
Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) co-sponsored a Walk Thru the Bible (Old Testament) seminar on June 28, along with five other churches in their zip code: Presbyterian, United Methodist, Mennonite, Evangelical Lutheran, and Church of Christ. The churches held a joint Vacation Bible School the past two years, but this year decided to try a Walk Thru the Bible seminar instead.

WalkThru_Anchorpeople300.jpgAbout 120 adults attended the event, most of them from the six sponsoring churches. They included 19 people from Anchor, some of whom are in the photo on the right. Folks from probably a dozen other churches scattered around the city also attended, most having learned about the seminar through a newspaper article.

The six churches are all fairly small, with around 100-150 people attending. They all have a heart for reaching neighborhood people for Christ and for growing as Christians.

Earlier this year, Anchor joined three Presbyterian churches in building a Habitat for Humanity home for a nine-person family from Somalia, who had previously spent 13 years in refugee camps. After about a year of fundraising, construction began in May; a number of Anchor people helped with construction. The home was dedicated on June 21.