01 Feb UB History Course: Two Locations During March
During March 2017, the United Brethren History Course is being offered in two locations.
March 6-7, 2017 (Monday/Tuesday)
Location: New Hope Community Church, Bryan, Ohio
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm both days
Instructor: Bob Bruce, Pastor of Spiritual Care, Emmanuel Community Church, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Three nearby hotels are recommended–Holiday Inn Express, Colonial Manor Motel, and the Plaza Motel. The UB website has information about all three.
March 21-22, 2017 (Tuesday/Wednesday)
Location: King Street Church, Chambersburg, Pa.
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm both days
Instructor: Daryl Elliott, senior pastor of Fountain UB Church, Keyser, W. Va.
The nearby Holiday Inn Express is recommended for lodging. They’ll give course attendees a special rate.
The cost is $200, if you are seeking a ministerial license, and $100 for everyone else.
For ministers, there is a $50 discount if you pay fully in advance of the class, making your cost just $150.
Trials and Triumphs Book
You’ll need a copy of Trials and Triumphs, a history of the United Brethren Church. You can order a copy for $20.70 from the National Office ($14.95 for the book, $5.75 shipping for the US). Order a copy by calling toll-free: 888-622-3019, ext 301. Or order a copy with your registration below.
You can register at the UB website.
The United Brethren History Course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. However, people who just want to learn more about United Brethren history are welcome to take the course. The course is held periodically in regional settings. During the past five years, 150 people have attended the course in 20 different sessions.
For UB ministers, the UB History Course qualifies for 12 credit hours.