Annette Haines, Eden UB (Mason, Mich.)

Eden UB church hosted an Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday morning before Easter. This has grown from about 30 kids to about 300 kids. One reason for this is that we have the Upward Basketball program through February and March and are able to contact a lot of families that way.

On Saturday morning, the children started in the sanctuary with an object lesson on Jesus being the only way to get to Heaven. Then they swarmed onto our ball field and collected over 8000 eggs. Most contained wrapped candy, but some held tickets which could be turned in for a small prize. The church provided a pancake and sausage breakfast at no charge to the visitors.

We also had drawings for door prizes (large Easter baskets), and we were able to get contact information from the slips turned in. One family that I know of has started attending our church because of last year’s Easter Egg Hunt. Yesterday, we talked to a couple of moms who are interested in coming, and one will bring her daughter to our Upward Soccer program this summer.

Mandy Miller, Atlantic Avenue UB (Franklin, Pa.)

On April 12, the Atlantic Avenue church had an event for families that involved a walk through 5 stations that depicted Jesus’ walk–Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion, and The Empty Tomb. About 40 families participated.

We had a Maundy Thursday Communion Service with about 150 in attendance. We had 825 in attendance for our three services on Easter.

Roxton Spear (right), senior pastor, Mongul UB Church (Shippensburg, Pa.)

Saturday, April 19, Mongul Church held its 5th Annual Easter Eggs-travaganza at a local park in Shippensburg. Volunteers filled close to 13,000 eggs. This provided an exciting time for hundreds of children. Altogether, 563 adults and children registered for the event.

Kristi Davis, our Children’s Director, did a fantastic job of organizing the event and Mongul’s volunteers were superb.

Easter Sunday was well-attended and, once again, our volunteers served Christ and the church with excellence.

Bob and Pauline Gibbs

Bob and Pauline Gibbs

Pauline Gibbs, 93, passed away on Wednesday, April 16, 2014. She and her late husband of 65 years, Pastor Robert Gibbs, ministered in the United Brethren Church for many years. Upon retirement, they served short-term with the UB work in Macau on three occasions. Before retiring, Pauline worked as an elementary school teacher.

Viewing: 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm Monday, April 21.
Funeral: 11 am Tuesday, April 22.
Viewing and funeral location: Palmer, Bush and Jensen Family Funeral Homes, Delta Chapel, 6020 W. Saginaw Hwy, Lansing, MI 48917.

Officiating at the funeral will be Roy Atherton, pastor of Imagine This UB church in Grand Ledge, Mich. Memorial contributions should be sent to Imagine this or to United Brethren Global Ministries.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

On Friday afternoon (April 11) I called Juan Pavon, superintendent of Nicaragua Conference. He told me they had experienced an earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter Scale on Thursday night.

On April 14, I received an email from him. He said that just 10 minutes after our phone call, a second quake struck, this one measuring 6.7.

The Associate Press reports that there have been hundreds of small aftershocks and at least seven quakes since Thursday night. The 1972 earthquake which devastated Managua and killed 10,000 people was a magnitude 6.2 quake.

Rev. Pavon told me that people are getting very panicky.They are trusting the Lord, but nevertheless ask for our prayers.

juanita-hanelineJuanita Haneline, 81, passed away early Friday morning, April 11, 2014. She was the mother of Linda Doolittle, whose husband, Ted, is pastor of Calvary UB church in Saginaw, Mich.

The funeral was held April 13 at Richfield Road UB church in Flint, Mich., where Juanita and her late husband, Robert, were members for many decades. Rev. Jim Pryer, pastor of Richfield Road, and former youth pastor Bill Blue co-officiated at the funeral.

Cards can be sent to Linda Doolittle at 3315 Woodland Court, Saginaw, MI 48601

During the past few days Ken Thompson, a former UB pastor, suffered two heart attacks and underwent two surgeries.

Ken pastored three UB churches beginning in 1987–Welcome chapel n Van Buren, Ind., New Hope in Huntington, Ind., and Hillsdale UB in St. Mary’s, Ohio. His wife, Barbara, was administrative assistant to the president of Huntington University until last fall. Ken had accepted a job as principal of Granger Christian School in Granger, Ind.

The most recent report is that doctors removed the heart pump this morning. There will be many tests today and rest is significant in the healing process. Please pray that his heart will continue to gain the necessary strength.

Cards can be sent to Ken and Barb Thompson at 51551 Stratton Court, Granger, IN 46530.

Poland: June 27 – July 9. We need at least 4 more teens for this summer’s Poland English Camp Team. The cost is approximately $1800 per person depending upon departure location. For more information, contact Donna Hollopeter in Global Ministries.

Jamaica. We need at least two additional teams to work on the dining hall at Regent College of the Caribbean in Jamaica. These teams could go anytime between May and July or in the fall. Please email Dwight Kuntz if you are interested.

Sierra Leone: November 7-22. We need some additional folks for the Sierra Leone construction/medical team going out in November. The cost is $2500 per person. For more information, contact Donna Hollopeter in Global Ministries.

All of these trips are sponsored by Global Ministries.

Huntington University students filling sandbags.

Huntington University students filling sandbags.

In the midst of rising rivers and flooding streets, 16 Huntington University students chipped in to help Huntington County residents fill sandbags and deliver them across the area. The effort was the result of a Volunteer 911 request through the Friesen Center for Volunteer Services.

The call for help from the city came at 5:30 pm on April 3. The student leader of Volunteer 911 contacted the dorms, and within an hour a team was ready to serve.

The students spent several hours filling sandbags, and made deliveries to residents unable to pick up the sandbags themselves.

The United Brethren History Course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. However, people who just want to learn more about United Brethren history are free to take the course.

During the past two years, 110 people have attended the course in 12 different locations. The next edition will be held at the beginning of June in Huntington, Ind., with a remote site in Sunfield, Mich.

Date: June 2-3, 2014 (Monday and Tuesday)
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Location: United Brethren National Office in Huntington, Ind.
Remote location: Sunfield UB church, 8436 W. Grand Ledge Highway, Sunfield, MI 48890
Phone: (517) 566-8481

The instructor is Robert Bruce (right), Pastor of Caring Ministries at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

Registration Cost

  • $200, if you are seeking a ministerial license.
  • $100 for everyone else.
  • $20 for “Trials and Triumphs,” a history of the United Brethren church. ($14.95 for the book, $5.05 shipping for US, $12.95 international). The book will be sent from the national office. Or, stop by the office and pick up a copy, to save shipping. You MUST have a copy of the book for the class. Order a copy from Church Services by calling toll-free: 888-622-3019, ext. 301.

Course payment must be sent one week prior to the class, unless other arrangements are made. Send to:

United Brethren in Christ
302 Lake Street
Huntington, Ind. 46750

Make checks payable to “United Brethren in Christ.”