Commissioning service for the team from ReNew.

Commissioning service for the team from ReNew.

The ReNew team arrives in Haiti. Senior pastor Andy Sikorra is third from the left.

The ReNew team arrives in Haiti. Senior pastor Andy Sikorra is third from the left.

For several years, Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio) has been helping plant a church in Kolimo, a village in Haiti. They are working with Haiti Bible Mission; Chris Solyntjes, ReNew’s worship pastor, serves on the HBM board.

On Sunday, August 18, ReNew held a commissioning service for a group which, the next day, headed to Haiti. They are currently in Haiti.

Roger Van Donkelaar has been appointed senior pastor of Trinity UB church (Fostoria, Ohio) effective July 14, 2013. He is ordained in the Wesleyan Church, and pastored various Wesleyan and Free Methodist churches 1971-2010. Roger is a graduate of Spring Arbor Univeristy (Spring Arbor, Mich., 1988), and holds a Masters degree from Trinity Seminary (Deerfield, Ill., 1998). He and his wife, Gladys, have one child.

Stan McCammon (right) has been appointed senior pastor of Lurgan UB church (Lurgan, Pa.) effective August 18, 2013. Stan graduated from Huntington University in 1987 with a degree in Bible & Religion, and earned the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Huntington University in 1995. He was ordained in 1995. Stan pastored UB churches in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania from 1987-2007, including a two-year stint as a UB missionary in Sierra Leone (1991-1992).

Neville Tomlinson (right), pastor, International Church (Allentown, Pa.)

International Church), along with St. John’s EC Church, hosted the Vacation Bible Adventure. This year’s theme was based on the Wordless Book and was called: “An Adventure in Colors: Discovering the Kingdom of Light.”

Each day the kids explored each color and the story behind it. They discovered that nothing impure can ever enter heaven.

Nine kids received Jesus as Savior! It was joyful to see them find their name written in the Book of Life!

International Church (The Family Life Center) is doing outreach efforts in the Allentown area along with St. John’s EC Church. On September 14, we will host another outreach event, “A Dinner for a Friend.”

Marilyn Reeck, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Honduras

Over the years the Lord has been gracious and wonderful to us, and we praise Him for His blessings. But now, we need your help–to pray for Roger and his pain level.

In April, Roger had an operation on his left ankle with the hope of relieving some of the pain he feels, but several months later, the pain still lingers. It appears that the pain is nerve related. He has been taking Lyrica for two months and has received steroid shots in the ankle area. So far, nothing has helped and the strong pain persists–especially as rainy weather approaches.

Awhile back, Roger committed to go to Mozambique to lead a seminar on translating the book of Psalms and also to check the translation of Psalms for the Sena language group. We are just days away from him leaving and have become concerned about the persistent pain, especially because I will not travel with him.

We invite you to commit to pray for Roger each day while he is in Mozambique–for a total of three weeks. Please pray with us for the following:

  1. That Roger will be released from this strong, debilitating pain.
  2. For the long trip. Roger’s leg usually swells and becomes painful during a flight.
  3. That Roger will have the ability to concentrate in order to lead the workshop and to guide the Sena group through the revision of the translation.

Here is Roger’s travel schedule:

Aug. 17: Travel from La Ceiba to Houston.
Aug. 18: Travel from Houston to Washington DC.
Aug. 19: Travel from Washington to Johannesburg thru Ehiopia.
Aug. 20: Request the visa to Mozambique.
Aug. 22: Travel from Johannesburg to Mozambique.
Aug. 19-23: Psalms workshop.
Aug. 26 – Sept. 6: consult check the translation for the Sena language group.
Sept. 8: Travel back to Johannesburg.
Sept. 9: Travel back to Houston and Honduras.

Charles and Doris Malson.

Charles and Doris Malson.

Doris Malson will celebrate her 90th birthday on August 17. She and her husband, Charles Malson, Sr., served in the pastorate and superintendency of Michigan Conference from 1952 until retiring in 1991. They celebrated 71 years of marriage last fall. Charles passed away in March 2013, so this is Doris’s first year without her longtime husband.

You can send cards to Doris at:

Doris Malson
10928 Easy Street
Carson City, MI 48811

The 2013 Lake View VBS students and adult workers.

The 2013 Lake View VBS students and adult workers.

Ben Gladhill (right), Associate Pastor of Christian Education, Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.)

On July 28 – August 4, Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.) hosted its Vacation Bible School Program. This action-filled program reached over 80 children, preschool-grade 6. Over 40 adults served to help make the program run smoothly.

Each night was filled with fun singing and dancing to contemporary worship music, a Bible lesson, fun skits to reinforce our lesson, games, yummy snacks, and some pretty cool crafts.

Our theme this year was “Gotta Move,” a VBS curriculum published by GO FISH, a Christian musical group. The overarching theme was learning about the Fruit of the Spirit, and how God makes those things present in our lives as we move in step with him.

In addition, the children were challenged to help raise funds for the Global Ministries missions project for 2013–providing curriculum and training materials for the local churches and school in Jamaica as they reach out to youth of all ages. A goal of $1,200 was set for the week, and each night the boys and girls tried to out-give each other with their offering in amount and weight.

The boys and girls surpassed the goal, raising $1584.95. Praise God!

We also had 16 children respond to the gospel during VBS. Of those, 12 made first-time decisions for the Lord. Again, praise God!

Pauline Stephens

Pauline Stephens

Pauline R. Stephens-Hall, 96, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, passed away Thursday, August 8, 2013. She was an ordained minister in the United Brethren church, serving as a pastor for 31 years and associate pastor for 5 years. She retired in 1979.

Pauline and her husband, Dale, were married in 1941 and had two children. Dave Stephens, is an ordained United Brethren minister who is director of Camp Cotubic in Bellefontaine, Ohio. Her daughter, Dalene, preceded her in death. Dale passed away in 1985.

United Brethren ministers Kenneth Graham and Roger Overmyer will officiate at the funeral.

Funeral time: 12 pm Monday, August 12, 2013. Viewing one hour before the service.
Funeral location: Eichholtz Funeral Home, 321 N. Main St., Bellefontaine, Ohio.

Burial will be in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, Wayne, Ohio, at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that memorial contributions be made to Camp Cotubic, a place she loved and supported. You can view her obituary on the Eichholtz Funeral Homes page.

Camp Cotubic
2158 CR 25
Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

The African Choir at the funeral of Ruth Benner on August 7.

The African Choir at the funeral of Ruth Benner on August 7.

An African Choir sang during the funeral of Ruth Benner on Wednesday, August 7. The choir consisted of Sierra Leonean nationals and former missionaries. they sang a number of Mende songs of worship during the funeral in Port Colborne, Ontario.

For the sixth consecutive year, Huntington University has been named one of the best colleges in the Midwest by The Princeton Review. HU was listed among 154 other schools in the “Best in the Midwest” section of Princeton’s “2014 Best Colleges: Region by Region.”

The Princeton Review asks students attending the schools to rate their own schools on several issues — from the accessibility of their professors to quality of their science lab facilities — and answer questions about themselves, their fellow students, and campus life.

Surveyed HU students said that “Jesus Christ is the center of every aspect of the University, from the classroom to everyday life.” Other students called it a “wonderful environment” and a place that has “a strong sense of Christ-like values.”

Rev. Marion and Frances Burkett will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on August 14, 2013. They were married on that day in 1943. Since then, they have pastored a number of United Brethren churches, and have served as United Brethren missionaries in Sierra Leone, at the Laurel Mission in Kentucky, as United Brethren church planters.

In addition, sons Dave and Phil and their families have also served as United Brethren missionaries and pastors.

The family of the Burketts invite you to help Marion and Frances celebrate their anniversary with a surprise card shower.

Their mailing address is:

Marion and Frances Burkett
356 Blue Bird Dr.
Columbia City, IN 46725