On Sunday September 8, Morocco UB church (Temperance, Mich.) held its annual Family Fun Fest. Well over 100 people came throughout the afternoon.

They served pork sandwiches, cole slaw, applesauce, bags of chips, and many homemade desserts. There were outdoor games for all, and several activites just for kids. As people enjoyed the outside, they could get free cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, and shelled peanuts.

This year Morocco did a people’s choice for judging the Church Ice Cream Making Contest, so everyone got to sample all the ice cream. Mark Smith won, and now holds the coveted Golden Ice Cream Scoop Award for the year.

Many persons outside the church came to have fun and see what Morocco Church was all about. Todd Greenman is the pastor of Morocco.

Mabel Mundy, who has worked at the United Brethren national office since 1987, had knee replacement surgery yesterday (September 10), and will be out of the office for at least a month. The surgery went well, and she began physical therapy today. Mabel worked 16 years in Global Ministries and has spent the past 10 years in the Finance department. Mabel’s address: 8401 W 600 N, Andrews, IN  46702.

The Renew team upon arriving in Haiti. Pastor Andy Sikorra is third from the left.

The Renew team upon arriving in Haiti. Pastor Andy Sikorra is third from the left.

Watching tarps put on a roof.

Watching tarps put on a roof.

Team members with some Haitians.

Team members with some Haitians.

Team members with some Haitians.

Team members with some Haitians.

Six persons from Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio) traveled to Haiti, where they have been working with Haiti Bible Mission. “Their goal is to raise up indigenous leaders to plant and lead churches so when we go we come as support to that mission,” says senior pastor Andy Sikorra (right).

This was the second time Renew has sent a team to Haiti.

“We donated over $15,000 last year to help plant a church in Kolimo, a village outside of Jeremie. This trip we took 40+ tarps to help tarp roofs in areas where the mission is at work. We saw many accept Christ and relationships built for the future movement of these churches.

“The most powerful aspect was to see young Haitian men connected to the mission leading in the neighborhoods (essentially slums) where they live. The community would look to the Americans, and we could say ‘He’s the boss. Talk with him!’ It brought great credibility and clearly opened the way for Gospel movement.”

This fall Huntington University welcomed a total of 1,113 students:

  • 943 traditional undergraduate students.
  • 110 adult students.
  • 60 graduate students.

The new student class this year totals 267.

Huntington students this year represent 31 states, 21 countries, and a wide range of ethnicities. Of the 943 undergraduate students, 42 are international students and 72 are ethnic minorities.

Overall, Huntington has the most diverse undergraduate student population–both in terms of total numbers and percentage of enrollment–in school history.

“I’m very encouraged and enthused about the progress we have made in this important area of our student family,” said Jeff Berggren, senior vice president for Enrollment Management and Marketing. “As a Christ-centered campus, we should be more reflective of the full body of Christ.”

UB ministers in Haiti (l-r): Marshall Woods, Kent Koteskey, Mark Wilson, Brad Kittle, Jeff Bleijerveld, and Bishop Phil Whipple.

UB ministers in Haiti (l-r): Marshall Woods, Kent Koteskey, Mark Wilson, Brad Kittle, Jeff Bleijerveld, and Bishop Phil Whipple.

Bishop Phil Whipple and Global Ministries Director Jeff Bleijerveld are in Haiti, where the United Brethren denomination has about 30 churches and is engaged in a variety of ministries. Accompanying them are four other United Brethren ministers:

  • Marshall Woods, senior pastor of Mill Chapel (Reedsville, W. Va.).
  • Brad Kittle, senior pastor of Praise Point (Willshire, Ohio).
  • Mark Wilson, senior pastor of Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Kent Koteskey, executive pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

They were joined in Haiti by two representatives from an organization called Loving Shepherd Ministries. The group left Monday, September 9, and will return on September 16.

John Pessima and his wife, Nancy, will be in the United States October 24 – December 6, 2013. John is bishop of Sierra Leone National Conference, and Nancy is very active in the Sierra Leone Women’s Missionary Fellowship.

The purpose of the trip is to be available to speak in United Brethren churches for Thank Offering services, missions conferences, WMF programs, etc. Ideally, they’ll speak to different churches and groups separately, but they can come to your church as a couple if necessary.

Bishop Pessima will share about the conference’s mission work among Sunni Muslims in Pujehun Province, where more than 4000 have come to faith in Christ. He will also provide updates regarding the hospital, changes at the Evangelical College of Theology, and continuing efforts to train and develop effective leaders.

Nancy Pessima will share about the ministry of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship, about how women have been involved in arranging for the adoption of orphaned children by UB families in Sierra Leone, and about small business efforts, evangelism, and discipleship efforts.

Arrangements are being made through Rev. Joe Abu, pastor of Mt. Zion United African Church in Philadelphia, Pa. If interested in having John and/or Nancy Pessima come to your church, call the Mt. Zion office ASAP: 267-240-9942.

marion-brottMany Huntington University alums will remember Marian Brott, who worked in the college library and admissions office. She passed away Tuesday, August 27, in Fort Wayne, Ind. Marion was 91 years old. She was a member of the former Montgomery UB church in Montgomery, Mich. The funeral was held August 30 in Reading, Mich.

Global Ministries is sponsoring three trips to Sierra Leone during the next few months. All three involve ministry at Mattru Hospital.

November 2013
This is a medical trip to Mattru Hospital. Dates: November 9 – November 23 or 24 (contingent upon flight availability).

Needed specifically are another doctor, a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant, a couple of nurses, and a surgeon. Also needed are a support person to assist with minor maintenance at Mattru Hospital.

Due to the close departure time, if you are interested please email Donna Hollopeter or call her (888-622-3019) before September 15.

January 10-25, 2014
Global Ministries is sponsoring a team to Sierra Leone to work at Mattru Hospital to do renovations on Harmony House. This is an existing structure that needs upgrades and complete renovations to make it ready for occupancy by future short-term teams. We need persons experienced with construction or who could provide assistance acting as material preparers and other support type positions.

Space is rapidly filling, so if you are interested please contact Donna at Global Ministries for more information and an application form. Cost: $2500 per person.

January 22 – February 9, 2014
A follow-up team is needed to accompany Dr. Ron Baker. This team will be strictly medical in nature. Needed for this trip are physicians, surgeons, and physician assistants.

Requirements for all three trips include a valid passport and the following:

  • Yellow fever immunization (mandatory).
  • Hepatitis A & B immunizations.
  • Typhoid immunizations.
  • Updated tetanus and flu shots.
  • The anti-malarial drug Doxycycline for each person.

The Kline family with the Global Ministries staff. L-r: Frank Y, David Kline, Melissa Kline, Aiden Kline, Mia Kline, Jeff Bleijerveld, Brandt Kline, Donna Hollopeter, Jana Gass.

The Kline family with the Global Ministries staff. L-r: Frank Y, David Kline, Melissa Kline, Aiden Kline, Mia Kline, Jeff Bleijerveld, Brandt Kline, Donna Hollopeter, Jana Gass.

David and Melissa Kline and children have returned from Macau. They showed up at the United Brethren Office on Tuesday morning, September 3. Here they are with the Global Ministries staff.

Dwight and Patti Kuntz have returned from Jamaica, where they served as short-term coordinators/liaisons between Jamaica Conference and North American short-term teams. They will be in the U.S. during the fall Thank Offering season, and are available to speak in churches for Thank Offering services and mission conferences. They can be contacted via email at [email protected].