March 8, 2012
The new addition at the Yoro church in Honduras
The Hebron church
The kitchen/dining hall at the retreat center.
Nancy and Wilbur Fritz, from the King Street church in Chambersburg, Pa., recently led a team to work at several places in Honduras. Here’s is Nancy’s report.
Nancy Fritz (right)
From February 18-28, 2012, a ministry team from King Street Church (Chambersburg, Pa.) made a whirlwind trip through parts of north-central Honduras. What a joy to see God at work in so many areas!
The UB church in Yoro is building an addition adjacent to their present church. This will provide classrooms for children and youth, restroom facilities, and the pastor’s study and personal area. Yoro UB church is doing outreach! Each week a group of adults and youth bring the Word of God to children in the village of Santa Ana where there is no church.
Hebron UB church in the village of El Pino is still home to some of the original families who settled there when the land was cleared and the first houses were built in 2002. Pastor Juan Carlos travels from La Ceiba to preach and minister to the people at Hebron. Faithful ladies still teach the Bible to the children. However, the church building structure is showing signs of the need for attention.
Bethel UB in La Ceiba remains solid, friendly, and active. They have a new pastor, Luis Granwell. With much support and encouragement from the Bethel congregation, former pastor Jose Rivera is now planting the Faith and Hope UB church, located about 10 blocks from Bethel.
Bethel Christian School, on the same campus with the Honduras Conference headquarters and the Bethel UB church, continues to teach students from kindergarten through college. Enrollment has reached 2000! They’re making good use of their newest facility–a technical training center where students learn elementary and advanced English, home-making, vocational subjects, and a wide range of computer skills.
The UB Retreat Center is located 6 miles east of La Ceiba on a beautiful landscaped hillside. Large shade trees, 2 covered pavilions, a canteen, picnic tables, swimming pool, basketball court, staff housing, and a hike up the hill to overlook the Caribbean all add to the ambiance that makes this an ideal setting for ministering to children, youth, and adults. (Superintendent Mrs. Juanita Chavez asks everyone to pray that God will send a director for the Center and provide funds to complete the refurbishing of the kitchen and dining area.)
The Balfate UB church is located about 90 minutes east of La Ceiba. It is growing steadily under the leadership of Pastor Daniel Melgar, with attendance now averaging 60-80 each Sunday. It was a long time coming, but after 3 years of godly perseverance and hard physical labor, Pastor Melgar and his family are extremely grateful to be settled in their own home.
Balfate UB is the home church of missionaries Rigo and Christy Andino. Christy, the daughter of Wycliffe missionaries Roger and Marilyn Reeck, is a teaching and practicing registered nurse as well as part-time administrator of the new hospital, Loma de Luz (Light on a Hill). Rigo drills wells to provide safe water and serves as ambulance driver for the hospital. The Andinos are parents of 3 young children.