31 Oct Denis Casco and Gary Brooks Hold El Paso Seminar
Gary Brooks, a UB minister living in Florida and a former UB missionary in Honduras, accompanied Mexico Conference’s bishop, Denis Casco (right), in conducting a seminar for the UB churches in El Paso, Texas. The conference was held October 13-15. Gary sent this report on October 27.
We had 25 students present for the seminars, which were held at the Sembrador Church in El Paso, where Roberto Espinoza is the pastor. Denis Casco and I shared teaching responsibilities on Friday and Saturday. I taught a series from the Gospel of John, concentrating on the last week of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and Denis taught classes on family and marriage relationships. At the conclusion of the seminar, Diplomas of Participation prepared by Denis were given out to the church workers who had attended all four sessions. We had 25 students present for the seminars.