The fire-ravaged parsonage at Brooklyn Park.

The fire-ravaged parsonage at Brooklyn Park.

L-r: Lettitia Sinnah, Sundima Sinnah, and Christopher Rickman.

L-r: Lettitia Sinnah, Sundima Sinnah, and Christopher Rickman.

On Tuesday morning, February 10, tragedy struck the United Brethren pastoral family at the Brooklyn Park UB church in Baltimore, Maryland. Senior pastor Samuel Sinnah lost his wife and 17-year-old son in an early-morning fire at the parsonage. A neighbor who tried to help also perished.

Fire broke out at the parsonage around 2:40 on Tuesday morning. The parsonage is located across the street from the Brooklyn Park church.

According to local press reports, when firefighters arrived, they could see smoke and flames coming from the home. Firefighters pulled three persons from the burning house, all of whom were unconscious. They were taken to local hospitals, where all three were pronounced dead. They are:

  • Mrs. Lettitia Sinnah, 39, wife of Pastor Samuel Sinnah.
  • Sundima Sinnah, 17, a son.
  • Christopher Rickman, 45, a neighbor.

According to fire officials, Rev. and Mrs. Sinnah, along with a 20-year-old son, Joseph, made it out of the house alive. However, Lettitia re-entered the house to find Sundima, and Rickman ran in after her.

“I heard the reverend say my family’s in the house and I didn’t see Chris. He went right in there and went upstairs,” said Rose Rickman, Chris’s mother.

Rickman’s father, Jack, entered the house about 90 seconds after his son. However, partway up the stairs he had to stop and back out, because the thick smoke made it impossible for him to breathe.

Mrs. Sinnah was reportedly last seen in an upstairs bedroom. When firefighters retrieved the three persons, they were reported as being in “full cardiac arrest.

Rev. Samuel Sinnah (right) was appointed senior pastor of Brooklyn Park effective April 30, 2014. That’s when his family moved into the parsonage. He grew up in a Christian family in the Kailuhun district of Sierra Leone, and was baptized by his father. He and his wife, a teacher, were married in 1994. At some point, they emigrated from Sierra Leone to the United States.

Sundima, known as “Sunny” by his high school classmates, was described as an outgoing, “incredibly popular” boy who played the piano and organ. “Every Sunday I’d go up to him after offering and say ‘I need my hug,'” said Linda Busker, whose husband, Michael, is the associate pastor at Brooklyn Park.

Tuesday night, friends and classmates held a vigil for Sunny at the high school. “No matter what happened, he was smiling and he always made you smile if you were sad,” said one friend. “Regardless of any situation, he was always happy and he would always pray with you or pray for you if you needed it,” said another.

Fire officials initially concluded that the fire started in Joseph’s back bedroom. Linda Busker told reporters that Joseph was studying for a college course late that night when a lamp fell onto his bed, broke, and started a fire. After failing to put out the fire, Joseph called 911 and escaped the home with his parents. A total of 55 firefighters spent about an hour getting the fire under control. A fire department spokesperson said the home was damaged “significantly, if not destroyed.”

On Wednesday night, February 11, about 200 people attended a service at Brooklyn Park to remember the fire victims. Rev. Sinnah spoke about his wife and Sundima. Coworkers of Lettitia at the Glen Burnie Health and Rehabilitation Center spoke lovingly of her. High school classmates recalled Sundima with great fondness.

Bishop Phil Whipple was able to speak by phone with Rev. Sinnah on Tuesday afternoon. The bishop flew to Pennsylvania on Wednesday for previously-scheduled meetings. He plans to preach this Sunday, February 15, at Brooklyn Park and to minister as he can to Rev. Sinnah and his remaining son.

2015 US National Conference

Registration is now open for the 2015 US National Conference. You can register online, or call the National Office. Complete information can be found at–schedule, lodging, area attractions, tracks for children and youth, and much more.

July 15-18, 2015
Grand Rapids, Mich.

You’re invited to join hundreds of United Brethren from churches across the country for this family-oriented conference. Meet your leaders, pastors, missionaries, and other dedicated laypersons. Get a better understanding of the broader church of which you’re a part. The attendance at national conference typically runs around 900–lots and lots of people from all over.

A business meeting will be held Thursday morning. The US National Conference is our highest decision-making body. Each church can send at least 1 lay delegate, with more eligible depending on the church’s attendance. The United Brethren Discipline explains all of that. Basically, it’s one delegate for the first 150 attendance, and another delegate for each additional 100 people.

In addition, all actively-serving ordained, national conference, and specialized ministers have a vote.

Others things to know:

  • The conference will be held at ResLife Church, a very large church on the south side of Grand Rapids.
  • Nine nearby hotels have given us a special conference rate.
  • Numerous restaurants are located nearby, including one inside the church itself.
  • There’s a huge two-level mall right across the street, and a Cabelas around the corner.

Inspiring worship services. Workshops. Plenty of free time. Great music. Tracks for women, youth, and children. Worship. Learn. Laugh. Be inspired. And return home with great ideas for moving your church forward.

Alfred Smith (third from the left) with other Huntington University students in front of the Administration Building (now Becker Hall).

Alfred Smith (third from the left) with other Huntington University students in front of the Administration Building (now Becker Hall).

Randy Neuman (right), the Huntington University Archivist, provided some additional information to a previous post about Coach Dean Smith’s connection with the UB church and Huntington University. Smith, who passed away on February 7, became one of the all-time winningest college basketball coaches during his years at the University of North Carolina.

Neuman says Dean Smith’s grandfather, Rev. Harry E. Smith, pastored at Chanute, Garnett, Haven, and other locations in the old Neosho Conference (Kansas area). Smith’s father was Alfred Dillon Smith; Neuman suggests that his middle name may have been in honor of Bishop William Dillon.

Alfred Smith and his brother, Cecil, attended Central/Huntington College and graduated from the Huntington College Academy–Alfred in 1917, Cecil in 1918. In 1918, Alfred and 12 other Central/Huntington alumni joined the US Army and were stationed at Camp Selby in Mississippi. Alfred then returned to Kansas, receiving a teaching degree and coaching at the high school level.

Randy writes, “I would not be surprised if Dean actually attended UB churches as a child, since his parents lived for a while in Chanute, Kansas.”

The Brooklyn Park parsonage.

The Brooklyn Park parsonage.


Tragedy has befallen our pastoral family at the Brooklyn Park UB church in Baltimore, Maryland. Senior pastor Samuel Sinnah lost his wife and 17-year-old son in an early-morning fire at the parsonage. A neighbor who tried to help also perished.

Fire broke out at the parsonage around 2:40 am on Tuesday, February 10. The parsonage is located across the street from the Brooklyn Park church.

According to local press reports, when firefighters arrived, they could see smoke and flames coming from the home. Firefighters pulled three persons from the burning house, all of whom were unconscious. They were taken to local hospitals, where all three were pronounced dead. They are:

  • Mrs. Lettitia Sinnah, 39, wife of Pastor Samuel Sinnah.
  • Sundima Sinnah, 17, a son.
  • Christopher Rickman, 45, a neighbor.

Rickman’s father, Jack, entered the house about 90 seconds after his son. However, partway up the stairs he had to stop and back out, because the thick smoke made it impossible for him to breathe.

According to fire officials, Rev. and Mrs. Sinnah, along with a 20-year-old son, made it out of the house alive. However, Lettitia re-entered the house to find Sundima, and Rickman ran in after her. Mrs. Sinnah was reportedly last seen in an upstairs bedroom. When firefighters retrieved them, they were reported as being in “full cardiac arrest.”

Rev. Samuel Sinnah (right) was appointed senior pastor of Brooklyn Park effective April 30, 2014. He grew up in a Christian family in the Kailuhun district of Sierra Leone, and was baptized by his father. He and his wife, a teacher, were married in 1994. At some point, they emigrated from Sierra Leone to the United States.

Sundima, known as “Sunny” by his high school classmates, was described as an outgoing, “incredibly popular” boy who played the piano and organ. “Every Sunday I’d go up to him after offering and say ‘I need my hug,'” said Linda Busker, a member of Brooklyn Park.

Fire officials initially concluded that the fire started in the older son’s back bedroom, but were still investigating. After failing to put out the fire, he reportedly called 911 and escaped the home with his parents. A total of 55 firefighters spent about an hour getting the fire under control. A fire department spokesperson said the home was damaged “significantly, if not destroyed.”

The Chinese visitors with Brooks Fetters, HU alum and currently mayor of Huntington, Ind.

The Chinese visitors with Brooks Fetters, HU alum and currently mayor of Huntington, Ind.

A a Komet hockey game in Fort Wayne, Ind.

A a Komet hockey game in Fort Wayne, Ind.

At the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, with HU professor Luke Fetters (right).

At the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, with HU professor Luke Fetters (right).

The farewell meal at Pizza hut.

The farewell meal at Pizza hut.

On January 14, a group of students from Tong Sheng Hu Experimental School in China arrived in Chicago for the first leg of their 28-day trip to the United States.

The group was able to spend a few days in Chicago and Washington DC and day in Indianapolis, in Shipshewana, and at Lenawee Christian School in Michigan, but what was most exciting for HU was the time that this team spent on campus!

“The purpose of this trip was to connect students from one of our partner schools in China to HU and Huntington,” says Shoshannah McKinney, associate director of the Institute for TESOL Studies/International Admissions Counselor.

“All of these students are considering HU for their future, and this was a great way to expose them to the university and what their life as a student could feel like. We want them to leave feeling connected to this place and this university, to feel like they already have a family here so that they want to come back. The tears as they said goodbye to their host families tell me that we’ve accomplished some of that.”

A farewell dinner was held February 8 at Pizza Hut in Huntington. The dinner included all of the guests and host families, a teacher and her family from Huntington North High School, four HNHS students who guided the visitors around during their stay, and a few representative students, faculty, and staff from Huntington University.

The basketball world is mourning the death of legendary North Carolina coach Dean Smith. There is an interesting, if somewhat obscure, United Brethren connection. UB minister Steve Barber called in with some details.

Rev. Cecil (C. R.) Smith was a former minister in Illinois; the churches he pastored included the Manlius, Coleta, and Mt. Carroll UB churches. On the side, he coached high school basketball. Dean Smith was his nephew (his brother’s son). As Steve Barber said, it’s easy to imagine that somewhere along the line, Dean Smith showed up at a United Brethren church to hear his uncle preach.

Rev. Smith had two daughters, both of whom became United Brethren missionaries. They would be first cousins to Dean Smith. Leora (Smith) Ackerman and her husband, Don, spent 11 years as missionaries in Honduras, 1947-1958. Juanita (Smith) Guenzler was a UB missionary nurse in Sierra Leone, 1950-1965. So at some family gatherings, perhaps Dean Smith received some spiritual inspiration from hearing stories about his cousins serving Christ in distant lands.

mary-ellen-caley110Mary Ellen Caley, 82, passed away on Saturday, February 7, 2015. She had been in hospice care for about a week. She is the mother of two persons known by many United Brethren: Rev. J. Michael Caley, pastor of Banner of Christ UB church (Byron Center, Mich.), and Jane Seely, who works at the national office as Resource Manager. Jane interacts regularly with UB churches to process and ship Sunday school materials. Another sibling, Cindy Kreps, works at Huntington University, and youngest son Bob works for the City of Huntington.

Mrs. Caley was also known to hundreds of Huntington University students during the 1970s, when she was “Ma HUB,” the director of the Huntington Union Building. She was a member of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind.

Funeral details:

Viewing time: 2-4 pm and 6-8 pm on Thursday, February 12.
Viewing location: Myers Funeral Home, 2901 Guilford Street, Huntington, IN 46750.
Funeral time: 11 am Friday morning, February 13. Viewing 1 hour beforehand.
Funeral location: College Park UB church, 1945 College Ave., Huntington, Ind. 46750.

Condolences can be sent to:

J. Michael Caley
1111 68th St SW
Byron Center, MI  49315

Jane Seely
2456 College Avenue
Huntington, IN 46750

The new Huntington University ice rink.

The new Huntington University ice rink.

Kalischuk-Tyson200On January 26, Huntington University held a grand opening for its new ice rink.
The portable rink covers the outdoor basketball court in front of the Merillat Complex Fieldhouse and will remain in place during the winter months. The Athletics Office purchased skates, along with hockey sticks and pucks, for students to use. The Fort Wayne Komets, a pro hockey team, are the lead sponsor of the facility.

This was totally a student-led and student-executed project.

Tyson Kalischuk (right), a junior from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, presented the idea through the student sennate’s Think Tank competition in November. His ice rink proposal was voted students’ favorite idea to improve the campus, and he was awarded $700 to help fund the project. He embarked on a fundraising campaign for the remaining resources needed to purchase and maintain the ice rink. To date, Kalischuk has raised $6,850 from student organizations and campus offices, and from outside sponsors. That $675 more than the projected amount needed to cover the costs.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Global Ministries, through its partnership in with International Needs, is now working on Turkey’s border, where refugees are flooding in from Syria and Iraq. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees counts over 1.6 million refugees (and growing) now living in Turkey. Most are from Syria. Half of them are children.

We invite you to help support these efforts.

The Islamic State (ISIS) and fighting in Syria has forced tens of thousands of people from their homes. Now they are trying to survive in camps amidst snow and sub-freezing temperatures. Christians are meeting the refugees in their despair, providing hope found in Christ alone.

Behnan Knotgun, director of International Needs Turkey, is with refugees handing out warm clothing, blankets, and firewood for cooking and heating. He reports that the needs are great. Although Turkey is predominantly Muslim and the nation’s evangelical church is very small, he says, “They have done marvelous things for the refugees. They are welcomed by the local authorities. They respect the churches, and they welcome us very well.”

Konutgan says many refugees were stuck in the mountains without food or water. The stories from the mountains are horrible. One woman told Konutgan that some women, not wanting to see their children suffer, threw them off the mountains to their death.

Another woman told him that she gave her daughters to a Saudi man and gave him $50. He said he would take care of them until the conflict ended. She hasn’t heard from the man and believes her daughters were kidnapped.

Konutgan says the refugees want to know about Jesus. And in the midst of tragedy, God is working. “They hear the Bible, so this is a good opportunity for the Gospel. I’m sure they will come to Christ Jesus. There are thousands of people among them who secretly say they love Jesus.”

To help with refugee support, you can send contributions to Global Ministries. Contributions will then be forwarded to International Needs.

Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750



At the Honduras Conference waterpark.

At the Honduras Conference waterpark.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Honduran National Conference is working hard to develop numerous sources of income for church planting, pastoral assistance, and missions. With very limited resources, they have found it necessary to be creative and ingenious. The new waterpark at the conference retreat center is just one example.

The property lies on the coastal highway just outside the city of La Ceiba. It was purchased fifteen years ago. Since that time, a traditional pool and some picnic shelters were built. However, the long-range plan after completing the waterpark is to build a sports complex, a conference center for business meetings and receptions, and a small hotel and bungalows for snow birds. They are targeting local schools, municipal programs, and local businesses. But they would also market to tourists.

I had the opportunity to tour the center on January 15. They’ve made a great start as the project moves one stage at a time. They don’t overlook a single opportunity to turn a profit, including the sale of fruit that grows on the property.

If you’d like to know more about this project, contact us at [email protected].