Tom Mahas, youth pastor at Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio), was approved for his local church license December 17, 2009. Cluster Leader Brad Kittle, pastor of The ROCKĀ (Findlay, Ohio), will present it to him soon.

Tom is the guy who headed up the youth activities at the 2007 and 2009 US National Conferences.

Mark Ralph will become senior pastor of Lakeside Evangelical Congregational Church (Transfer, Pa.) effective January 1, 2010. Since 1975, Mark has been a pastor at Brown Corners UB (Clare, Mich), Shepherd Street UB (Charlotte, Mich.), and a UB church planter in Birmingham, Ala. Most recently, he was senior pastor of Sunfield UB (Sunfield, Mich.) 1997-2009. Mark has roots in the Evangelical Congregational Church, where his father was a pastor for 28 years. Mark himself pastored in the EC church 1981-1983.

We reported yesterday the death of Dave Jackson. Here are the arrangements for his funeral:

  • Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009
  • Location: College Park UB church, Huntington, Ind.
  • Time: 11 a.m.
  • Viewing: 10-11 a.m.

Extended information about Dave can be found on the website for Myers Funeral Homes.

Dave Jackson at a Christian Endeavor Convention in Germany

Dave Jackson at a Christian Endeavor Convention in Germany

Dave is known for his work with youth over the years:

  • Leader of the “Children of Faith” group at College Park UB in Huntington, Ind.
  • Denominational Youth Director 1966-1973, and led the UB youth conventions.
  • Executive Director of Christian Endeavor International 1979-1998.
  • Executive Director of World’s Christian Endeavor Union 1984-2006.

In addition, Dave worked as Dean of Men at Huntington University (1963-1966) and as Office Administrator/Treasurer for the denomination (1973-1979).

Bishop Phil Whipple reports that his wife, Sandy, had her heart catheterization, and there is no blockage. Praise the Lord! There is an irregularity with her heartbeat which can be regulated with a change in medication.

Thank you for your prayers for her.

Bishop Phil Whipple and his wife, Sandy, were supposed to be on vacation this week. However, this afternoon Phil took Sandy to St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind., where she is being checked out for heart symptoms.

Sandy is scheduled for a heart catheterization. She and Bishop Phil would appreciate your prayers at this time.

On Sunday, November 22, Bishop Phil Whipple returned to Colwood UB (Caro, Mich.), the church he pastored for 11 years before being elected bishop in June 2009. The visit was a surprise to the congregation, but senior pastor Jonathan Herron was well aware of it.

The occasion: to present a National Conference ministerial license to Jonathan Herron. Bishop Whipple presented the license during all three morning worship services.

Stuart and Judy JohnsStuart Johns has been named senior pastor of Idaville UB (Idaville, Pa.) effective November 1. He and his wife, Judy, moved from Marietta, Calif. Stuart is currently an ordained minister with another church. He spent ten years, 1995-2005, as a Child Evangelism Fellowship director. Most recently, he was Director of Development Systems for Every Generation Ministries.

We received word that Thelma Sommers, widow of UB minster Walter Sommers, passed away Monday morning, November 9. No details, except that the funeral will be held in Elkhart, Ind.