16 Mar Jamaica National Conference

L-r: Scott Hughes (from Mainstreet Church, Walbridge, Ohio, Dr. Owen Gordon (Western District superintendent), Rev. Isaac Nuggent (Central Distrist superintendent), Rev. Lebert Thompson (Eastern District superintendent), Bishop Winston Smith, Rev. Jeff Bleijerveld (Director of Global Ministries).

UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp to fellowship in the Lord

The message on "Godly Leadership" by Bishop Winston Smith.

The prayer for the pastors and their families.
Written by Deon McLennon
Jamaica National Conference concluded its 59th annual conference on Sunday, March 14. UB members from all across Jamaica gather at Kendal Camp for the event.
The worship service began with praise and worship being led by the Burnt Savannah praise team, after which Rev. Courtney Morgan opened in prayer. This was followed by the welcome by welcome by Dr. Owen Gordon the western district superintendent. The scripture reading was taken from Ezekiel 34:1-16.
The songs “We will Remember” and “A New Hallelujah” were sung by the combined senior choir and combined junior choir respectively. Jeff Bleijerveld brought greetings from Global Ministries.
Bishop Winston Smith delivered a sterling sermon on godly Leadership which inspired us all to aspire to be godly leaders. After the sermon, the congregation sang “Sound the Battle Cry.” We then had a communion service.
The evening session included the best of youth rally 2010 and was highlighted by the charge from Rev. Dr. Lloyd Spencer and the ordination of Pastor Baldwin Peterkin. The resolution was read by Sister Carolyn Johnson, which was followed by a prayer for the pastors and their families, followed by the close of the conference.
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