December 6, 2010

New Hope's worship teams leads people in singing during the dedication service.

Senior Pastor Ray A. Seilhamer

The view from the upstairs technology booth.
New Hope UB church (Huntington, Ind.) dedicated its new Family Life Center during a 4pm service on Sunday, December 5. Bishop emeritus Ray A. Seilhamer, senior pastor of New Hope Church, emceed the service. Gary Dilley, senior pastor of cross-town College Park Church, gave the dedication address. A meal followed the service.
The 13,300-square-foot facility includes:
- A gymnasium/fellowship hall with a large stage on one end.
- A new kitchen.
- A large lobby area.
- A youth area upstairs.
- An exercise room.
New Hope started out as Etna Avenue UB church. The congregation moved to the current location in 1976 under the leadership of senior pastor Jim Sturgeon (who passed away on October 22, 2010). In the mid-1980s, during the tenure of senior pastor Russ Birdsall, they added a Christian education wing with classrooms, a fellowship hall, a new foyer, and offices.
The congregation decided to build the Family Life Center in 2007, and launched a fundraising campaign. A groundbreaking service was held April 25, 2010.
The financial goal is $836,576. To date, they have raised $628,060 in cash, with a total of $751,857 in gifts and commitments. If the church meets its financial goals, they will have a debt of $93,000 after 2012.
New Hope has a membership of 150, with 200 people who attend at least one service a month. The total constituency is over 300. Ministries the church currently runs include:
- The Stephen Ministry, which has existed for over 5 years.
- GriefShare, a powerful ministry which will start its fourth group next spring.
- DivorceCare, which just completed its first group.
- Pioneer Clubs, a midweek children’s ministry.
- A “Carpenter Shop” and food pantry, which minister to people within and outside of the congregation.
Beginning in January 2011, New Hope will work under College Park Church’s Upwards Basketball program. The new facility will provide practice space for the basketball teams and cheerleaders, and games will be held on Saturday mornings.