March 19, 2014

Brent Liechty (left) speaking as other gather around Scott Hardaway.

Brent Liechty (right), senior pastor, Pathway Community Church (Jackson, Mich.)
On Sunday, March 16, Pathway Community Church paid tribute to its former pastor, Scott Hardaway.
Todd Fetters, director of National Ministries, came to speak and kick-off our new series, “All For Christ.” He did an excellent job. Then we had a special lunch to honor Scott Hardaway, who was the senior pastor here from 2005 to November 2013.
In October 2012, Scott’s wife, Tanya, passed away soon after being diagnosed with cancer. Scott realized he could no longer be both a single dad and a pastor, so he resigned. Pastor Scott worked hard to lead with integrity and passion, and to love the congregation to become All For Christ.
Many people shared stories of how their lives were changed through Scott’s time here at PCC. He was presented a scrapbook filled with pages from people within our church, with pictures, letters, and more stories for him to remember his time with us fondly. We finished by having past and present elders lay hands on Scott and pray over him.
Scott is currently working towards a paralegal degree at Baker College, and will take his two boys to summer with his parents in Washington State.
I’m very proud to have worked with Scott as his associate pastor. We were a good team. He has changed me for the better in so many ways.