August 12, 2013

The 2013 Lake View VBS students and adult workers.
Ben Gladhill (right), Associate Pastor of Christian Education, Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.)
On July 28 – August 4, Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.) hosted its Vacation Bible School Program. This action-filled program reached over 80 children, preschool-grade 6. Over 40 adults served to help make the program run smoothly.
Each night was filled with fun singing and dancing to contemporary worship music, a Bible lesson, fun skits to reinforce our lesson, games, yummy snacks, and some pretty cool crafts.
Our theme this year was “Gotta Move,” a VBS curriculum published by GO FISH, a Christian musical group. The overarching theme was learning about the Fruit of the Spirit, and how God makes those things present in our lives as we move in step with him.
In addition, the children were challenged to help raise funds for the Global Ministries missions project for 2013–providing curriculum and training materials for the local churches and school in Jamaica as they reach out to youth of all ages. A goal of $1,200 was set for the week, and each night the boys and girls tried to out-give each other with their offering in amount and weight.
The boys and girls surpassed the goal, raising $1584.95. Praise God!
We also had 16 children respond to the gospel during VBS. Of those, 12 made first-time decisions for the Lord. Again, praise God!