05 Oct October 21: Celebrate! with UB Global
UB Global is holding a special missions event on Friday evening, October 21. It’s designed for the whole family, and it’s free!
When: 6:30 – 8:00 pm Friday, October 21
Where: Emmanuel UB church, (12222 US Highway 24 W, Fort Wayne, Ind. 46814
Cost: Free!
Some highlights:
- Designed for the whole family.
- Sample international appetizers from places like Ethiopia, Pakistan, Myanmar, and other countries.
- Missions stations for engaging with international cultures, including a challenge food table for extra spicy, weird-tasting foods.
- A great chance to meet & connect with others interested in missions from our wider region
- The evening will conclude with a series of short but high-impact stories of what God is doing around the world.
- Interact with the UB Global staff and other UB leaders.
Learn more on the UB Global website. You’ll also find promotional resources you can download.