May 4-8, 2020 (Monday – Friday)
Daytona Beach, Fla.

The Ministry Leaders Summit is for United Brethren persons serving in staff positions in United Brethren churches. This includes such roles as pastoral care, youth, worship, assimilation, adult education, visitation, counseling, missions, discipleship, children, etc. It is NOT for senior pastors.

The summit begins with dinner at 6:00 pm on Monday, and concludes with hotel checkout on Friday morning. It occurs at the same time as the third Pastor & Spouse summit to accommodate shared travel of staff and pastor.

Previously, two separate events were held–the annual Youth Workers Summit, and an Associate Summit for other persons in staff roles. This year, we are combining the two events at a beachfront hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla.

For registration questions and updates, contact Cathy Reich at [email protected] or 260-356-2312, ext. 311.

Every two years, we hold summits for senior pastors and spouses of churches of all sizes. In the past, the denomination has covered all costs except for transportation and a few meals. The 2020 summits will be held at a beachfront hotel in Daytona Beach, Fla. Here are the dates.

April 20-23, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance above 300.

April 27-30, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance of 150-300.

May 4-7, 2020 (Monday – Thursday)
Summit for senior pastors and spouses from churches with an attendance less than 150. This will occur at the same time as the Ministry Leaders Summit.

Summit details and registration links will be sent to each pastor for the summit(s) they are invited to attend. For registration questions and updates, contact Cathy Reich at [email protected] or 260-356-2312, ext. 311.

The UB History Course is held periodically in regional locations. Two classes are scheduled for March 2020. Both will be held in conjunction with the Idea to Action Symposium.

Date and Time

In both locations, the course will be held 3-6 pm Monday, March 30, and 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday, March 31

Huntington, Ind.

Location: UB National Office in Huntington, Ind.
Instructor: Rev. Robert Bruce

Harrisburg, Pa.

Location: Devonshire UB church, Harrisburg, Pa.
Instructor: Dr. Daryl Elliott

The United Brethren History Course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. The cost is $200 for persons seeking a ministerial license, $100 for everyone else.

Go here for full information and to register.

Rev. Ralph Fry (right), 79, a UB minister in four states going back to 1967, passed away November 27, 2019. He was from the former Beecher Street United Brethren church in North Baltimore, Ohio, and earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Huntington University in 1970 and 1971. He was ordained in 1972.

Fry served the following United Brethren churches:

  • 1967-1971: Welcome Chapel (Van Buren, Ind.).
  • 1970-1971: Mt. Zion UB (Warren, Ind.).
  • 1973-1975: Victory Heights (Franklin, Pa.),
  • 1973-1974: Oil City UB (Oil City, Pa.).
  • 1976-1996: Faith UB (Lake Brantley, Fla.)
  • 1997-2005: Ebenezer (Greencastle, Pa.)

He is survived by his wife, Bev, whom he married in 1959. They had five children. At the time of his death, they were living in Hendersonville, N. C.

Dr. Luke Fetters (right), an ordained United Brethren minister, has been named vice president for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty at Huntington University, effective January 1, 2020. He had been serving in that role in an interim capacity since August 1, 2019.

Dr. Fetters earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from HU in 1982 and 1984, and served in UB pastoral ministry 1980-1986 (including founding Shoreline UB church in Oak Harbor, Ohio, in 1984). He and his wife, Audrey, were part of the team that founded the UB mission in Macau in 1986. After concluding his missionary service in 1997, he became executive assistant to the President at Huntington University, and has served as a professor and graduate dean since then.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty is the senior administrator of the University’s academic programs. This role includes the following responsibilities within the academic area: supervising faculty as well as assistant and associate deans, planning and operating all academic programs, preparing the academic budget, supervising the library and academic registration, and overseeing the academic facilities.

Rev. Brooks Fetters (right), an ordained United Brethren minister, has been named Chief Marketing and Development Officer for Pathfinder Services, Inc., in Huntington, Ind. At the end of 2019, he completed eight years as mayor of the city of Huntington.

He served in United Brethren ministry 1985-1997, followed by 13 years as a funeral home director in Huntington, Ind., before being elected to the first of two terms as mayor in 2012. He and his wife, Barbara, also own the Purviance House Bed & Breakfast in Huntington.