28 Mar Update from Bob and Lois Conway in Jamaica
Bob and Lois Conway, Regent College of the Caribbean, Jamaica
Bob and Lois Conway (right) have served at Regent College of the Caribbean (formerly Jamaica Bible College) since 2008. Bob is a teacher. Bob, an ordained United Brethren minister and a former UB pastor in Pennsylvania, is a Lecturer in the School of Bible & Theology. Many of the UB pastors in Jamaica are trained at this school. Here are excerpts from their March 2013 newsletter, which was sent by email on Wednesday, March 27, the first day of their spring break.
We have 37 Bible students. The first year students are older, ranging in age from 25-58. Most work at least 8-40 hours a week besides coming to college. Thirteen are married and have 1-5 children. Their dedication to learning God’s Word is admirable.
We rejoice at the way God has been blessing students that Bob has taught over the years. Kensworth is presently the associate pastor in a church of over 500 in Kingston. In September, he is being sent to pastor a smaller church, which is struggling. His wife, Rosemarie, is a graduate of our Business School and teaches school. They are expecting their first child in April.
During March, three other American couples from the Church of the United Brethren in Christ were on campus. Harold and MaryAnn Hancock have been here since September 2012 and will return to the states at the end of May, but plan to return in September. Harold teaches welding and agriculture, and MaryAnn helps in the library.
Dwight and Patty Kuntz came in January and returned to USA a week ago. Dwight has been supervising the building projects at Malvern Camp and the dining complex on our campus. They plan to return when sufficient funds are raised to continue work on both projects.
Jason and Donna Hollopeter were here for the 62nd Annual Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Donna is the associate director of Global Ministries.
Twice a month, Lois has been doing Teacher Training Classes on behalf of Child Evangelism Fellowship. Approximately 25-30 have been attending. She continues to teach Boys Club at the Salem United Brethren church and Good News Club at Frankfield. Salem was recognized for its outstanding achievements for the past year. One of the many things was the church partnered with Jarred, a mission group from London, to supply used school furniture and many other items to 64 schools. There were a number of outreach programs.
We would be thrilled if more churches in the USA would support the building of the Dining Complex by sending financial help and work teams. Jamaica is a wonderful place in the winter to employ your skills and talents for the Lord.