25 Aug $17,100 from Easter Offering for Generator at Mattru
We are so thankful for many churches and individuals that, in spite of not having in-person church, gave generously towards the generator fund for the Easter offering. The generator will contribute to the longevity of the hospital solar grid and increase income from community sales that go to pay hospital salaries. Thank you!
Posted by UB Global on Monday, August 24, 2020
The Easter Offering raised $17,100, which will go toward buying and installing a generator at Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone. Here is more from David Kline, associate director of UB Global. This will greatly increase the efficiency and lifespan of the solar power grid.
Since installing this grid, the level of care has changed at the hospital. They now have the ability to depend on oxygen machines that sustain life. Care is much easier when lights are on while preforming medical procedures. And in the sweltering African heat, air conditioning in the operating room provides a cleaner, more controlled environment for both the patient and surgeon.
Above is a thank-you message from David Kline, associate director of UB Global.
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