February 7, 2019

Registration is now open for the 2019 US National Conference. This is a four-day family-oriented conference held every two years. It’s a time of spiritual refreshment, fellowship, encouragement, worship, fun, and learning. You’ll become acquainted with United Brethren people from churches across the country.
Date: July 17-20, 2019
Location: Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green, Ohio
We’ve held national conferences at hotels, convention centers, and a church, but never at a university. We’re excited about what Bowling Green State University has to offer. The small-town setting and campus atmosphere will make the conference very special.
All of our meetings—services, workshops, etc.—will be held in the Bowen Thompson Student Union building. Right next door is The Oaks dining facility where most folks will no doubt choose to eat. And lodging is available in a nearby residence hall, for those who wish to stay on campus.
The registration page has several parts. You MUST register for the conference itself, but it’s your choice what you do about food and lodging.
1. Register for the conference. (Required)
Individual: $75 ($90 after June 1, 2019)
Family: $115 ($140 after June 1, 2019)
Individual Day Pass: $40
2. Reserve accommodations—either in campus residence halls, or at local hotels. (Optional)
You are welcome to stay in Founders Hall, a campus residence hall. All of the beds are single (twin) beds, and there are no TVs in any rooms. It won’t be as comfy as a motel room, but it’s convenient and inexpensive. A set of linens and breakfast vouchers for the dining hall will be provided. Read more here.
The Registration page has links to four hotels in Bowling Green which are giving us a special conference rate. All four are located within a half-mile of the campus. Many other hotels are located 10-14 miles away on the outskirts of Toledo.
3. Purchase meal tickets for the campus dining hall. (Optional)
The Oaks has an excellent variety of food. You can purchase lunch and dinner meals.
Adults: $10 per meal.
Youth (age 8-12): $6.75 per meal.
Children (4-7): $5.25 per meal.
Kids under 3 eat free with a purchased adult meal.
Business Session
The Business session will be held Thursday morning, July 18. Every UB church can send at least one layperson as a voting delegate, and most actively-serving UB ministers also have voting status. The requirements are spelled out in ¶503 of the UB Discipline.
Lay Delegates. The formula is based on average attendance–one lay delegate for the first 150 persons, and an additional delegate for each 100 persons after that.
Clergy Delegates. Ministers are eligible if they hold a Specialized Minister or National Conference license, and are employed by a United Brethren church in the US National Conference. That covers most ministers. A few other situations are spelled out in ¶503.1.
Proposals and Regional Meetings
United Brethren constituents are invited to submit proposals for consideration during the Business session. The deadline is March 1, 2019. Complete details about the process and schedule for submitting proposals were publicized in November 2018.
In May, Bishop Todd Fetters will lead a series of regional meetings to review the proposals. The time in each location is 9:00 – 11:30 am.
- May 6: Chambersburg, Pa.
- May 8: Willshire, Ohio.
- May 13: Sunfield, Mich.
- May 15: Virtual meeting via Zoom.
Ministers and lay delegates are strongly encouraged to participate in one of these meetings. Complete information can be found here. Please register using the link.
Basic Schedule
Childcare will be available during the evening services and at selected other times. Go here for the full schedule.
Wednesday (July 17) |
2:00 |
Registration |
6:30 |
Opening session / reception |
Thursday (July 18) |
7:30 |
Breakfast for delegates and advisory members (not spouses). |
8:30 – Noon |
Business session. |
Noon |
Lunch and afternoon on your own |
6:30 |
Evening session / reception |
Friday (July 19) |
8:00- 9:30 |
Breakfast for retired ministers and spouses |
9:00 – Noon |
Workshops |
Noon – 6:30 |
Lunch and afternoon on your own |
6:30 |
Evening session / reception |
Saturday (July 20) |
9:00 – 11:00 |
Concluding service |
Communion, ordinations |
Message from Bishop Todd Fetters |
Dismissal |
Links about the 2019 US National Conference