02 Apr With Rick Tyler, Global Ministries Endorsed Staff, in Peru

Rick Tyler (left) on the field with Christian Missions Resource Centre.
Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries
Rick Tyler is an endorsed member of the Global Ministries staff from Parkwood Gardens UB church in Guelph, Ontario. He serves with the Christian Missions Resource Centre. Rick is currently in Peru on a missions trip. I asked him if he could share a little bit about what they’re doing. Rick sent the following.
Christian Missions Resource Centre serves indigenous ministries in Cuba, Peru, Guatemala and Jamaica spiritually, and with practical gifts of helps.
High in the Peruvian Andies, our short-term mission team in Urubamba, Peru, is ministering with Mision America Church and school (March 29- April 12). Pastor David and Duska Chavez have served their community for over 15 years. Their church has grown to include a TV channel that CMRC had the privilege of building a production studio for last fall. With a medical doctor and family therapist on this year’s team, our team will journey to remote villages offering medical clinics and distributing blankets.
The Mision America school includes all grades, with teaching in both Spanish and English. The school is recognized by local officials as a model educational institution, and enrollment is on the rise. We assist with construction projects and supplies as the school continues to grow.
I consider it a privilege to call these folks friends, and I marvel at their faith in God’s provision. Every trip has its God moments, and this trip is no exception.
The support and encouragement received from Parkwood Gardens church (my home church in Guelph, Ontario), the Ontario Conference, family and friends is greatly appreciated. My mission work truly is a team effort.
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