November 3, 2009
Early last Sunday morning, I picked up my good friend Wally before heading to Carson City, Mich., where I was scheduled to speak at Mount Hope United Brethren Church. Wally’s wife, Phylis, was sick with the flu and didn’t want Wally doting on her all day. She just needed to rest.
On the way there, Wally asked what to expect. I told him I had no idea. I believed it was a country church and told him the pastor’s name. Wally and I do a lot of wilderness canoeing trips together, so jumping into the unknown is not an issue.
We arrived at the church and were immediately greeted by folks in the parking lot. Within minutes, all of our display stuff was in the church vestibule and we were enjoying cookies and coffee. We met the pastor, Valerie Reynolds, and discovered that she was raised in Chicago near Wrigley Field. That followed with a lengthy conversation about the proper way to dress a hotdog and whether or not diced tomatoes belong on a dog. Wally grew up in Chicago, too.
The service went well. Sincere people with a sincere faith in God. It was great to hear of 14 people who have recently come to Christ, baptisms, and various outreaches to the community. The congregation was a mix of young and old, professional and blue collar. After the service, there was a potluck lunch in the adjacent building and great conversation around the tables.
Once we had things packed up and were on our way back to Fort Wayne, Wally asked, “So was that what you expected?”
I told him I was pleasantly surprised. Although the church has been there for years, it certainly is not a “has been” church but rather one that remains vital and continues to impact its community and world.
I told Wally, “I always come away from a church visit asking myself if I would attend this church if I lived in the community.” This Sunday, the answer was a definite yes!