23 Jan May 4-8: Ministry Leaders Summit
The Ministry Leaders Summit is for United Brethren persons serving in staff positions in United Brethren churches. This includes such roles as pastoral care, youth, worship, assimilation, adult education, visitation, counseling, missions, discipleship, children, etc. It is NOT for senior pastors.
The summit begins with dinner at 6:00 pm on Monday, and concludes with hotel checkout on Friday morning. It occurs at the same time as the third Pastor & Spouse summit to accommodate shared travel of staff and pastor.
Previously, two separate events were held–the annual Youth Workers Summit, and an Associate Summit for other persons in staff roles. This year, we are combining the two events at a beachfront hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla.
For registration questions and updates, contact Cathy Reich at [email protected] or 260-356-2312, ext. 311.