11 Aug Sierra Leone Breaks Ground in Pujehun

Various persons took their turn in the ground-breaking.

On the left is John Pessima, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference.
Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries
Sierra Leone Conference held a groundbreaking for a Christian school in Pujehun. The conference has been doing extensive evangelistic and church planting work among the primarily Sunni Muslim population of this province.
The conference has used education to support church planting efforts in other regions, and hopes this will provide further opportunity to evangelize and disciple young people and their families.
A champion of this work has been Rev. Micheal Mudge (right), pastor of Bethany House of the Lord, a UB church in Cumberland, Md. He has raised tens of thousands of dollars from his local church, churches in his cluster, and groups and churches outside the United Brethren denomination.
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