David Rawley (right), senior pastor of Otterbein UB church in Greencastle, Pa., gave the baccalaureate address for Greencastle-Antrim High School. His message was based on the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. He told them that to achieve their dreams, they may need to lose their most precious childhood possession–which, in Joseph’s case, was his colorful coat. “Part of the journey was, he had to lose the robe. It seemed like a tragedy. But that’s life.”

The RecordHerald.com printed quite a bit from his message. Dave has pastored Otterbein since 1985.

The following pastoral appointments have been made:

Abilene, Kansas. Don Goodwin has been named senior pastor of the UB church in Abilene effective June 1, 2011. He is from Wichita, Kansas. Bishop Whipple met with the stationing team from Abilene to perform the interview and will assist in processing a local church license.

Traverse City, Mich. Effective immediately, Caleb Palmer, a minister living in the Traverse City area, is the new pastor of Northland Community Church. He is in the licensing process with the United Brethren church.

Cascade, Md. Effective immediately, Terry Marshall has been named supply pastor of Pen Mar UB church in Cascade, Md. He is from the Church of God (Findlay, Ohio).

Robert Shellhouse, a retired UB pastor living in Hart Mich., underwent an abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. He is expected to come home today, May 26. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

Dolly Munn, 90, passed away on Friday, May 20, in Bowling Green, Ohio. She and her husband, Howard Munn, who survives, were married in 1941. They pastored several United Brethren churches in the former Sandusky Conference–Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio), First UB (New Castle, Pa.), and 26 years at Mt. Zion UB (Wayne, Ohio). More recently, Howard served as Visitation Pastor at Mainstreet Church in Walbridge, Ohio.

Rodney A. Minor, 57, a former minister in Pennsylvania, passed away May 17, 2011, at his home. Surviving are wife Mary and daughters Adrienne and Allison.
Memorial services were held May 20 at at Lebanon AreaEvangelical Free Church in Jonestown, Pa.

Jim and Julie Pryor kneel as Bishop Phil Whipple (right) prays for them. Assisting in the ceremony were Jerry Drummond (back, left) and Lee Rhodes.

On Sunday, May 15, 2011, Bishop Phil Whipple conducted an ordination service for Jim Pryor, senior pastor of Richfield Road UB church in Flint, Mich. The service was held at Richfield Road.

Two other ordained ministers typically assist in ordination services. In this case, they were:

  • Lee Rhodes, pastor of Countryside UB (Breckenridge, Mich.) and chairman of the US Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.
  • Jerry Drummond,  pastor of East Washington UB (Ashley, Mich.).

Todd Greenman (right), pastor of Morocco UB (temperance, Mich.), received his Master’s degree from Huntington University on Saturday, May 14. The church helped him celebrate on Sunday, May 15, with a cake, ice cream, and a time of fellowship following the service. Pastor Todd and his wife, Eva, came to Morocco in August of 2010.

Gaylon Overmyer, a laymen from Bethel UB of Elmore, Ohio, called the national office Monday morning. He said their pastor, Norm Pickett, suffered a heart attack on Thursday, May 12. We have since learned that he’s doing fairly well at this point. But you can still pray for the Pickett family and the Bethel congregation.

Update 4 pm Monday Afternoon

Rev. Pickett had a heart catheterization today. There was just one blockage, just past one of his bypasses. It was an 80% blockage and they were able to put in a stint. He will be kept overnight and then should be ready to come home. The family was quite relieved that this was all there was to report.

Bishop Phil Whipple (left) with Joe Cilone during a visit in December 2010.

It’s rare for a pastor to stay at a church for 30 years, but that’s how long Joe and Kay Cilone have served the Pleasant Heights UB church  in East Liverpool, Ohio.

The congregation will be celebrating the occasion on May 21 and 22. Best wishes can be sent to the Cilones at: 1471 Lighthouse Court, East Liverpool, Ohio 43920. Or email them.

Michael Longfellow has resigned as senior pastor of New Life Church in Chanute, Kansas. He has been the pastor since 2001, growing the church’s attendance from 30 to 120. He has also been cluster leader for the UB churches in Kansas and Missouri. His last Sunday will be June 12, 2011.

Michael and Lori and family (six children) have felt led to move to Wyoming to pastor Rock Springs Christian Church, a small congregation of 30-35 people in the denomination in which Michael was ordained in 1999.