Bobby Culler and Craig Mickey

The first Ministry Leaders Summit was held April 25-29 at the Plaza Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach, Fla. This event, designed for persons serving in staff roles at United Brethren churches, was a wonderful time of refreshment, relaxation and refueling.

Dr. Dave Rahn, the keynote speaker, brought challenging and insightful messages to the group dealing with our “joy switch” as well as some habits of integrity and ministry.

This summit included a mix of ministry positions from across the United Brethren denomination. And to say that it was enjoyable would be an understatement. Here are some of the comments from those who attended.

  • “It was valuable to me just hanging out with other like-minded people” (Matt Gish, High School Youth Pastor, King Street Church, Chambersburg, Pa.).
  • “Getting to know that people that I am working with at the different churches brings a sense of ‘we are in this together’” (Angela Vincenti, UB Global, Huntington, Ind.).
  • “I enjoyed spending face-to-face time with other ministers and having the chance to make connections and build friendship with people who understand the joys and struggles of ministry” (Jordan Hart, Worship Pastor, Atlantic Avenue UB church, Franklin, Pa.).
  • “The whole week was well planned and purposeful” (Julie Llewellyn, Early Childhood Pastor, Emmanuel Community Church, Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • “Getting to know other UB worship pastors and discussing ministry practices was very helpful” (Mark Young, Worship Pastor, Mt. Pleasant Church, Chambersburg, Pa.).
  • “To me, the relational sharpening and encouragement that takes place between attendees is very valuable” (Brian Kramer, Middle School Pastor, Emmanuel Community Church, Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • “I really enjoyed being able to connect with other worship pastors, and I love the community we’ve developed with the youth pastors” (Byron Spear, Youth & Worship Pastor, Colwood UB church, Caro, Mich.).

Future Summit dates are as follows:

April 24-28, 2023. UB Youth Summit.
April 29 – May 3, 2024. Ministry Leaders Summit.

We all look forward to being together again. Until then, continue to be faithful to the calling that God has placed on your life in the place that he has put you.

Rev. Marion E. Burkett, age 100, passed away May 4, 2022. Since becoming a United Brethren minister in the 1940s, he has served as a pastor, church planter, evangelist, and missionary in Sierra Leone. Here are the funeral details:

Visitation: 10:00 – 11:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
Funeral: 11:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
Location: Bailey Love Mortuary, 35 W Park Drive, Huntington, IN 46750.

From the online obituary at Bailey-Love:

“Marion spent his whole life in ministry, started at the age of 16 and faithfully continued teaching bible study up until one week before his passing. His life was devoted to his family and ministry as a pastor in congregations in several states and Canada and mission work in Southeast Kentucky and Sierra Leone West Africa for the Church of The United Brethren in Christ, United Methodist and Missionary churches.”

Preferred memorials to The Gideons International, in care of Bailey-Love Mortuary, 35 West Park Drive, Huntington, IN, 46750. Or go online to

Go to the Bailey-Love website for complete information.

Nancy N’Gele
Huntington, Ind.

“100 Years Loved” was the sign on the wall at Rev. Marion E. Burkett’s birthday party at Sugar Grove Church of the Nazarene in the village of Tunker, Ind. on Good Friday afternoon, April 15.

Earlier in the day, Rev. Burkett had conducted a Good Friday service at his residence, the Columbia City Miller’s Merry Manor. He shared that he had become a Christian believer 85 years before. His sons Rev. David Burkett, wife Julie, and daughter Molly from Franklin, Pa., and Rev. Phil Burkett and wife Darlene from Cass city, Mich., led in singing “The Old Rugged Cross” and “One Day,” accompanied by Phil on the accordion. Phil also sang an a capella solo of “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?”

Two members of the nursing home staff assisted Rev. Burkett in serving communion to approximately 40 residents and guests. Rev. Amos Rawley, pastor of New Hope United Brethren church in Huntington, gave the benediction.

At 2:00 p.m., the party began in Tunker, hosted by M. E. Burkett’s son Dr. Mark and Sandy Burkett. Delicious hot food and desserts were served guests from the church kitchen.

Special music was provided by sons David, Mark, and Phil, along with other family members. The family group sang two favorites of the guest of honor, “Life is Like a Mountain Railroad,” and “Trust and Obey,” with Darlene Burkett at the piano.

Approximately 75 members of the family and friends had come to celebrate the 100th birthday.

On Monday, the staff of Miller’s Merry Manor surprised him with another party with a huge cake and the release of 100 balloons.

Rev. Burkett grew up in a United Brethren church in Monroe, Mich. He was ordained as a United Brethren minister in 1946, and in the years ahead served in ministry in many ways. He pastored churches in a half-dozen states, served as a missionary in Sierra Leone for two terms in the 1950s and another term in 1971, served in Kentucky at the UB Laurel Mission and the United Methodist Redbird Mission, planted a UB church in Pima, Arizona…and so much more. It was fitting that he would spend his 100th birthday serving communion.

Rev. Burkett and his wife of 73 years, Frances, raised four sons. David and Phil became ordained United Brethren ministers and missionaries, and Mark became a medical doctor. The fourth son, Stephen, died of cancer in 1990.