14 Sep Dennis and Debbie Osberg – Back in Honduras
Dennis and Debbie Osberg, former UB endorsed missionaries, are back in Honduras serving at Academia los Pinares (Academy of the Pines) outside of Tegucigalpa. Dennis is the elementary school principal and Debbie is a substitute teacher. For the past six years Dennis and Debbie have worked at Westminster Academy, part of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida. The church has taken them on as one of their many missionaries.
Son Eric and his wife are in Denver, where is is looking for a teaching job. Graham is in his last semester at the University of Miami and plans to pursue medical school there. Amanda is a sophomore at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga.
Debbie writes, “Dennis and I have loved our jobs and ministry at Westminster Academy. Several months ago the superintendent from Academia Los Pinares, the school we were at for six years in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, contacted us to see if Dennis would be willing to return as Elementary Principal. After much prayer and thought, we realized our goal for returning to the states six years ago–establishing our kids in high school and college–had been accomplished, so we were available to return to the mission field. We quit our jobs, sold our house, and bought a condo so Graham could live in it while in med school and we’d have a place to call home when we visit the States. Dennis and I have now begun a new chapter in our lives, serving on the mission field with our kids in the States.”
Debbie, the daughter and granddaughter of UB ministers, says that though they are no longer involved in a UB church or UB missions, “I’ll always be UB through and through.”