January 2014: Construction Team for Sierra Leone

Harmonie House at Mattru Hospital

Harmonie House at Mattru Hospital

The large central room.

The large central room.

The kitchen in disrepair.

The kitchen in disrepair.

Global Ministries is looking for individuals to become part of a construction team to do building restoration on Harmonie House on the Mattru Hospital compound. In the past, Harmonie House was a dormitory for nurses. It will be used to house medical teams and personnel working at Mattru Hospital.

The trip will take place in January 10-24, 2014. We would like to send a team of at least 6 individuals who have a knowledge of general construction. Requirements for this trip include the following:

  • A current passport that will not expire within six months of the January departure date.
  • A yellow fever immunization (these can be obtained from the county health department).
  • Immunizations are also suggested for the following: cholera, tetanus, hepatitis A & B battery, plus a script for doxycycline, the anti-malarial med that works in Sierra Leone.

Global Ministries will work with each applicant in acquiring a special entry visa into Sierra Leone.

For more information and an application form, please contact Donna Hollopeter at 888-622-3019 ext. 306, or by sending an email to [email protected]

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