierra Leone Conference, and individual United Brethren churches.

“Over 10,000 students attend United Brethren schools in Sierra Leone,” says Bleijerveld. “We have 78 churches, and I think we have just under 50 schools, all of them funded by tuition and government subsidies.”

Update: They were delayed, and now won’t leave until around 4:30 pm on Friday, February 8. Their travel arrangements will take them from Chicago to London, and then to Freetown by 5:20 am Sunday. Ferries from the airport to the city don’t start running until 8 am. Sierra Leone Conference ends at noon, in Freetown, so they probably won’t make it for much (if any) of the conference. This is Bishop Whipple’s first visit to Sierra Leone, though he previously traveled to Africa when he was a local church pastor.


On January 20-24, a Global Ministries Staff Summit was held in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Attending were 28 persons, most of them Global Ministries staff serving in various countries. Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries, and associate director Donna Hollopeter sat down a few days after returning to talk about the event. Previously, we published their comments about the sessions they had together and their experience worshiping with the Thai churches on January 20. In this final installment, Jeff and Donna tell about the outing on the last day.

Donna: Our last day together, we took a sampan–a long narrow canoe with a huge motor on back–up the river to an elephant farm, where there were many, many elephants. We all rode elephants for an hour—up the hillside, down the hillside, into the river. For a little bit of money, 20 baht, you could buy a bag of food—green bananas and sugar cane—to feed your elephant.

Two people rode at a time. They would bring the elephant to a tower, and you would climb onto a two-seater bench. And off you’d go, with a Thai man riding on the neck of the elephant. The route included going into the river. Then you went onto the bank to another tower, where you got off the elephant.

Even with the Thai rider and a set route, the elephants all seemed to follow their own mind about what they would do. Any time they came near foliage, they came to a total stop to break off big chunks of plants and snarf it down. We were supposed to be following this path, but four elephants decided to cut across a field instead. The riders kept saying something to the elephants to get them back on track. Then there were some that, instead of going partway into the river, decided they wanted to cross the river to get something to eat on the other side.

Jeff: If you think it’s difficult matching yourself to the rhythm of a horse, you should try riding on an elephant. It’s a total core workout. You can’t match its movements. There is no going with the flow.

Donna: After that, they escorted us to a village where they had huge snakes—pythons and boas. You could have a photo taken with a snake wrapped around you, but the only person who did that was Camden Dice. He had a big yellow boa constrictor, probably 14 feet long, wrapped around him. While photos were being taken, he stood there trying to look enthused, and saying, “Why did I do this?”

After that, we did some shopping with some of the village vendors, and got back to the resort, had lunch, and then took off again for the Golden Triangle area.

At the Opium Museum

Jeff: We went through the House of Opium, a museum which tells the story of the opium trade and how it impacted not only Thailand but much of Asia during colonial times.

Donna: There was a lot of reading, along with videos. There were amazing facts about how even the CIA and the British East India Company were involved in the opium trade.

Jeff: It helped us understand why missionaries who entered China with opium traders were called White Devils. For a Westerner, there were may humbling moments.

The museum is located on the Mekong River at the conjunction of three countries–Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos. The Thai royal family personally paid to develop the museum, which is truly world class.

Donna: Thailand used to be an absolute monarchy, but now it’s a constitutional monarchy. Their king is 85 years old, and the queen is 80. They are dearly loved, even revered. He has been on the throne for 60-some years. Both of them are in ill health. They no longer live in the palace, but have taken over a floor of a hospital in Bangkok.

Jeff: As soon as you arrive in the country, you begin noticing photos of the King of Thailand. The Thai people think very highly of the royal family. As an outsider, if you make a comment perceived as negative to the government, it is not appreciated.

Donna: One of their largest celebrations each year is on the birthday of the King, December 5. All industry closes down, and they have an official day of celebration.