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Occasionally we publish some long or feature-type articles. This area is for articles like that.
The most recent articles are at the top.
National Conference Articles (August 2015)
Step by Step Through the Business Meeting
On the Floor in Selecting a New Bishop
The Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage
Six Ordinations at National Conference
Executive Leadership Team 2015-2017
UB Churches with Multiple Services (June 2014).
God, Baseball, and the Beach in Nicaragua (March 2014).
The Challenge to Housing Allowance (December 2013)
Seven Churches of Revelation Tour of Turkey (November 2013)
With Darren Duncan at the Air Force Academy (June 2013)
20 Years Later: Remembering Patti Stone, RN (May 2013)
Dr. G. Blair Dowden: Exit Interview (May 2013)
The Story of Jill Van Deusen (May 2013)
Mattru Hospital: a Renewed Focus in Sierra Leone (April 2013)
The 2013 Global Ministries Summit in Thailand (January 2013)
2013 Haiti Medical Team (February 2013).
Dr. Chaney Bergdall Retiring (January 2012)
The Bishop’s Close-Up View of Our Churches (January 2012)
The 2012 Nicaragua Baseball Trip (January 2012)
John Pessima, Bishop of Sierra Leone Conference (October 2011)
20 Years for Dr. Dowden (October 2011)
2011 Fandana Music Festival (August 2011)
The 2000’s: UB Decade in Review (December 2009)
Harold Wust and Guillermo Martinez: Partners in Life and Death (September 2009)