22 Aug Thailand: 3 Churches, 1 Student Center

Children singing at one of our churches in Thailand.
Rev. Mark Choi, mission director for Hong Kong Conference, provided this information about the three churches and the student center in northern Thailand. Hong Kong provides the primary oversight of our ministries in Thailand.
Litao Village Church. Rev. Li began this church in 1992, and it now has 300 members. Most of them are tea workers, earning about $200 (US) per month. Some of them work in Bangkok or Taiwan as laborers or servants. Rev. Li intend to rebuild the church with two levels–a ground floor with 3 classrooms for Sunday school, and an upper floor for worship services.
Roman Village Church. This church began in 2006. Rev. Li had tried for a long time to plant a church here, working hard to reach the people of this village. Now, Mr. Ah Tu is the assistant pastor to Rev. Li. The church has 60 members.
New Church at Laozuo Village. We intend to plant a new Chinese church at Laozuo village, either on land provided by Rev. Li or in cooperation with Zhongxing Middle School. It does depend on the financial situation. Rev. Li has land to offer for further development, but the size seems too small for any long-term strategy. The site of Zhongxing Middle School is more flexible. If it becomes a Christian school, we can have our own church with bilingual language worship there. In addition, it can serve as a training center or social service center.
Student Center. The Student Center opened in 2000, and serves 26 children from ages 6-16. Most of them are orphans or from single-parent families. Due to the high inflation, the monthly expense for each child is about $70 (US).
We hope that we can help the Thailand field become more independent financially in the future, and that the living standard of the villagers can be improved. They could share the love of Christ with other tribes.
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